Beverly Hills Day Spa Offers Hidden Oasis to Residents of Beverly Hills – Northern Michigan’s News Leader
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Beverly Hills Day Spa Offers Hidden Oasis to Residents of Beverly Hills – Northern Michigan’s News Leader
Luxury Beverly Hills Jewelry Store Now Offering Custom Creations to Beverly Hills Residents
Luxury Beverly Hills Jewelry Store Now Offering Custom Creations to Beverly Hills Residents
Top Rated Phamarcy Recently Opened Its Second Branch | Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills Pharmacy now Open Offering Medication to Beverly Hills Residents
ABC Pharmacy of Beverly Hills Grand Opening | Compounding Pharmacy
Beverly Hills Pharmacy now Open Offering Medication to Beverly Hills Residents | PressReleasePing
Beverly Hills Pharmacy now Open Offering Medication to Beverly Hills Residents | Business
Beverly Hills Pharmacy now Open Offering Medication to Beverly Hills Residents | Business
LA Residents: The Fifty Year Sword Returns For Halloween
This year Halloween falls on a Monday, which means a weekend of partying, but killsA – pun intended – any raging plans for the night of . Here is the original post: LA Residents: The Fifty Year Sword Returns For Halloween
Kamala Harris Defends Medical Marijuana
SAN FRANCISCO — Federal prosecutors should be careful not to overreach in their crackdown on California’s pot dispensaries, even though there are ambiguities in the state’s medical marijuana laws, the state attorney general said Thursday. The law passed 15 years ago by California voters has ambiguities that must be resolved either by the state Legislature or the courts, state Attorney General Kamala Harris said in a statement. However, Harris said she was worried that “an overly broad federal enforcement campaign will make it more difficult for legitimate patients to access physician-recommended medicine in California.” She urged federal authorities to make sure their enforcement efforts are focused on significant traffickers of illegal drugs. Harris, a Democrat in her first year as the state’s chief law enforcement officer, made her statement in response to inquiries from the media about the crackdown announced two weeks ago by the four federal prosecutors in California. They have ordered dozens of medical marijuana clubs to close, saying the operations are too close to places where children gather or are being used as fronts for drug dealers. Harris acknowledged that she shares the concerns of federal prosecutors about the proliferation of gangs and criminal enterprises that seek to exploit the medical marijuana law. The four U.S. attorneys said they were sending letters to landlords who rent retail and warehouse spaces to pot collectives and growers saying they could be prosecuted and have their properties confiscated by the government for aiding illegal enterprises. Officials in Sacramento and several other cities have since stopped issuing business permits to dispensaries. State law allows marijuana possession by residents with written doctors’ recommendations. Here is the original post: Kamala Harris Defends Medical Marijuana
Beverly Hills Population Grew 1 Percent Over Past Decade, Census Count Shows

The population of Beverly Hills increased 1 percent from 2000 to 2010, according to figures from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2010 count. In 2000, the census listed Beverly Hills as having a population of 33,784. By 2010, that number rose to 34,109. According to the bureau’s 2010 statistics, 1,941 of the city’s residents are Hispanic or Latino of any race. Of the residents who identified themselves as being of one race, 28,112 are white, 3,032 are Asian, 746 are black or African-American, 48 are American Indian/Alaska native, 12 are Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander and 485 people listed themselves as “some other race,” the bureau reported. The number of residents who identified themselves as being of two or more races was 1,514. The census figures indicated that there are 16,394 housing units in Beverly Hills, 14,869 of which are occupied and 1,525 of which are vacant. The 2000 census did not include housing figures. In December, the Census Bureau released state population figures indicating that the population of California grew from 33.9 million residents in 2000 to 37.3 million in 2010. Though California’s 10 percent growth rate makes it the 20th fastest-growing state in the country, it remains the most populous state. See the original post: Beverly Hills’ Population Grew 1 Percent Over Past Decade, Census Count Shows