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SEO Consultant Beverly Hills | Web Design and Internet Marketing Firm Beverly Hills
Here at Beverly Hills based- Website Growth , we are a full-service
Chris Hedges: America’s Disappeared – Chris Hedges’ Columns – Truthdig
In America, when you are poor, you can instantly disappear like this into the subterranean rabbit holes of our vast jail and prison complex. You crawl out weeks, months or years later. You try to pick up where you left off. You avoid the cops. You look for work. There is no work. It is a constant cat-and-mouse game the state plays with the poor. The hunters. The hunted. The poor, no matter what they do, are always potential prey, minnows in a sea of sharks. It is not only the masses in the Middle East and the jihadists who despise us for our purported “values.” The vast, persecuted underclass, the human refuse callously cast aside by our corporate state, the legions of poor our bankrupt media have rendered invisible, the young, violent street toughs with no education, no jobs, no prospects also see through the empty rhetoric of the power elite when it speaks about our freedoms and democracy. Chris Hedges: America’s Disappeared – Chris Hedges’ Columns – Truthdig
Chris Hedges: The Business of Mass Incarceration – Chris Hedges’ Columns – Truthdig
Prisoners often work inside jails and prisons for nothing or at most earn a dollar an hour. The court system has been gutted to deny the poor adequate legal representation. Draconian drug laws send nonviolent offenders to jail for staggering periods of time. Our prisons routinely use solitary confinement, forms of humiliation and physical abuse to keep prisoners broken and compliant, methods that international human rights organizations have long defined as torture. Individuals and corporations that profit from prisons in the United States perpetuate a form of neoslavery. Chris Hedges: The Business of Mass Incarceration – Chris Hedges’ Columns – Truthdig
Millions of Verizon Phone Records Secretly Collected Daily (Video) – Truthdig
The National Security Agency is collecting the telephone records of millions of American customers of Verizon via an order that requires the company to hand over the records on an “ongoing, daily basis,” Glenn Greenwald reports in The Guardian. Millions of Verizon Phone Records Secretly Collected Daily (Video) – Truthdig
Bush Officials Should Be Prosecuted for Iraq War, Michael Moore Says – Truthdig
Bush Officials Should Be Prosecuted for Iraq War, Michael Moore Says – Truthdig
Van Nuys Marijuana Collective Patient Appreciation Program
Van Nuys Marijuana Collective Patient Appreciation Program : At Delta 9 Collective, they understand the importance of your health and maintaining a high quality of life. Follow the steps below to kick start your health in the new year. Between regular exercise, lots of water, making conscious food decisions, and being sure to visit your doctor on a regular basis, you are certain to start living the life you have always envisioned. Delta 9 Collective is there to support and help you on your way to a more fruitful life. Health shouldn’t be hard, it only takes a few easy steps to begin your path to a happier future of well-being.
Eden Collective in Hollywood Is Featuring Special Deals
Eden Collective in Hollywood Is Featuring Special Deals : Eden Therapy is soaring to new heights with amazing offers for Medical Marijuana patients in Hollywood. They are proudly providing new deals and specials that will thrill and excite current and prospective patients. Eden Therapy in Hollywood has an extensive selection of medical marijuana strains, and they believe strongly in providing quality medications at affordable prices. The bud tenders at Eden Collective are trained professionals capable of answering every question about the genetics, effects, and ways to medicate. If you are unsure about what strain of medical marijuana is right for you, you do not have to worry because Eden’s staff will intelligently making their selection based on your symptoms, providing the medication that gives you the most relief possible.
Cannabis Doctor Los Angeles Offering Medical Marijuana Recommendations
Cannabis Doctor Los Angeles Offering Medical Marijuana Recommendations : Medical marijuana evaluations can be obtained by visiting 420 MD Evaluations. 420 MD is one of the leading medical marijuana evaluations centers offering 2 locations in Los Angeles. You’ll receive your medical marijuana recommendation, if you qualify, after this evaluation from 420 MD Evaluations.
The Gastroenterology Institute of Southern California Explains the Colonoscopy and Why It Is Important
The Gastroenterology Institute of Southern California Explains the Colonoscopy and Why It Is Important : Your digestive health is critical to your overall well-being. Have you undergone your scheduled colonoscopy, to ensure your digestive and general health? Turn to Dr. Petyon P. Berookim, and his Gastroenterology Institute, for your next colonoscopy or other digestive health procedure. His Institute offers all the state-of-the-art procedures to examine your digestive system both comprehensively and comfortably.