Think your driving knowledge is up -to-date? Watch here to find out if you really do know the rules of the road. www.aaa.com/safety.
DWI Sergeant from the Albuquerque Police Department DWI Enforcement Unit talks about drinking while driving (DWI) sobriety check point that yields the arrest of 16 people suspected of driving while either intoxicated or under the influence. www.dps.nm.org Listed below are the penalties for drinking and driving DWI in The State of New Mexico. 1st Offense – MISDEMEANOR 6 months to 1 year license revocation (1 year if under 21) Up to 90 days jail. Mandatory: DWI school, alcohol evaluation, ignition interlock for 1 year, community service. Other: treatment 2st Offense – MISDEMEANOR 2-year license revocation. Up to 364 days jail, 96 hours mandatory. Up to $1000 fine, $500 mandatory Other mandatory penalties: alcohol evaluation, community service, treatment, ignition interlock for 2 years. Other: Up to 5 years probation. 3rd Offense – MISDEMEANOR 3-year license revocation. Up to 364 days jail, mandatory 30 days. Up to $1000 fine, $750 mandatory . Other mandatory penalties: alcohol evaluation, community service, treatment, ignition interlock for 3 years. Other: Up to 5 years probation. 4th Offense – FELONY 4th DEGREE Lifetime license revocation with 5-year court review. Up to 18 months prison, 6 months mandatory. Up to $5000 fine. Other mandatory penalties: alcohol evaluation, treatment, lifetime ignition interlock with 5-year court review. 5th Offense – FELONY 4th DEGREE Lifetime license revocation with 5-year court review. Up to 2 years prison, 1 year mandatory. Up to $5000 …
www.brooksandcrowley.com Massachusetts criminal defense attorney Steve Brooks talks sobriety check points and what happens if you’ve been arrested for driving under the influence. Driving while under the influence (or DUI) arrests can happen when you’re pulled over for reckless driving or if you happen to go through a sobriety check point. A sobriety check point is where officers are gathered to check each driver for being impaired. If the officer believes you’re impaired in any way, you will be asked to perform tests that will show whether or not you’re driving under the influence. These tests are given by officers from both Massachusetts state police and the local police department. These tests have to be proven and without doubt in a court of law in the state of Massachusetts. We need to show that the tests were performed correctly by the officers and that the machines were working correctly. The burden is on the government to show that you were guilty of the charge; if they cannot do that then we can get these harmful charges against you dropped. Watch the video now to learn more. For more information about DUI law and my firm, visit our educational website at http where you can get more information and even free consultation regarding your case. If you have legal questions, I want you to call me at (781) 251-0555. I welcome your call. Brooks & Crowley, LLP 450 Washington Street Suite LL9 Dedham, MA 02026 (781) 251-0555
Did You Know? Correcting Driving Misinformation AAA is Committed to improving the lives of 51 million members across North America. When you think of AAA, you probably think of maps and directions and emergency roadside assistance, some of our top services. But did you know that AAA offers many services to help with your travel […]
Bike Safety – Sharing the Road AAA is Committed to improving the lives of 51 million members across North America. When you think of AAA, you probably think of maps and directions and emergency roadside assistance, some of our top services. But did you know that AAA offers many services to help with your travel […]