A Happy Tummy Means a Happy Life : What better way to start a new year than with a clean bill of health. At the Gastroenterology Institute of Southern California, you can be assured that you are receiving the latest and greatest in gastrointestinal healthcare. Peyton P. Berookim, MD is a double board-certified gastroenterologist with a commitment to making your life better. Don’t let constipation, bloating, and heartburn debilitate your life any longer. Through state-of-the-art diagnosis and procedures, the team at the Gastroenterology Institute of Southern California will work to pinpoint the root of your problem with care and concern. Dr. Berookim knows how precarious issues of the digestive track can be, and his vast experience is exemplified by the satisfaction of his loyal patients.
Posts Tagged ‘ new-year ’
10 Ways to Use Patch in 2012
It’s a new year, and we’re ready to serve the Beverly Hills community in a bigger and better way—but we need your help. Beverly Hills Patch is as much your site as it is ours. Here’s how you can use Patch to make an impact. Share the news. When we know about community news, we’re on the case. From important city announcements to power outages and crime, Patch is covering news 24-7. See something you think others should read? All you have to do is click the Facebook “recommend” button above an article or blog to share it with your neighbors and friends. Comment. If you have relevant information to add to an article, jump in and make a comment. We’ll follow up and possibly add it to related articles in the future. Most community stories continue to evolve after they are reported—you can be a real-time source by commenting. Connect with the local editor. Email Beverly Hills site editor Marie Cunningham at mariec@patch.com, or call her at 310-809-4882 if you have any tips or information to share. Follow us on Twitter. When we write an article, we tweet the news out to our followers. Want the info the fastest way possible? Follow @BevHillsPatch . Get the iPhone or Droid app. Your smartphone is an awesome tool for getting the info on what’s going on in your community. Click here to get the Patch app for free on iTunes. Not only can you read news on it, but post photos and videos as well. For information about the Driod app, click here . Take photos. Patch has launched a new community gallery , where you can post any of your own photography. Have a cool photo of something you spotted around town? Share it with us. Shoot videos. The community gallery is not just for photos—send clips of anything around town you think is newsworthy. If you also give us a heads up via email that you’re uploading a video, we can feature it prominently on the homepage. Add to the calendar. Have an event you want to make the community aware of? Don’t be shy. Post it in our events calendar for all to see. It’s free! Volunteer. The same goes for our announcements section on Patch. Are you looking for volunteers for a service project? Share it . Blog. Everybody in any community has a story to tell. Don’t keep them to yourself. Sign up to be a blogger on Patch . Be sure to follow Beverly Hills Patch on Twitter and “Like” us on Facebook . Read more here: 10 Ways to Use Patch in 2012
California’s 10 Most Interesting New Laws
A new year brings 750-plus new laws for Californians. Here’s our pick of 10 interesting laws that go into effect Jan. 1. Excerpt from: California’s 10 Most Interesting New Laws
A New Year Filled with Mystery about Clippers, Lakers

With a new year comes the hope of having a clearer perspective in life. Unfortunately the only perspective I have to offer is about sports since that’s what my life revolves around now. Or at least it’s the only perspective I can afford to have, but really no one cares about what I can or can’t afford. Nevertheless the Lakers and Clippers are neither as good nor as bad as previously thought. more › Read the original here: A New Year Filled with Mystery about Clippers, Lakers