5 Plants That Will Attract Love And Prosperity In Your Life
Posts Tagged ‘ plants ’
Martial Artists Stop L.A. Motel Robbery
Martial arts fighters stopped an armed robbery in progress at a Los Angeles motel, risking their lives to save the motel clerk and apprehend the robber. Brent Alvarez , 33, and Billy Denney , 28, had just arrived from Oregon for a martial arts tournament.
Extra, Extra: Daylight Savings is Tonight, Wildfire Season is Over and Twilight Devotees Are In Town

In tonight’s Extra, Extra, we remind you to set your clocks to fall back, wildfire season is over and the little dog that got dragged by a truck (on purpose) is going to be okay. Plus: Keep up with us on Facebook , and follow us on Twitter: @LAist @LAistFood @LAistSports . more › See original here: Extra, Extra: Daylight Savings is Tonight, Wildfire Season is Over and Twilight Devotees Are In Town
Nice Try, But State Farm Insurance Will Not Cover Damage to Your Precious Pot Plants Caused by a Drug Raid

If you’re a small business owner medical marijuana patient looking to protect those pot plants you have growing in your backyard, you might be tempted to take out an insurance policy to cover your assets medicine in case of the inevitable drug raid that comes from growing an unthoroughly legalized plant. more › Go here to see the original: Nice Try, But State Farm Insurance Will Not Cover Damage to Your Precious Pot Plants Caused by a Drug Raid