Click here to view the full photogallery. Elizabeth Daniels 11/11 Just follow the arrows to the Sunny Spot , Kogi chef Roy Choi ‘s Caribbean vacation overhaul, now shining at the former Beechwood on Washington Blvd in Venice. Gone is the slick modern veneer, and in its place comes a more kitschy, shabby chic aesthetic in line with a tropical beach shack located in the Caribbean, or maybe Jamaica. While the bones from Beechwood remain intact, the bar/lounge, dining room, and patio take on a new, more laid back persona realized through mismatched chairs and suspended lights, perched bar tables with colorful stools, and swatches of aqua-colored paint that conjure thoughts of the ocean. Sunny Spot opened last Friday night with a Roy Choi-esque menu of bold, tropically slanted flavors. Pineapple lollipops with chili and salt, jerk wings, sugar can fried pigs feet are just a few of the many offerings , which can be paired with one of the many rum-based elixirs crafted by A-Frame bar commander, Brian Butler (btw, he’s looking to hire more bartenders if you need a job). Hours of operation run Sun-Mon 5-10PM (bar until 11), Tue-Wed 5-11PM (bar until midnight), and Thu-Sat 5PM to midnight (bar until 2AM). · Roy Choi Goes on Holiday with Sunny Spot, Opening Fri [~ELA~] The rest is here: Eater Inside : Sunny Spot Shines with Tropical Flavor and Flair