http://www.youtube.com/v/3pEFgfqSYrs?version=3&f=user_uploads&app=youtube_gdata The LA Jefferson football standout is succeeding on and off the field Read the rest here: Much to admire about Marcus Stamps
A shooting at a Seal Beach, California hair salon has claimed the lives of six victims, reports KTLA . A total of nine people have been shot, according to the Associated Press , and Orange County Fire Authority Capt. Marc Stone says that their conditions are “undetermined.” The suspect is already in police custody, according to a tweet from NBCNews . KTLA notes several weapons were found in his car. The shooting took place at Salon Meritage, and Los Alamitos-Seal Beach Patch notes that while most of the victims were found inside the salon, one was inside a car. The entire Seal Beach police department is responding to the scene, according to the Los Angeles Times . Story developing… Read more: Shooting At Seal Beach: 6 Believed Dead