In America, when you are poor, you can instantly disappear like this into the subterranean rabbit holes of our vast jail and prison complex. You crawl out weeks, months or years later. You try to pick up where you left off. You avoid the cops. You look for work. There is no work. It is a constant cat-and-mouse game the state plays with the poor. The hunters. The hunted. The poor, no matter what they do, are always potential prey, minnows in a sea of sharks. It is not only the masses in the Middle East and the jihadists who despise us for our purported “values.” The vast, persecuted underclass, the human refuse callously cast aside by our corporate state, the legions of poor our bankrupt media have rendered invisible, the young, violent street toughs with no education, no jobs, no prospects also see through the empty rhetoric of the power elite when it speaks about our freedoms and democracy. Chris Hedges: America’s Disappeared – Chris Hedges’ Columns – Truthdig
Posts Tagged ‘ corporate ’
Chris Hedges: America’s Disappeared – Chris Hedges’ Columns – Truthdig
In America, when you are poor, you can instantly disappear like this into the subterranean rabbit holes of our vast jail and prison complex. You crawl out weeks, months or years later. You try to pick up where you left off. You avoid the cops. You look for work. There is no work. It is a constant cat-and-mouse game the state plays with the poor. The hunters. The hunted. The poor, no matter what they do, are always potential prey, minnows in a sea of sharks. It is not only the masses in the Middle East and the jihadists who despise us for our purported “values.” The vast, persecuted underclass, the human refuse callously cast aside by our corporate state, the legions of poor our bankrupt media have rendered invisible, the young, violent street toughs with no education, no jobs, no prospects also see through the empty rhetoric of the power elite when it speaks about our freedoms and democracy. Chris Hedges: America’s Disappeared – Chris Hedges’ Columns – Truthdig
Los Angeles Stationery Design
Los Angeles Stationery Design : The design of your corporate stationery may powerfully affect the public image of your business. The design team here at Website will help you to create logos, graphic designs, or other images for a cohesive image of your company. Our custom stationers will work with you to design a logo that can be easily incorporated into all of your business stationery. Other considerations, like choices of layout, color, and font can also help to give your customers a good feeling for the nature and mission of your business.
Los Angeles Stationery Design
Los Angeles Stationery Design : The design of your corporate stationery may powerfully affect the public image of your business. The design team here at Website will help you to create logos, graphic designs, or other images for a cohesive image of your company. Our custom stationers will work with you to design a logo that can be easily incorporated into all of your business stationery. Other considerations, like choices of layout, color, and font can also help to give your customers a good feeling for the nature and mission of your business.
Adams and Reese – Diversity Honor
The law firm of Adams and Reese received the Corporate Counsel Women of Color Diversity Award of Excellence, an inaugural award given by the CCWC as a recognition of the firm’s initiatives, outstanding achievement in commitment to diversity and advancement of women attorneys of color. See the original post here: Adams and Reese – Diversity Honor
Hawkized Triumph Scrambler Auctioned for Charity
Roland Sands Design created a customized Triumph Scrambler to be sold at an auction on October 2 in Beverly Hills, California, as part of the Stand Up for Skateparks benefit hosted by the Tony Hawk Foundation. See the original post: Hawkized Triumph Scrambler Auctioned for Charity