DUI Checkpoints – MrCheckpoint New Site & Contest mrcheckpoint.com Text NODUI to 51515 to receive text alerts. MrCheckpoint publicizes DUI Checkpoints to help prevent drunk driving and promote the dangers, consequences, and cost of drinking and driving. Chat with us on the new site or send us a Tweet. Browse through the checkpoints, submit checkpoints if you see them, and see MrCheckpoint in the news. 500$ Giveaway ends 1 To enter use Instagram to show how you arrived home safely and @Mrcheckpoint with the photo. Don’t Drink and Drive text NODUI to 51515 to receive DUI Checkpoints & Speed Trap Alerts. New Site Coming The End of January. New Advertising Opportunities On Our New Site, Call To Advertise: (855) 672-4325 (855) Mr-Check www.MrCheckpoint.com Facebook: facebook.com Twitter & Instagram: @MrCheckpoint