Note: Audio silences were trimmed from recording so radio traffic may sound more chaotic than it actually was) A driver and his passenger were injured in a …
Gear up the parental fear machine, it’s Halloween! Adding to a long list of regulations that deliberately ignore the uncomfortable fact that most children are sexually abused by people that they already know , Riverside County is considering a rule that would prohibit registered sex offenders from hanging Halloween decorations on October 31, would require them to leave their outside lights off that day, and would ban them from answering the door during the same hours. more › See the rest here: Riverside Officials Consider Fear-Based Regulation That Would Prohibit Sex Offenders From Hanging Halloween Decorations
Police have released the audio of several 911 calls that were placed during the Seal Beach salon shooting on Wednesday, October 12. Scott Dekraai, the ex-husband of salon stylist Michelle Fournier, opened fire at Salon Meritage on Wednesday afternoon, shaking the normally placid community and killing eight people. more › Go here to read the rest: Seal Beach Salon Massacre 911 Calls Released