January 3, 2012
CBS is back with new episodes of shows tonight, breaking the holiday drought. — The AV Club posted their “Best Podcasts” list and we have a bone to pick with them because there’s some radio shows on there, stay true to the medium please! — + The TV Junkie Must-Watch Plan more › Read more: TV Junkie: CBS is Back With New Episodes; Podcast ‘Best of’ List
Tags: article, ca news, junkie, la news, news, podcast, podcasts, posted-their, salon, stay-true, the-medium, watch-plan
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January 3, 2012
Los Angeles police have in custody a 55-year-old man they say is a suspect in 53 car and carport fires since Friday. The man, whose name has not yet been released, was arrested near the intersection of Fairfax Avenue and Sunset Boulevard early Monday. Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck said Monday morning that he was confident an arsonist suspected of setting dozens of fires over the past three days was off the streets. “I feel very good that we’ve got the right guy,” Beck told City News Service shortly before he began riding with an LAPD equestrian unit in the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena. “He had the right stuff in his van, and we are very confident we found our man.” The man was spotted after a sheriff’s patrol, which provides law enforcement for West Hollywood, saw the man’s vehicle, a black Dodge minivan with British Columbia license plates, parked outside a Rite-Aid store, according to sources, KFI News reported . The man may have set fires around Los Angeles out of anger after immigration authorities detained the man’s mother for deportation last week, according to the KFI report. Los Angeles City Fire Capt. Jaime Moore said the property damage from the fires—mostly in Hollywood and West Hollywood — totals about $2 million. The Los Angeles Times reported an unnamed law enforcement source who said the minivan had Canadian license plates but that detectives believe the man might originally be from Germany. The man’s arrest followed 12 new fires since 1 a.m. Monday in carports around Hollywood, the Hollywood Hills, Sherman Oaks and West Hollywood. Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa posted the following message on his Facebook page Monday morning: Over the past few days we have been faced with an ongoing series of arson fires committed by an individual with wanton disregard for the lives and property of Angelenos. Thankfully, there have been no lives lost to these criminal acts and only minor injuries to date. After another series of fires last night that brought the total to 54 since Friday, I am encouraged by the detainment this morning of a ‘person of interest’ in Hollywood. While the investigation continues, I am thankful for the ongoing and relentless effort by the LAFD, LAPD and other agencies to respond to these incidents and pursue every lead toward an arrest in the case. I also want to thank Angelenos for their vigilance these past few days and their patience as our public safety agencies worked under extremely challenging circumstances to not only handle the rash of arson fires, but to protect the rest of the city, as well, over the New Year holiday. A total of 53 suspected arson fires have broken out in the Los Angeles area since Dec. 30, Los Angeles Fire Department officials said. Follow Patch for updates on this developing story. Be sure to follow Beverly Hills Patch on Twitter and “Like” us on Facebook . Go here to read the rest: Suspect Arrested in Connection With Arson Fires
Tags: article, beverly hills, fairfax-avenue, hollywood, intersection, news, over-the-past, tournament
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January 3, 2012
“Ron Paul Anthem” is a politically themed rock song about presidential candidate Ron Paul by singer-songwriter Aimee Allen from Los Angeles, California. A popular rock single in support of the Republican candidate, “Ron Paul Anthem” encourages the starting of a revolution in honor of the U.S. Constitution . Judging by the sheer number of emails demanding that Aimee Allen’s rock anthem be featured on Californiality , there are either a lot of punk rockers coming out of the closet, or there are an awful lot of Ron Paul supporters. Regardless, “Ron Paul Anthem” is a hit.
Tags: allen, article, being-merry, ca news, californiality, coming-out, la news, news, people-might, sheer, sigur-rios, starting
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January 3, 2012
Except for that little football game in Pasadena today, it’s a little quiet in LA. It seems that people might need a little breather from all that eating, drinking and being merry stuff. We did find a few happenings, including Bob Odenkirk’s annual New Year’s sketch comedy show for kids; a screening of Sigur Rios’ latest film Inni; and a beer bowl. Read on for all the details. more › Link: Pencil This In: The Not Inappropriate Show, a Sigur Ros Film, a Beer Bowl and a Wine Tasting
Tags: article, arts & entertainment, being-merry, facebook, la news, latest-film, little-breather, little-quiet, los angeles, news, people-might, sigur-rios, tasting
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January 2, 2012
With a new year comes the hope of having a clearer perspective in life. Unfortunately the only perspective I have to offer is about sports since that’s what my life revolves around now. Or at least it’s the only perspective I can afford to have, but really no one cares about what I can or can’t afford. Nevertheless the Lakers and Clippers are neither as good nor as bad as previously thought. more › Read the original here: A New Year Filled with Mystery about Clippers, Lakers
Tags: article, clippers, facebook, lakers, life-revolves, mystery, neither-as-good, new-year, news, news los angeles, the-original
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December 31, 2011
The charred cars in the carport of a Hollywood apartment building are the result of what police and fire investigators believe to be a serial arsonist, who may be accountable for a rash of fires overnight… Here is the original post: Carport Fire Ruins Property, Displaces Residents
Tags: apartment-building, appid, article, charred-cars, fires-overnight, hollywood, los angeles, los angeles county, news, ruins-property, serial-arsonist
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December 31, 2011
Up-and-coming Clippers lose home opener to Chicago. See the article here: Clippers Fall to Bulls in Home Opener
Tags: appid, article, bulls, clippers, los angeles, los angeles county, lose-home, news, news los angeles, opener, the-article, up-and-coming
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December 31, 2011
In tonight’s Extra, Extra, California gets its first gray wolf in a long time, 30 Rock comedian ends up at the book signing event from hell and firefighters are putting out a reward to catch the Hollywood arsonist. Plus: Keep up with us on Facebook , and follow us on Twitter: @LAist @LAistFood @LAistSports . more › Read the original post: Extra, Extra: $25K Reward for Hollywood Arsonist, the Book Signing Event From Hell & California’s First Gray Wolf in Forever
Tags: article, beverly hills, book, comedian-ends, hollywood-arsonist, la news, news, news los angeles, reward, signing-event, the-original
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December 31, 2011
Read the original post: The Top 21 Posts of 2011: Occupiers, Racists, Burgers, Loving L.A., Hating L.A., Donuts, Circumcision & A Pink Donkey
Tags: actually-want, article, beverly hills, los angeles, missing, news, news los angeles, offering, piece, posts-on-laist, put-together
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December 28, 2011
In today’s Extra, Extra we’ve got a workout video with an unusual soundtrack, billions in unspent gift card bucks, a few picks for where to go on NYE, and more news bites of the day. Plus: Keep up with us on Facebook , and follow us on Twitter: @LAist @LAistFood @LAistSports . more › More: Extra, Extra: The Bon Iver Workout, Unspent Gift Cards, & Where to Eat and Drink On New Year’s Eve
Tags: angeles, article, california, card-bucks, cards, facebook, few-picks, food, local news, news, spruced, twitter, unspent-gift, workout
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