As soon as Deion Sanders cleared the Cowboys pregame show he announced his divorce from Pilar. See the rest here: Deion Sanders Announces Divorce on Facebook
The driver of an Audi station wagon is alleged to have caused a chain-reaction car accident at about 4 p.m. Saturday in the city-owned parking lot at 439 N. Canon Drive. One witness, who asked to remain anonymous, reported to the Beverly Hills Police Department that he saw the Audi’s female driver “come flying down the exit” to the second underground level of the parking structure. The Audi then turned left, against traffic arrows, and slammed into two parked cars that then hit two other parked vehicles. “I’ve been a police officer for 21 years and I have never seen a car accident like this—two floors down in a [subterranean] garage,” BHPD Officer Don Chase said. One passenger was in the Audi with the driver during the accident. There were no passengers inside the four parked vehicles that were involved in the crash—a Mercedes SUV, a BMW sedan, a Mercedes station wagon and a BMW SUV. The Audi’s front airbags were deployed. The driver was overheard saying that she believed her brakes had failed. Be sure to follow Beverly Hills Patch on Twitter and “Like” us on Facebook . Continue reading here: 5-Car Accident Takes Place in City Parking Facility