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Real Estate Marketing Help From the Top Marketing Company in Los Angeles | Finance — paidContent
Real Estate Marketing Help From the Top Marketing Company in Los Angeles | Finance — paidContent : The real estate competition for realtors in Los Angeles is fierce. When it comes to getting a leg up on the competition and winning new clients, you need every advantage you can get. It’s not simply enough to put up yard signs, have your name on a bus stop or send out fliers—you have to have a strategy that not only builds a positive brand identify, but reinforces and markets that brand. In this challenging and ever-changing business climate, real estate marketing can be imperative to standing out from the rest of crowd. Branding Los Angeles, a full-service real estate marketing agency located in Los Angeles provides a full range of Internet marketing services that can help give you the edge over other realtors, ensuring your real estate business thrives.
Google AdWords Management Services Can Save Your Los Angeles Business | About – Business & Finance –
Google AdWords Management Services Can Save Your Los Angeles Business | About – Business & Finance – : If you’re frustrated with, or not getting results from, your pay per click advertising strategy, the award winning team at Branding Los Angeles can help your businesses achieve results with AdWords. Their experts have an unparalleled knowledge of AdWords, and have helped a wide range of businesses better utilize Google’s advertising program to increase their sales. Want to know just exactly how you can optimize your website to get that coveted high conversation rate? Or why you’re current strategy may not be netting you the most amount of money? How about creating the most effective, eye-catching ads? At Branding Los Angeles, they can answer all those questions and more. Google AdWords doesn’t need to be difficult, and their team of professionals can make it easier for your business. So remember Los Angeles-based businesses: for your Google AdWords strategy, Branding Los Angeles is here to help.
New Board of Ed Members Ready to Assume Office
With the results of the Nov. 8 Board of Education election finally clear, the winners are making plans to assume their new roles next month. According to the Los Angeles Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s semifinal results , incumbent Brian Goldberg received the most votes in the race for three available seats on the Beverly Hills Board of Education. Beverly Vista parent Noah Margo came in second and educator/producer Lewis Hall came in third. The new members will join Goldberg at the Dec. 6 board meeting. Goldberg, the board vice president, is expected to assume the presidency at that time, while current board member Jake Manaster is expected to become the new vice president. Other board members Myra Lurie and Steven Fenton will attend their last official meeting on Nov. 22. Goldberg said he plans in his second term to continue the “cultural change in the way we operate as a district” that began during his first term. “My overarching goal is to ensure that this culture change takes root and becomes the norm for our community so we can protect against the mismanagement that led to our academic decline the past two decades,” he told Patch. “I [want to] continue to provide accountability, oversight and transparency to the district so we can ensure that our resources and efforts are focused on providing the best education for all our students.” Margo said he hoped his victory as a write-in candidate, which was only the second time in Beverly Hills history of such a success, demonstrates how hard he plans to work on the board. “I look forward to serving our schools and our community with the same fervor on which I ran,” he told Patch. On his campaign website, he thanked supporters and noted, “I’m driven more than ever to reach our mission of bringing Beverly Hills Unified back to national prominence.” Lewis Hall said he looks forward to introducing new ideas that he has been developing while attending meetings of the three main school board subcommittees. Since declaring his candidacy in August, Hall has been to most meetings of the Finance Committee (which advises on BHUSD financial issues), the Citizens Oversight Committee (which monitors district bond programs) and the Facilities Advisory Committee (which advises BHUSD on construction and maintenance issues). He was at the Nov. 14 Finance Committee meeting when he heard that he had been elected. “I learned a lot by attending these meetings and I have some ideas on how to improve the way things are done in the district,” he told Patch, adding that he will wait to offer specific advice until he takes office. Be sure to follow Beverly Hills Patch on Twitter and “Like” us on Facebook . Read the original post: New Board of Ed Members Ready to Assume Office
California Dream Act Backlash

The California Dream Act has caused a backlash after recently being signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown. The controversial legislation to help illegal aliens pay for college will be repealed if opponents get their way. California State Assemblyman Tim Donnelly (R-Hesperia) is gathering signatures for a referendum to eliminate part of the California Dream Act. 505,000 signatures are needed to qualify a referendum for the November 2012 ballot to get rid of Assembly Bill 131 , which lets illegal aliens get taxpayer-funded scholarships for free. Assemblyman Donnelly said the California Dream Act, which takes effect January 1st, will create a magnet for record levels of illegal immigration to California. “At a time when we’re broke, when we have 2 million people unemployed, when state colleges are underfunded and overbooked, we’re creating a brand new entitlement,” Donnelly declared. The California Dream Act was proposed by Assemblyman Gil Cedillo (D-Los Angeles), consisting of two bills, both of which Democrat Jerry Brown signed into law: AB 130 , which gives illegal aliens privately-funded scholarships AB 131 , which gives illegals aliens taxpayer-funded scholarships Donnelly’s proposed referendum targets only the second part of the new California law, called the California Dream Act, the part that hands the tax dollars from legal citizens over to illegal aliens. Supporters of the California Dream Act say that California’s working families have a responsibility to invest in a university education for undocumented immigrants, and they say that Assembly Donnelly’s efforts will fail. This stance has outraged a growing number of California taxpayers, many of whom cannot afford to put their own children through college. Because of the California Dream Act, the Department of Finance estimates that thousands of students will now get Cal Grants costing tens of millions of US dollars. To qualify the referendum, Donnelly and volunteers must collect 505,000 validated signatures by January 6th .