New research by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety into distraction and teen crashes: http://newsroom.aaa.com/2015/03/distraction-teen-crashes-even-worse-thought/
mrcheckpoint.com – California Traffic Tickets MrCheckpoint – Free DUI Checkpoint Alerts Text NODUI to 51515 First…a few facts The California Department of Motor Vehicles reports that, “There are between 450000 and 500000 traffic accidents reported annually in California alone. The six most common behaviors which cause accidents are: (a) unsafe speed, (b) violation of right-of-way rules, (c) making improper turns, (d) failing to obey stop signals and signs, (e) improper lane changes, and (f) driving on the wrong side of the road. Speed is indicated as the primary collision factor about 28% of fatal and injury collisions.” That means that over the next year at least 126000 accidents caused by excessive speed will hurt someone. In 2010, the California Office of Traffic Safety reported 1734258 speeding related convictions in California. There are approximately 22657300 licensed drivers in California. That means that about 8% of licensed drivers in California will likely receive a ticket for speeding during the next year. Receiving a ticket creates a firestorm of consequences for drivers. Your out-of-pocket costs are only the beginning of the story. And…the fine is only part of the ticket cost. The DMV says that, “Traffic fines in California are difficult to pinpoint due to additional penalty assessment fees and surcharges that vary by county. Consequently, a ticket with a $35 base fine may actually cost you $146.” Have A Traffic Ticket? Visit www.4mrticket.com MENTION …
SANTA MARIA, California — Santa Maria Police Department conducted yet another unconstitutional and illegal DUI / Driver’s license checkpoint as part of California Office of Traffic Safety’s (OTS) “Year of the Checkpoint” campaign for 2010. The Santa Maria checkpoint was only one of more than 2500 (ostensibly) OTS-funded checkpoints which are due to be carried out within the state of California during 2010. (Following the money trail, the funding actually traces back to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which is an agency under the federal Department of Transportation (DOT), which is a cabinet position under the President of the United States.) If OTS’s “Year of the Checkpoint” campaign is successfully carried out, then California drivers will endure more than 208 of these unconstitutional / illegal checkpoints per month. “To my knowledge, California conducts more checkpoints than any other state,” said OTS Director Christopher J. Murphy. While DUI checkpoints were officially (if unconstitutionally) sanctioned by the Supreme Court’s Michigan vs. Sitz case, driver’s license checkpoints were not. However, a quick survey of police department websites reveals that most DUI / sobriety checkpoints are dual purpose; that is, police officers regularly check for driver’s licenses in addition to checking for driver impairment. Even though driver’s license checkpoints are not legal according to case law, most drivers are unaware of this fact and so the …