Posts Tagged ‘ international relations ’

Kim Jong-Il Death Koreatown Reaction

December 19, 2011
Kim Jong-Il Death Koreatown Reaction

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il is dead, his son Kim Jong-Un is the assumed successor, and L.A.’s Koreatown is monitoring news coverage for developments affecting relatives on the Korean Peninsula. A quarter-million Koreans live in Southern California with most of them residing in the Koreatown district of Los Angeles, the Korean capitol of America. The North Korean state-delayed news of the death of Kim Jong-Il is blaring from radios, televisions, the Korea Times of Los Angeles and Korean websites with a fury. Worried that Kim Jong-Il’s death at age 69 will have a destabilizing effect on greater Korea, Californians are calling relatives in South Korea to exchange information, share concerns and plot strategies. Kim Jong-Il’s death has shifted the global focus to his youngest son Kim Jong-Un, whom many believe will rule briefly until a non-family member is democratically elected. North Korea’s 24 million people are said to be rallying round Kim Jong-Un, according to the Korean Central News Agency which officially stated, “At the leadership of comrade Kim Jong-Un, we have to change sadness to strength and courage and overcome today’s difficulties.” The Swiss-educated Kim Jong-Un, 30, is far more worldly, globally-connected, Internet-savvy and diplomatically-aware than his late father was and speaks Korean, Mandarin Chinese, English, German and French. Because the transfer of North Korean power will affect Californians, directly and indirectly, United Nations sources have told Californiality that negotiations are already underway between international parties regarding: Modernization of the North Korean economy Bringing the nuclear nation “into the fold” Democratic elections International aid, loans and credit Normalization of global diplomatic relations Technological assistance from California Establishment of ongoing dialogue between North and South Talks involving North Korea, South Korea, China, the United States, Japan and Russia had been scheduled but were never held.

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CA Medical Assoc. Urges Pot Legalization

October 16, 2011
CA Medical Assoc. Urges Pot Legalization

The California Medical Association , the state’s largest doctor group, has shocked the nation by officially calling for legalization of marijuana. The CMA, which represents 35,000 physicians statewide, has adopted their pro-legalization position as the first major medical association in America to urge marijuana legalization. The statewide doctors’ association proposes that cannabis be regulated in the same manner as alcohol and tobacco currently are. The California Medical Association’s announcement is predictably receiving opposition from law enforcement bureaucrats in the state. “I wonder what they’re smoking,” said John Lovell of the California Police Chiefs Association. “It’s just an unbelievably irresponsible position.” Law enforcement has a political and economic interest in keeping California jails at maximum capacity, say critics. The U.S. government considers cannabis as having “no medical use”, however, the California Medical Association now wants the Obama administration to reclassify marijuana to promote further research on the potential of cannabis as medicine. The feds recently rejected a request to reclassify marijuana, but the decision is currently being appealed in federal court by advocates for marijuana legalization. Today, the federal government is cracking down on California’s medical marijuana industry with threats to prosecute property owners who rent buildings to medical marijuana dispensaries. U.S. federal law continues to prohibit the sale or possession of marijuana, while California upholds its state law that classifies possession of less than one ounce of weed as an infraction, not a misdemeanor. Doctors across America have called for further marijuana research, and the American Medical Association has called for the federal government to ease restrictions on cannabis research. Of all the AMA state affiliate organizations, though, it is the California Medical Association now calling for the full legalization of marijuana. California Marijuana Legalization Read the rest here: CA Medical Assoc. Urges Pot Legalization

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WikiLeaks Julian Assange ‘Occupy’ Shocker

October 16, 2011
WikiLeaks Julian Assange ‘Occupy’ Shocker

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange made a shocking public appearance amid thousands of ‘Occupy’ protesters and hundreds of media cameras. At the London ‘Occupy’ protest, an offshoot of Occupy Wall Street sponsored by Anonymous , a sea of protesters pressed behind a line of riot cops in defiance. It was then that Julian Assange suddenly materialized before thousands of shocked protesters. The massive crowd erupted in cheers, stunned by the sudden public appearance of the WikiLeaks founder in supposed exile. The controversial international figure spoke to the demonstrators. “Like all of you, I have had difficulties getting in here today, but there are many people who haven’t yet been able to get through,” Julian Assange told the protesters. “This movement is not about the destruction of law, it is about the construction of law,” Assange continued. “I just wanted to say, we are all individuals.” The crowd of awe-struck ‘Occupy’ protesters cheered as WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange tossed handfuls of candy to the stunned crowd, then quickly disappeared. WikiLeaks Julian Assange ‘Occupy’ Protest Video See more here: WikiLeaks Julian Assange ‘Occupy’ Shocker

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