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Real Estate Marketing Help From the Top Marketing Company in Los Angeles | Cheyenne Journal
AAA: The Real Cost of a DUI
The Real Dangers of Running Out of Gas

The Real Dangers of Running Out of Gas AAA is Committed to improving the lives of 51 million members across North America. When you think of AAA, you probably think of maps and directions and emergency roadside assistance, some of our top services. But did you know that AAA offers many services to help with […]
Floor Plan Porn: 740 Park Avenue

SELLER: Courtney Sale Ross LOCATION: New York City, NY PRICE: $60,000,000 SIZE: Titanic YOUR MAMAS NOTES: Buckle your real estate safety belts butter beans because Time Warner widow and philanthropist Courtney Sale Ross has just re-listed her monumental duplex apartment in New York City’s s 740 Park Avenue with an asking price of $60,000,000. Y’all are in luck this time around because Miz Ross not only listed the behemoth apartment on the open market yesterday, she and her Real Estates included photographs and floor plans for her sprawling spread located near the top of the impossibly posh, exceedingly exclusive and hideously expensive 17 story limestone-clad edifice. Back in 2008 Miz Ross quietly floated her colossal co-operative apartment–an awkward quasi-combination between two already halaciously huge high-floor duplex units–on the market back with a rumored and reported price tag of sixty million clams. In May of this year (2011) the two-unit mega mansion-sized apartment was semi-officially listed when it was reported in the Wall Street Journal that Miz Ross had made them available together (at sixty million bucks) and separately, one for twenty-five and the other for thirty-five million. Perhaps the simplest way for the less-luxurious living children to attempt to comprehend the magnitude of Miz Ross’ ree-donkulously gigantic apartment is to peruse the floor plan (above) including with the listing. By Your Mama’s count the Ross residence spreads out over 2 floors and encompasses 30 (or so) rooms with more than two dozen closets and dressing rooms, 9 full and 3 half bathrooms, 6 principal bedrooms that include a sprawling master suite with private sitting room, 2-3 staff bedrooms, 7 wood burning fireplaces, 6 separate landscaped terraces (none of them particularly large), 2 grand entrance galleries each with swooping floating staircase, 2 living rooms (one 35-feet long and almost 20-feet wide), two dining rooms, 2 well-equipped chef-friendly kitchens, two libraries, and one game room/gym. Brace yourselves for this puppies because not only is the palace-sized co-operative apartment currently priced at a toe-curling $60,000,0000, listing information shows the monthly maintenance totals $28,087 per month. No babies, that is not a typo. According to Your Mama’s bejeweled abacus that comes to a blood curdling $337,044 each year. Miz Ross is making the two apartments available for purchase together–at $60,000,000–or separately. The smaller 14-room duplex comes with a $25,000,000 price tag and the larger 16-room duplex is listed at $35,000,000. Sixty million bucks might quite logically seem like a frighteningly high and unrealistic amount of money for Miz Ross to ask for her pair of not completely combined duplex apartments. In fact, Elise Knutsen over at the New York Observer is taking bets on how much the combo-crib will sell for and when. (She says two years and $42,000,000.) However, it seems to Your Mama that Miz Ross and her Real Estates just may have timed the market right for despite the ongoing global economic turmoils–Hello Italy, Greece and Zuccotti Park–the super rich, those immune to even the steepest of economic down towns, seem to be in a spendy mood to acquire lavish and insanely priced properties. Por ejemplo, at just 22-years old Formula One racing heiress Petra Ecclestone is already a major international real estate baller. Not only did she reportedly drop $100,000,000 of Daddy Ecclestone’s dinero on a massive mansion in London late in 2010, she also threw down $85,000,000 in cold hard cash –allegedly mostly borrowed from her former model mother Slavica–for Showbiz widow Candy Spelling’s hulking, 55,000 square foot house in Los Angeles’s hoity-toity Holmby Hills ‘hood. In New York this last summer, telecom heiress Sloan (Lindemann) Barnett and her businessman husband Roger Barnett unloaded their historic Peter Marino-designed Upper East Side townhouse in a private deal worth $48,000,000 to notoriously peripatetic Band-Aid heiress Libet Johnson. The children may recall that Mister and Missus Barnett just paid $33,000,000 to acquire a 17,000-plus square foot San Francisco (CA) mansion long owned by the recently deceased, couture-clad iconoclast and international high society maven Dodie Rosekrans. The Barnett’s new house, just a block from their old smaller but still huge house, sits hard up next door to a contemporary mansion owned by Oracle multi-billionaire Larry Ellison who himself has spent more than $100,000,000 over the last few years snapping up a trio of non-contiguous compounds that hug the punishingly pricey shore of Lake Tahoe.
realLIFEstories – Kathy Custead – A Fresh Look Proves Timely

Mark and Kathy Custead enjoyed a comfortable, middle-class lifestyle, but their financial obligations were considerable. So with their agent’s help, they completed a life insurance needs analysis, which showed that both needed to substantially increase their coverage. They each made life insurance purchases, something neither had done since their first child was born 17 years earlier. That spring, Mark was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and died five weeks later. Proceeds from his insurance helped to pay funeral expenses, medical bills and credit card debt, and have allowed Kathy to set aside money for the kids’ college costs.
realLIFEstories – Nicolas Virgen – Still Watching Over Them

Nicolas, a self-employed painter, had life insurance for himself but was reluctant to buy a policy for his stay-at-home wife, Teresa. But his insurance agent was persuasive and convinced him to cover her too. When a terrible car accident killed Teresa and left Nicolas badly injured, the money from her policy is what paid the bills and kept the family in their home until Nicolas could return to work.
2010 realLIFEstories Client Service Awards Program

The LIFE Foundation and NAIFA recognized insurance professionals and their clients whose realLIFEstories illustrate how insurance can make all the difference in the world when tragedy strikes. During the replay, you will also hear from one young woman who knows firsthand of the need for life insurance because of financial challenges she faced following the loss of a parent. By sharing these stories, LIFE seeks to remind all Americans of the important role insurance professionals perform in helping families, businesses, and individuals achieve financial security through proper insurance planning.