With most of the cast enjoying a vacation in Hawaii on ” The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills ” (Mon., 9 p.m. EST On Bravo), Taylor Armstrong was strangely alone during one of the most pivotal moments in her adult life. She’d just realized her marriage to Russell was over, and had left him. So she turned to another friend, Dana Wilkey, to try and get through some of the raw emotions she was dealing with. “I’m either crying or I’m screaming or I’m drinking too much,” Taylor admitted. “I’m just trying to keep a lid on a pot that’s overboiling. I’m just trying to hold it on and I can’t do it anymore.” Dana was supportive, but grateful to finally hear her friend saying what everyone had seen for so long already. “I just have to learn now to be on my own and discover that I’m worth something better than what I’ve had,” Taylor told her. There are only two episodes left in this season, and of course viewers already now the tragic end of the Armstrong’s marital problems. Russell Armstrong committed suicide on August 15, 2011, after filming had wrapped for this season. “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” continues Monday nights at 9 p.m. EST on Bravo. TV Replay scours the vast television landscape to find the most interesting, amusing, and, on a good day, amazing moments, and delivers them right to your browser. View original post here: ‘RHOBH’: Taylor Talks About Her Marriage Ending
Posts Tagged ‘ armstrong ’
AIDS Walk Los Angeles Draws 30K Walkers, Raises Over $3M

Were you one of the estimated 30,000 participants who took part in the the 27th annual AIDS Walk Los Angeles on Sunday? The West Hollywood event was bolstered by the appearance of well-known AIDS activists, celebrities, and the fundraising walkers, whose dedication helped bring in a total of $3,005,014 to fight AIDS and provide vital care for people living with HIV in Los Angeles. more › Read more from the original source: AIDS Walk Los Angeles Draws 30K Walkers, Raises Over $3M
Taylor Armstrong: Reality TV Saved My Life (VIDEO)
Taylor Armstrong believes she wouldn’t be alive today if it weren’t for the spotlight of reality television. In the KTLA video below , Armstrong reveals that she may have subconsciously signed up for Bravo’s ‘ The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills ‘ in order to escape what she claims was a wildly abusive marriage with her late husband, Russell Armstrong. While Taylor Armstrong is known by many Bravo loyalists for starring in the network’s massively successful ‘Housewives’ franchise, even those who don’t watch reality (or as some call it ‘unscripted’) television, started tuning in to her life after her husband committed suicide . In late July, just weeks before Russell Armstrong took his life, Taylor Armstrong came forward with serious claims of physical and emotional abuse. According to People , Russell denied some of it but said, “Did I push her? Yes, maybe things happened in the heat of the moment, but it was during a time in our lives that was not characteristic of who we were. This show has literally pushed us to the limit.” After Russell’s suicide, Taylor came forward with more details about their physically abusive relationship. In September, The New York Post ran shocking photos of Armstrong with a serious black eye injury that required plastic surgery to repair. In the months since her husband’s death, Taylor Armstrong has used her platform to speak out about abuse and attempt to help women in situations similar to hers. Armstrong’s daughter accompanied her to the KTLA studio this morning, and she expressed to the anchors just how lucky she feels that both of them are here today. Excerpt from: Taylor Armstrong: Reality TV Saved My Life (VIDEO)