I was just stopped at an unconstitutional CHECKPOINT in DeKalb, Illinois. This was Illinois State Police conducting the unconstitutional searches. You won’t …
I was out on a little errand with my girlfriend to the baby store, just outside the shopping center was a DUI checkpoint with 50+ Police units including officers in training, Sheriff’s Department, Deputies, etc. The checkpoint started before 6:00pm (way before anyone starts drinking, during peak traffic hours in Orange County). I was going to record the small closed off area where the police where illegally searching and questioning people, conveniently for the police, the owners of the private property allowed them to stage this Nazi Stop, making it against the law for civilians to audio or video record the operation. This didnt stop me from pulling out my camera and filming the outside operation and asking a few questions.
brief video. End portion is not quite audible as of yet. While driving to get a coffee in Seymour, CT I was stopped at a police checkpoint. The policeman shined his light in my face and I rolled down the window. The office states that his probable cause to stop me is because I won’t let him do his job. The policeman suspects that because I know my rights that I am a lawyer. After the policeman had me exit the vehicle he stated that I would be arrested for interfering with police and that he would make sure that I stay in the court system “….so long that it will bankrupt you” The other policeman stated that now he knows who I am and that, “…We’ll be watching you all of the time. The policeman asked me what my problem was, I replied that I have no problem. The officer never answered my questions about defending the Constitution. Because I decided to leave my home to get a coffee, I was stopped by police without probable cause, detained, removed from my vehicle and threatened. More to come!!!!