An arrest for DUI (or DWI or OUI) can be very embarassing, and have more of an effect on your daily life than you may think. If you are arrested for drunk driving, you face upwards and over a thousand dollars in fines, costs, fees and assessments, loss of license, DUI school, and more. Second and subsequent offenses can mean mandatory jail time and even more loss of license. This three-part series will explain most of the basics of drunk driving law, and leave you with a better understanding of what to do if you are stopped for suspicion of DUI. If you are arrested, call Mesiti Law – 24 hours a day – 7 days a week: Mesiti Law Offices 986 Hartford Avenue Johnston, RI 02919 (401) 274-3331 Mesiti@Mesitilaw.com www.MesitiLaw.com