The California Highway Patrol sets up several DUI checkpoints to ensure motorists are safe during the Labor Day weekend.
Downtown drivers, prepare for a few obstacles this morning. A Philadelphia-based healthcare reform group will march and rally starting at 11am to “Occupy Anthem Blue Cross.” Healthcare-Now!, a volunteer group organizing for a national single-taxpayer healthcare system, will march in support of SB 810, a Sacramento bill dubbed the California Universal Healthcare Act. more › See the article here: Activists To March, Rally & ‘Occupy Anthem Blue Cross’ In Downtown L.A.
For methamphetamine user Robert Edward De Shields, one side effect of the drug is apparently the strong desire to sexually abuse animals. The Sacramento parolee was sentenced this week to 10 years in state prison for his appalling treatment of an 8-month-old chihuahua. more › Originally posted here: Meth Addict Jailed For Strangling & Sexually Assaulting A Chihuahua
The Sacramento earthquake rocked the California State Capitol as the midnight hour approached, leaving startled Northern Californians to wonder if the quake was The Big One. The 5.2 magnitude earthquake shook the state capitol building and rattled the California Legislature and State Assembly offices in the dead of night. The earthquake epicenter was 23 miles outside of Truckee, CA and was felt in Sacramento, Oakland and San Francisco. The USGS reports at least five aftershocks following the temblor, and local nerves are on-edge.
ANAHEIM, Calif. — California’s largest industry group for doctors is calling for the legalization of marijuana even as it maintains that the drug has few proven health benefits. Dr. Donald Lyman, the Sacramento physician who wrote the group’s new policy, said doctors are increasingly frustrated by the state’s medical marijuana law, which allows use with a doctor’s recommendation. Physicians are put in the uncomfortable position of having to decide whether to recommend a drug that’s illegal under federal law, Lyman said. “It is an open question whether cannabis is useful or not,” he told the newspaper. “That question can only be answered once it is legalized and more research is done. Then, and only then, can we know what it is useful for.” The CMA acknowledges health risks associated with marijuana use and proposes regulation similar to alcohol and tobacco, but the group says the consequences of criminalization outweigh the dangers. The federal government considers cannabis a drug with no medical use. The CMA wants the White House to reclassify it to help promote further research on its medical potential. Earlier this year, the Obama administration turned down a request to reclassify marijuana. That decision is being appealed in federal court by legalization advocates. Lyman called current laws a “failed public health policy.” But critics within the medical community said association leaders did not consider the broader implications of legalizing marijuana. “I think it’s going to lead to more use, and that, to me, is a public health concern,” Dr. Robert DuPont, an M.D. and professor of psychiatry at Georgetown Medical School, told the Times. Members of the CMA, which represents more than 35,000 California physicians, were informed of the trustees’ vote Saturday. It is the first major medical association in the nation to urge legalization of cannabis, according to a group spokeswoman. The group’s decision provoked an angry response from some in law enforcement. “Given everything that we know about the physiological impacts of marijuana – how it affects young brains, the number of accidents associated with driving under the influence – it’s just an unbelievably irresponsible position,” said John Lovell, spokesman for the California Police Chiefs Association. The CMA’s parent organization, the American Medical Association, has said the federal government should consider easing research restrictions, according to the Times. ___ See the rest here: California’s Largest Doctors Association: Legalize It!