When Grey got asked onto the View to discuss her reading-to-first-graders scandal, we asked what we all were so afraid of . In the same vein, adult actress Aurora Snow asks whether her work in porn should completely disqualify her from ever working with young school children. more › See original here: Porn Star Asks: ‘Am I Fit to Be Around School Children?’
Posts Tagged ‘ work ’
Is ‘M*A*S*H’ Star Harry Morgan’s Past Getting Whitewashed in His Obituaries?
Harry Morgan died yesterday at his home in Los Angeles, and most of the obituaries about his legacy mentioned his work on “M*A*S*H,” “Dragnet” and “Inherit the Wind.” But there was something troubling missing from the obits: a description of his relatively recent arrest for beating up his wife. more › Original post: Is ‘M*A*S*H’ Star Harry Morgan’s Past Getting Whitewashed in His Obituaries?
Trapped Kitten Rescued From Pipe
Working Thanksgiving Every Year
The Term ‘Role Model’ Makes Neil Patrick Harris ‘Cringe’
Bright, charming, charismatic, and out of the closet — what better characteristics for a gay role model? While Neil Patrick Harris might possess all of those qualities, he recently revealed that he isn’t exactly comfortable with being positioned as someone others look to for leadership. At the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center’s 40th anniversary gala last week, where he and husband David Burtka were honored, he told E!’s Marc Malkin, “I sort of go out of my way not to be Soap Box Johnny.” Harris noted, “We’re super happy to lead by example, but even to define ourselves in any kind of leadership position I think is awkward… I cringe when I hear people say they consider themselves role models.” Burtka feels similarily. “We really don’t do anything,” he said. “We take care of our kids. We’re in a relationship. We love each other, but we don’t go out of the way to stand on a soapbox.” This isn’t the first time that Harris has spoken out about his reluctancy to be labeled a role model. When asked about being an advocate for the LGBT community during a 2008 Out magazine interview he responded: “My job is jester — not advocate… I’m striving to be an example of normalcy. Because I’m noticed as an actor, people are aware of what’s happening in my life, and that I can’t change, and if I tried to, it’d be an uphill battle. I’d be angry and bitter.” Excerpt from: The Term ‘Role Model’ Makes Neil Patrick Harris ‘Cringe’
Council OKs Trousdale View Restoration Rules
The City Council on Tuesday unanimously enacted view restoration rules that regulate foliage height in the Trousdale Estates . “The ordinance allows a resident … who believes that his or her view is being blocked by privately owned foliage on a neighbor’s property to send a certified letter to the neighbor … asking that they trim the vegetation,” according to a statement released by the city. If view and foliage owners cannot agree on a resolution, the view owner would offer mediation to the foliage owner via a neutral party to reach an agreement, the statement explains. If no agreement results after the mediation, the view owner may apply for a Planning Commission hearing and decision, which can be appealed to the city council. If the council denies a view owner’s appeal, he or she may initiate private legal action. Tuesday’s update, which reflected staff revisions to the proposed ordinance inspired by residents’ views expressed at the Nov. 3 council meeting, established the following: There is a 15-foot maximum height limit for foliage measured according to a property’s grade in relation to the height of a home’s roof. If a foliage owner denies access to his or her property in order to prevent a view restoration survey, “the survey shall be prepared using other available information,” according to a presentation by Senior Planner Michele McGrath. Regarding enforcement, “the city shall take such action as appropriate to ensure initial compliance with the view restoration permit,” City Attorney Larry Wiener said after council members requested a language adjustment. If the city determines a resident is in compliance with the ordinance, “any further dispute … shall be resolved by a civil action initiated by the view owner,” according to McGrath’s presentation. “The prevailing party in any such civil action … shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred in the litigation.” Planning staff will report back to the council within 12 months on the ordinance’s impact. Additional guidelines for the ordinance are in the works and will be discussed at the Dec. 19 Planning Commission meeting, according to the statement. The fully developed set of rules will be posted on the city’s website in January. Be sure to follow Beverly Hills Patch on Twitter and “Like” us on Facebook . The rest is here: Council OKs Trousdale View Restoration Rules
Lorri L. Jean: Turning 40 Never Felt So Good… or Did So Much Good!
The L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center’s 40th Anniversary Gala & Auction, a star-studded celebration hosted by Leslie Jordan at the Westin Bonaventure on November 12, helped raise more than $680,000 for our many services to build the health, advocate for the rights and enrich the lives of LGBT people. Surrounded by more than 1,200 donors and supporters — and even one of the pioneers who helped found the center — I was awed by this incredible community and everything we have accomplished together. Our theme for this year’s gala was “40 Years of Family.” There are a lot of ways to define family, but one of my favorites is this: people with common goals and values who share a lifelong commitment to one another. That certainly describes the center, just as it does this year’s honorees and those who presented the awards to them: * Proud fathers of adorable twins Harper and Gideon, Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka have put a new public face on families with same-sex parents. They have given generously to support our LifeWorks program, to which so many young LGBT people turn for support. We were proud to have Jane Lynch honor the handsome and talented couple with our Rand Schrader Distinguished Achievement Award. I was touched by Neil’s observation that the center is helping to create a world where, for same-sex couples, “being married and being a parent doesn’t have to be about making a statement, and it can be just about living our lives.” * Chaz Bono has been a dedicated activist in our community since his “first coming out” in the ’90s. Since his more recent coming out as a transgender man, he has become an even greater trailblazer. By bravely and publicly sharing the journey of his transition, and his family’s journey, he has set a courageous example that is helping transgender youth and their families around the world. David Arquette, who reflected upon the struggles his transgender sister, Alexis, faced in order to feel “comfortable in her own skin,” was proud to present Chaz with our Board of Directors Award. (Chaz visited the center for a tour he week before the event; I was proud to share with him how much the center has expanded our services for the transgender community since he last walked through the doors.) * We’re grateful to count Jane and her wife, Dr. Lara Embry, as part of the center family. Jane did the California AIDS Ride (a precursor to our present-day AIDS/LifeCycle) back in the ’90s, and Lara rode with us from San Francisco to Los Angeles for the first time this year. Though Jane’s star has risen stratospherically (and deservedly!), she hasn’t forgotten us; she continues to serve on our board of directors and to be there when we need her. The evening included many poignant moments: Surprising our longest-tenured woman board member, LuAnn Boylan with an award honoring her astounding 19 years of service to the center; board member Peter Paige’s heartfelt remembrances of turning to the center as a youth in need of support; Clinton Leupp recalling the early years of the AIDS epidemic and the anger that led him to create his alter ego, the drag star Miss Coco Peru, followed by a powerful rendition of “Those Were the Days”; and so many others. Plus, Leslie Jordan provided countless laughs as the emcee of the evening — perhaps most memorably in his Madonna-esque cone breasts. It was a night that made me exceptionally proud, not only of what the center is today but also that we are part of such an incredible tradition of activism. We’ve been calling it “40 Years of Family” because the center formally incorporated in 1971 — but in fact our roots reach all the way back to 1969. Our co-founders took action within months of the Stonewall riots; first was Morris Kight providing information and referrals and then Don Kilhefner creating a “Gay Survival Committee” for those in desperate need. Another co-founder, Jon Platania, opened several “Liberation Houses” to provide housing and employment services for homeless LGBT youth and adults — the first such residential programs in the world. And social worker June Herrle became the architect of the center’s focus on social services. And always, fighting for our rights as a key part of the center’s mission. Over the decades, we have held true to their vision of building a stronger and healthier LGBT community, taking care of our own and fighting for the equal place in society that we deserve. Now a resident of Berkeley, Jon recently came down to visit; he toured all of our facilities to see first-hand how the founders’ vision has been realized and built-upon. How very appropriate that on this special anniversary, Jon could reconnect with the center and even join us to celebrate our family at the gala. We stand proudly on his and all of our founders’ shoulders. Thanks to Jon and the other founders, the cnter has mattered to people who count on us. For more than 40 years, the center has been like family to countless members of our community. We have been there for people at their times of greatest sadness and happiness, in their times of greatest need and generosity — just like a family is supposed to be. I can’t even count the numbers of people who have told me that they found their “family of choice” through their involvement with the center. Moreover, the center has become a beacon of hope to LGBT people all over the world. We represent what any community of people can do when they set their minds to it. What was begun by a handful of volunteers with $35 in the bank has become a life-changing, life-saving institution that is making a difference to thousands of people every week and inspiring many more around the globe. I wish, after 40 years, we could say our work is done. But we know that isn’t true. We still don’t have equality under the law. All too often the rights we do have, and sometimes our very humanity, are under attack. So, as long as we are treated as second-class citizens, as long as HIV and AIDS continue to be on the rise in our community, as long as LGBT seniors needing outside care feel forced back into the closet, as long as misguided parents kick their LGBT kids out, as long as any LGBT person feels ashamed simply because of their gender identity or who they love, the center will be here. We must be here. And when you think about what we’ve accomplished in the first 40 years … just imagine the progress that the next 40 will bring. See more here: Lorri L. Jean: Turning 40 Never Felt So Good… or Did So Much Good!
Maryann Brandon and Mary Jo Markey at the Hamilton Behind the Camera Awards
http://www.youtube.com/v/PF5fkCUFNTE?version=3&f=user_uploads&app=youtube_gdata Maryann Brandon and Mary Jo Markey talk to Los Angeles Times reporter Emily Rome at the Hamilton Behind the Camera Awards. Brandon and Markey were honored with the award for film editing for their work on JJ Abrams’ “Super 8.” Continue reading here: Maryann Brandon and Mary Jo Markey at the Hamilton Behind the Camera Awards
Retna x Modern Multiples Behind-the-Scenes
As of late, painter/graffiti artist Retna has been doing a series of black on black works that feature his now iconic letter representations as evidenced by his work with Chanel at their flagship store in Beverly Hills, CA. Read the original: Retna x Modern Multiples Behind-the-Scenes
Docs for Pot: State’s Largest Doctors’ Group Calls For Legalization
A group that represents 35,000 doctors in the state is calling for the legalization of marijuana at the federal level. The California Medical Association, a lobbying group for doctors in the state, fights tooth and nail to protect doctors’ rights to treat their patients the best way they know how. The doctors’ group is complaining that right now federal policy is getting in the way of their work. more › See the original post here: Docs for Pot: State’s Largest Doctors’ Group Calls For Legalization