Posts Tagged ‘ pedro-street ’

Crook Robs Blind Woman in Little Tokyo, Caught on Video.wmv

August 30, 2011
Crook Robs Blind Woman in Little Tokyo, Caught on Video.wmv

Los Angeles. Los Angeles detectives have released video of a shocking, daylight robbery in Little Tokyo, in which a man chokes an elderly blind woman to steal her gold chain and jade pendant. “This is shocking to watch, especially when you consider this woman is legally blind,” said Lt. Paul Vernon, commanding officer of the Central Detective Division. “When you watch the video you can actually read the crook’s mind as he sizes up his victim and waits for witnesses to walk by.” The robbery occurred on 1st Street between Los Angeles Street and San Pedro Street on July 24. The retired resident of Little Tokyo was pushing her walker down the sidewalk around noon, when a short Hispanic man sneaks up behind the 68 year old. The crook grabs her around the throat and chokes her as she struggles to understand what is happening to her. “She fights back, but the suspect gets her gold chain and jade pendant, worth about $100,” Lt. Vernon explained. “If this video doesn’t make you angry, little will.” A man in a nearby business also comes to the victim’s rescue and the suspect runs away. Detectives are combing through other video to see if the suspect’s image is captured later. “Street robberies are uncommon in the Little Tokyo area, so this one really stands out,” Lt. Vernon said. “And this suspect really needs to go to jail.” The mugger was wearing a white shirt, a small back pack, and a baseball cap turned backwards. Anyone with information on this crime is urged to call Central …

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Backpack Bandit Strikes in Little Tokyo

August 30, 2011
Backpack Bandit Strikes in Little Tokyo

August 3, 2011 NR11359pv Backpack Bandit Strikes in Little Tokyo Los Angeles. One day after releasing video of a short man with a backpack robbing a blind, elderly woman in Little Tokyo, detectives received video of another robbery by the same suspect against another elderly woman pushing a walker. On August 1, 2011, a 79-year-old resident of Little Tokyo was pushing her walker down a garden path behind 244 S. San Pedro Street. “It was just after 10 AM, when the woman felt a man behind her,” explained Lt. Paul Vernon, commanding officer of detectives downtown. “The man held up the woman’s necklace and said to her, ‘Baby, I’m going to take your chain.'” The video does not show the actual crime, but one can see the suspect, wearing a backpack, emerge from the walking path and run away. The woman emerges just after him, pushing her walker. In this instance, no force was used. The suspect merely unfastened the clasp to the necklace. “After seeing the video, we think this is the same suspect who robbed the blind woman,” Lt. Vernon said. “We’ve dubbed him the Backpack Bandit, and we want anyone who knows him to call us.” Police are warning residents, especially the elderly in Little Tokyo, to be aware of their surroundings. Dubbed the Backpack Bandit, the man has been seen with a backpack in both times he has struck since July 24. Those two crimes occurred within a one-block radius of 1st Street and San Pedro Street, and between 10 AM and noon. The suspect is short, under 5’5 …

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