December 2, 2011
The impact of Billy Graham on California is historic, but many may not know the life-changing influence that California had on the greatest Christian evangelist of all time. Without California, Billy Graham’s ministry may never have existed at all. While studying for an anthropology degree at Wheaton College in the early 1940s, Billy Graham desperately struggled with doubts regarding the reliability of the Bible as the Word of God . “The particular intellectual problem I was wrestling with, for the first time since my conversion as a teenager, was the inspiration and authority of the Scriptures.
Tags: bible, billy, california, california heroes, california history, hollywood, over-the-rarely, reliability, scriptures, the-reliability, video
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December 2, 2011
Sometimes a team loses in the long run despite winning a particular game. Thanks to injuries to Willie Mitchell and Mike Richards in the game, the Kings look like the losers on the ice despite their 2-1 victory over the rarely seen Florida Panthers. more › Link: Kings Overcome Injuries, Chase Panthers For Victory
Tags: chase-panthers, despite-their, game, kings, kings-overcome, la news, like-the-losers, local news, news, news los angeles, over-the-rarely, run-despite
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December 2, 2011
Sometimes a team loses in the long run despite winning a particular game. Thanks to injuries to Willie Mitchell and Mike Richards in the game, the Kings look like the losers on the ice despite their 2-1 victory over the rarely seen Florida Panthers. more › Link: Kings Overcome Injuries, Chase Panthers For Victory
Tags: beverly hills, california, despite-their, kings-overcome, over-the-rarely, rarely-seen, run-despite, willie-mitchell
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