They had always wondered what happened to each other. Read the rest here: Woman, 100, Reunited With Daughter After 77 Years
What’s better than using a few years of tax revenue to fix Los Angeles’ streets? How about using a few decades’ worth! Mayor Villaraigosa has been coming up with a plan — “quietly” the Los Angeles Times says — to use 27 years of Measure R revenue funding to fix up the city’s streets and potholes. more › See the article here: Villaraigosa Wants to Spend 27 Years of Measure R Funding on L.A. Streets, Like, Now
Tomorrow marks two years since Dawn Viens disappeared. Though her husband, David , is charged with her murder, Dawn’s body has never been found. A candlelight vigil will be held Tuesday night to honor Dawn Viens outside the restaurant owned by David Viens’ family, where Dawn once worked. more › Go here to see the original: Vigil Will Mark 2 Years Since Lomita Woman Disappeared, Husband Charged With Her Murder