Learn about the many resources available to companies and producers for Life Insurance Awareness Month 2011.
The 2011 DIAM spokesperson is Rosemarie Rossetti. Rosemarie is passionate about disability insurance and the need for agents to reach out to Americans and help them get the coverage they need. You see, Rosemarie’s life was changed in an instant when a tree fell on her while she was biking, paralyzing her from the waist down. It was her disability insurance that helped her through her darkest hours—and years—when she had no paycheck coming in.
May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month (DIAM), the perfect opportunity to remind people in your community to protect their paychecks. Watch this video message from John Nichols, president of Disability Resource Group and spokesperson for DIAM, coordinated by the LIFE Foundation. People don’t think twice about protecting their homes and cars with insurance, but are they protecting something many times more valuable—their paychecks—with disability insurance?
We go to great lengths for our loved ones. We work hard to provide them with a life filled with happiness, comfort and opportunity. In fact, there’s almost nothing we wouldn’t do for our loved ones. But what if you died tomorrow and were no longer around to provide for your family? Life insurance cannot put your family’s life back to how it was, but it can keep them in the world they’ve always known. Think of it as the ultimate act of enduring love. In all likelihood, you wont be around to see or experience the death benefits of a life insurance purchase. But the proceeds of a policy could benefit your loved ones for many years after you’re gone.
Learn the basics about insurance fundamentals in a flash. Hear from a one of the nation’s top insurance advisors who will explain why fundamentals insurance is so important, help demystify the fundamentals insurance process and quickly provide you with a good understanding of important insurance terms and concepts. www.lifehappens.org
Learn the basics about health insurance in a flash. Hear from a one of the nation’s top insurance advisors who will explain why health insurance is so important, help demystify the health insurance process and quickly provide you with a good understanding of important insurance terms and concepts. www.lifehappens.org