http://www.youtube.com/v/uC40UCsWKmY?version=3&f=user_uploads&app=youtube_gdata Kelly, Tyler and Ryan are quarterbacks with bright futures Excerpt from: Here come the Hilinski brothers
THIS IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU IF YOU GET CAUGHT! Dont be stupid! Do Not Drink & Drive! On this nite,several family members that lost loved ones to dui drivers stayed at the roadblock on this very cold nite & held up pictures of their loved ones that were killed by Drunk Drivers.. Check Out & Please Subscribe to the Many Fire photos I have Posted on: www.facebook.com (watch in High Quality) FILMED BY:TODD SHERMAN
FOLLOW STEVE: www.facebook.com My buddy Steve is a moron! I often tell his stories in my show. This is one of my favorites. Through a friend on the force, I got one of Steve’s arrest videos from the summer of 2005. In south Louisiana this behavior is not uncommon at all. Tell a friend. Enjoy! I hope you can make it out to a show to hear my other Steve stories. www.marcryan.com http twitter.com www.myspace.com TAGS (Marc Ryan Mark Steve Old drunk lawnmower dui craftsman cops police pepper spray mased mace dashcam white trash trailer park alcoholic halo chainsaw beer 40 iphone marcryan.com Chris crocker Britney spears perez Hilton haters vma 07 Blaine street magic groundlings office pharmaceutical corporate sales meeting porn sex wasted stoner weed 420 chase)