Court recording from Oct. 23, 2012 Opening statements in the retrial of the driver arrested for DUI (NRS 484C.110) and possession of a firearm while intoxica…
Posts Tagged ‘ driver ’
DUI Checkpoint Pursuit, Ocean Beach
AAA – Teen Driver Safety – Teen Passengers
AAA – Teen Driver Safety – Teen Passenger Research
Riding Through Ontario Police Department’s DUI Checkpoint on Archibald and Chino 01.11.13
What it’s like to ride through Ontario Police Department’s DUI Checkpoint on Archibald and Chino. A few miles before the checkpoint, there were motorcycle cops waiting for checkpoint evaders. Evaders are questioned heavily by police and are often cited for illegal making an illegal U-turn. As I reached the front of the line, the police officer asked me if I was drinking or smoking marijuana. I answered no and he requested my driver’s license. It was in my backpack so it took me a few moments to retrive it.
DUI checkpoint refusal to search, arrest for DUI 0% BAC
Follow-up video to previously posted audio, synchronizing it with this new video. Raw dash cam video from Nevada Highway Patrol trooper Chava Rothschild’s vehicle at the December 18, 2010 roadblock in Sparks, Nevada. The trooper is called over to a block a seized driver who declined consent to a warrantless search of his vehicle. The driver was previously threatened, falsely imprisoned, and maliciously prosecuted for DUI at the most recent Sparks police roadblock. Sparks police officer Eric Atkins is at the driver’s side window. Carson City sheriff deputy Brett Bindley is next to him, with his hand on his Glock pistol. After officers repeatedly threatened to break the vehicle’s window, the driver unlocked the doors and the officers opened the doors. Atkins noticed the spare magazine on the driver’s hip and attacked the driver and other officers joined the assault. The driver’s pistol was snatched from his holster while he was being assaulted. The driver was bound and taken to another location, where he declined to participate in the officers’ malicious prosecution for DUI. Sparks PD officer Rich Gamwell told him, “You are under arrest for DUI and for possession of a firearm while intoxicated.” Officers wrote reports stating the driver reached for his holstered pistol. Little did they know the driver had video cameras inside his vehicle. Gamwell, the arresting officer who collected the officers’ narrative reports, searched the vehicle twice and discovered the most obvious …
DUI checkpoint arrest for DUI 0% BAC
Follow-up video to previously posted audio, synchronizing it with this new video. Raw dash cam video from Nevada Highway Patrol trooper Chava Rothschild’s vehicle at the December 18, 2010 roadblock in Sparks, Nevada. The trooper is called over to a block a seized driver who declined consent to a warrantless search of his vehicle. The driver was previously threatened, falsely imprisoned, and maliciously prosecuted for DUI at the most recent Sparks police roadblock. Sparks police officer Eric Atkins is at the driver’s side window. Carson City sheriff deputy Brett Bindley is next to him, with his hand on his Glock pistol. After officers repeatedly threatened to break the vehicle’s window, the driver unlocked the doors and the officers opened the doors. Atkins noticed the spare magazine on the driver’s hip and attacked the driver and other officers joined the assault. The driver’s pistol was snatched from his holster while he was being assaulted. The driver was bound and taken to another location, where he declined to participate in the officers’ malicious prosecution for DUI. Sparks PD officer Rich Gamwell told him, “You are under arrest for DUI and for possession of a firearm while intoxicated.” Officers wrote reports stating the driver reached for his holstered pistol. Little did they know the driver had video cameras inside his vehicle. Gamwell, the arresting officer who collected the officers’ narrative reports, searched the vehicle twice and discovered the most obvious …