brief video. End portion is not quite audible as of yet. While driving to get a coffee in Seymour, CT I was stopped at a police checkpoint. The policeman shined his light in my face and I rolled down the window. The office states that his probable cause to stop me is because I won’t let him do his job. The policeman suspects that because I know my rights that I am a lawyer. After the policeman had me exit the vehicle he stated that I would be arrested for interfering with police and that he would make sure that I stay in the court system “….so long that it will bankrupt you” The other policeman stated that now he knows who I am and that, “…We’ll be watching you all of the time. The policeman asked me what my problem was, I replied that I have no problem. The officer never answered my questions about defending the Constitution. Because I decided to leave my home to get a coffee, I was stopped by police without probable cause, detained, removed from my vehicle and threatened. More to come!!!!