In America, when you are poor, you can instantly disappear like this into the subterranean rabbit holes of our vast jail and prison complex. You crawl out weeks, months or years later. You try to pick up where you left off. You avoid the cops. You look for work. There is no work. It is a constant cat-and-mouse game the state plays with the poor. The hunters. The hunted. The poor, no matter what they do, are always potential prey, minnows in a sea of sharks. It is not only the masses in the Middle East and the jihadists who despise us for our purported “values.” The vast, persecuted underclass, the human refuse callously cast aside by our corporate state, the legions of poor our bankrupt media have rendered invisible, the young, violent street toughs with no education, no jobs, no prospects also see through the empty rhetoric of the power elite when it speaks about our freedoms and democracy. Chris Hedges: America’s Disappeared – Chris Hedges’ Columns – Truthdig
Posts Tagged ‘ power ’
Chris Hedges: America’s Disappeared – Chris Hedges’ Columns – Truthdig
In America, when you are poor, you can instantly disappear like this into the subterranean rabbit holes of our vast jail and prison complex. You crawl out weeks, months or years later. You try to pick up where you left off. You avoid the cops. You look for work. There is no work. It is a constant cat-and-mouse game the state plays with the poor. The hunters. The hunted. The poor, no matter what they do, are always potential prey, minnows in a sea of sharks. It is not only the masses in the Middle East and the jihadists who despise us for our purported “values.” The vast, persecuted underclass, the human refuse callously cast aside by our corporate state, the legions of poor our bankrupt media have rendered invisible, the young, violent street toughs with no education, no jobs, no prospects also see through the empty rhetoric of the power elite when it speaks about our freedoms and democracy. Chris Hedges: America’s Disappeared – Chris Hedges’ Columns – Truthdig
Man Charged with obstruction at a DUI Checkpoint goes before incompetent Judge. Part 1

Man Charged with obstruction at a DUI Checkpoint goes before incompetent Judge Part 1. Uploaded by guerrillalawfare on Mar 08 2013. Here is another sample of ourJustice system Charging Us with a crime they cannot prosecute attempting to get us to yeild to their power At all the lower PreTrial hearings the City wasSeeking Jail time while the accused is productive and has a 100% clean record The accused was Forced to have theStandby council who never spent one moment preparingRoadblock At …
I use daydreaming to solve problems
I use daydreaming to solve problems. I let my mind wander around an issue without the distractions of being engaged by conversation, computers or other distractions. read more The rest is here: I use daydreaming to solve problems
May humanity recognize and appreciate the power of love.
Kings Power Play Win Comes with Some Controversy

That was as close to a walk-off in regulation for the Kings in their 3-2 win over the Columbus Blue Jackets at home. As the final seconds were ticking off ready to send the game to the inevitable overtime period, Drew Doughty got the fortunate bounce during a power-play and shot the puck past Columbus goaltender Curtis Sanford as the clock hit 0.3 remaining. more › See the article here: Kings Power Play Win Comes with Some Controversy
Lakers Coach Mike Brown on 106-73 win over Charlotte Bobcats
Contests! : Win 24 Free Dinners from DineLA!

Here at Eater, whenever possible, we like to give away free shit. Because, hey, why not? Starting right this very second we have a pretty epic dinner series to give away in conjunction with dineLA which is going on right now! Up for grabs is one grand prize of 24 $50 gift cards valid at participating dineLA restaurants. So, the winner will receive $50 gift cards to each of the following restaurants: Xiomara on Melrose, The Strand House, The Roof on Wilshire, Short Order, Rivera, Nick and Stef’s Steakhouse, The Lobster, Michael’s on Naples, Hal’s Bar and Grill, LA Prime, Marrakesh, Morels, Much Ultima Mexicana, Noe Restaurant, Ports O’ Call, The Penthouse at the Huntley, Rosa Mexicano at Sunset Blvd, Rosa Mexicano at LA LIVE, Rush Street, Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse Beverly Hills, Sake House by Hikari, The Backyard at W Los Angeles – Westwood, The Tam O’ Shanter , and Zengo . All sorts of awesomeness. Want to win? Write to by 5 PM this Friday when dineLA wraps, and prove to us that you are the biggest foodie in the city . Be it in writing, photos, a PowerPoint presy, whatever. Anything goes. See original here: Contests! : Win 24 Free Dinners from DineLA!
Traffic Warning Issued in Studio City
L.A. County Supervisors Stamp Southern California Edison’s Windpocalypse Efforts With A Giant FAIL

On Tuesday, L.A. County supervisors “accused Southern California Edison of failing to efficiently restore power to customers in the San Gabriel Valley.” Supervisor Mike Antonovich accused SCE of poor communication with customers during the power outage disaster. more › The rest is here: L.A. County Supervisors Stamp Southern California Edison’s Windpocalypse Efforts With A Giant FAIL