*NOTE: I HAD PANDORA RADIO RUNNING IN THE BACKGROUND. COMMENT AND TELL ME IF YOU WANT ME TO CONTINUE MY PURSUIT VIDEOS WITH MUSIC OR NOT* A female SAHP officer tries to pull over a white vehicle when a convertible with 2 men races by, clipping the front of the patrol vehicle. A pursuit of the vehicle ensues, in which the convertible strikes many pedestrian vehicles. After just over a minute into the chase, the suspects lose control and fly head first into the San Fierro Bay. The SAHP officer then decides to try and rescue at least one of the suspects and dives in, ultimately dragging the man to safety. Sadly, the passenger drifted to the bottom of the bay with the vehicle, later to be recovered by SAHP divers. car(credits to makers in DL): gtapolicemods.com vehicle.txd: gtapolicemods.com