January 21, 2012
Click here to view the full photogallery. VENICE— Poke-Poke , situated in that cluster of three food windows off the Venice Boardwalk, has relocated one stall over. Into its former space comes Chicago Nick’s , a meat sandwich spot serving the above pictured menu. Bread is supposedly shipped in from Chi-Town. [EaterWire] ATLANTA— Remember the defunct Naan Stop food truck? LAW reports that owners/brothers Neal and Samir Idnani plan to open a restaurant this year in the Decatur or Emory vicinity featuring items off the truck’s menu. [LAW] SANTA MONICA— Today through Sunday, Silver Lake’s Forage restaurant pops up at Art Los Angeles Contemporary from 11AM to 7PM selling salads, sandwiches, and desserts. [EaterWire] View post: EaterWire : Chicago Nick’s in Venice, Naan Stop to Atlanta, More!
Tags: beverly hills, chicago nick's, david-lynch, department, eaterwire, food, law, restaurant-pops, samir-idnani, santa-monica, selling-salads, venice
Posted in Local News | Comments Off on EaterWire : Chicago Nick’s in Venice, Naan Stop to Atlanta, More!
January 21, 2012
Click here to view the full photogallery. VENICE— Poke-Poke , situated in that cluster of three food windows off the Venice Boardwalk, has relocated one stall over. Into its former space comes Chicago Nick’s , a meat sandwich spot serving the above pictured menu. Bread is supposedly shipped in from Chi-Town. [EaterWire] ATLANTA— Remember the defunct Naan Stop food truck? LAW reports that owners/brothers Neal and Samir Idnani plan to open a restaurant this year in the Decatur or Emory vicinity featuring items off the truck’s menu. [LAW] SANTA MONICA— Today through Sunday, Silver Lake’s Forage restaurant pops up at Art Los Angeles Contemporary from 11AM to 7PM selling salads, sandwiches, and desserts. [EaterWire] View post: EaterWire : Chicago Nick’s in Venice, Naan Stop to Atlanta, More!
Tags: atlanta, california, law, local news, meat-sandwich, rockefeller, samir-idnani, silver-lake
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