WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange made a shocking public appearance amid thousands of ‘Occupy’ protesters and hundreds of media cameras. At the London ‘Occupy’ protest, an offshoot of Occupy Wall Street sponsored by Anonymous , a sea of protesters pressed behind a line of riot cops in defiance. It was then that Julian Assange suddenly materialized before thousands of shocked protesters. The massive crowd erupted in cheers, stunned by the sudden public appearance of the WikiLeaks founder in supposed exile. The controversial international figure spoke to the demonstrators. “Like all of you, I have had difficulties getting in here today, but there are many people who haven’t yet been able to get through,” Julian Assange told the protesters. “This movement is not about the destruction of law, it is about the construction of law,” Assange continued. “I just wanted to say, we are all individuals.” The crowd of awe-struck ‘Occupy’ protesters cheered as WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange tossed handfuls of candy to the stunned crowd, then quickly disappeared. WikiLeaks Julian Assange ‘Occupy’ Protest Video See more here: WikiLeaks Julian Assange ‘Occupy’ Shocker