“In art as in love, instinct is enough.”
Posts Tagged ‘ france ’
Kirsten Dunst Stalker: Judge Orders Man To Stay Away
LOS ANGELES — A judge on Friday granted Kirsten Dunst a temporary restraining order against a French man who has repeatedly written to the actress and traveled to Los Angeles at least five times to try to meet her. Superior Court Judge Carol Boas Goodson ordered Jean Christophe Prudhon of Dijon, France, to stay 100 yards away from the “Spider-Man” star and to stop trying to contact her. In letters accompanying Dunst’s petition, Prudhon wrote that he sold his home in France so he could continue to travel to meet Dunst, who has not responded to any of his more than 50 letters. He wrote that he is in love with the actress and that he has repeatedly waited outside Dunst’s home to try to meet her and has been mistaken for a paparazzo. “I am frightened for my safety, as well as the safety of my family and friends who visit my home,” Dunst wrote in a court filing. “I am worried that Mr. Prudhon will escalate his conduct further, putting myself and my family in danger.” Dunst’s mother, Inez Dunst, wrote in a sworn declaration that she was alarmed by Prudhon’s appearance when he came to her door last week trying to meet the actress. Inez Dunst said she knew who he was because he has repeatedly sent her daughter letters over the years. It could not be immediately determined if Prudhon, 51, was represented by a lawyer, and attempts to locate him for comment were unsuccessful. The actress, who recently appeared in the film “Melancholia,” wrote in a court filing that her security personnel told Prudhon to stay away, but he has refused. Goodson will consider whether to grant a three-year restraining order at a Dec. 21 hearing. ___ View post: Kirsten Dunst Stalker: Judge Orders Man To Stay Away
Weekend Nugget Number One: Johnny Depp
Did Johnny Depp slap down some dough for a getaway on the Isle of Wight? Could be. Real estate rumors have begun to circulate in the local press that the Oscar-nominated ex-pat American actor may have set his real estate sights on the historic and scenic Isle of Wight, located just off the southern coast of England. The wee island has been popular amongst literary types and royalty since at least the mid-1800s when Queen Victoria and Prince Albert acquired the vast Italian Renaissance-style pile known as Osborne House for uses as a summer retreat. Nowadays the island is best known among music-minded pop cultural types for hosting the annual Isle of Wight music festival . Over the summer there were local reports the insanely famous and famously reclusive actor was spotted roaming around the southern seaside town of Ryde and chowing down in local eateries such as the Ugly Mug Cafe in Shanklin where the home made cakes and sandwiches are wheat-, gluten- and dairy-free. Recent reports suggest the sightings (and photos) of Mister Depp over the summer may have been not of the actor himself but rather of someone who just happens to look a lot like the actor and doesn’t mind posing for photos as the actor. However, the latest report –sent our way via an acquaintance we’ll call Venetia Vaseseller–quotes Michelin-starred chef Robert Thompson who owns The Hambrough hotel in Ventor as saying, “People still think coming here is like stepping back in time. But it’s up-and-coming. Johnny Depp just bought a place in [the small village of] Bonchurch.” We have no inside intel on the matter. We’re just passing along a little celebrity real estate gossip and rumor. What we do know is that Mister Depp and his French actress-wife Vanessa Paradis maintain a number of swank residences around the world including a house in the affluent Paris suburb of Meudon, a remotely situated villa in Plan-de-la-Tour about 10 or 12 miles from St. Tropez in the South of France, a 45-acre private island in the Bahamas called Little Hall’s Pond Cay, and a gated, 2.54 acre estate in Los Angeles, CA with a hulking chateau-style mansion built in 1922 and perched on a hillside directly above the Sunset Strip. Property records we peeped indicate Mister Depp acquired his bamboo-ringed Tinseltown compound, former the home of from celebrity attorney Marvin Mitchelson , in October 1995 for $1,890,000. In typical celebrity real estate baller style property records also reveal a corporate entity connected to Mister Depp’s Sunset Strip estate also owns four smaller (but hardly insubstantial) residences on the same short, windy cul-de-sac purchased between September 2005 and October 2008. A quick consult with our bejeweled abacus shows Mister Depp shelled out a total of $10,070,000 for the four properties. Presumably Mister Depp uses the quartet of residences as office space and/or to house family, friends,
Lindsay Lohan Arrives at Morgue

The staff at the L.A. County morgue, where Lindsay Lohan is supposed to perform community service because of a conviction for DUI and one for jewelry theft, has been warned that anyone taking a picture of the actress will be fired on the spot, it was reported today. Excerpt from: Lindsay Lohan Arrives at Morgue