Last night the Modesto Police Department held a DUI Checkpoint on Scenic Ave. west of Coffee Rd. At around midnight a man came thru the checkpoint who appeared to be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. When Modesto Police asked the man to pull to the side of the road to conduct a field sobriety test he fled from the DUI checkpoint in his vehicle. Police pursued the suspect who at one point during the chase attempted to ram a Modesto Police Officer’s car. The chase ended up on Lucern Ave. and as the suspect attempted to turn south onto El Cajon Ave. he lost control of his vehicle crashing into a parked car parked near the corner. Police blocked the man in and had to break the passenger side window of the car to pull the man out who was still resisting arrest. No one was injured in the chase and crash however, one Modestan had damage to their vehicle. The man was booked on charges related to the chase, assault with a deadly weapon, and DUI Modesto News .org was the only news agency at the scene to bring you this exclusive footage of the aftermath and an interview with Sgt. Mitch Paine of the Modesto Police Department. Modesto News .org viewers get an inside scoop and first hand look at much of what goes on in our town before anyone else so, subscribe to the You-Tube channel, add us on FaceBook and keep in touch for news in Modesto. www.ModestoNews.org All Rights Reserved – Copyright 2011