November 6, 2011
If you’re a small business owner medical marijuana patient looking to protect those pot plants you have growing in your backyard, you might be tempted to take out an insurance policy to cover your assets medicine in case of the inevitable drug raid that comes from growing an unthoroughly legalized plant. more › Go here to see the original: Nice Try, But State Farm Insurance Will Not Cover Damage to Your Precious Pot Plants Caused by a Drug Raid
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October 25, 2011
There are more California billionaires than ever, and the state of California has more billionaires than any state in America. In fact, one of every nine billionaires in the world is a Californian, officially making California the Billionaire Capitol of the World . Recognizing an apparent public fascination with magnates, barons, tycoons, moguls or wealthy business leaders, Californiality has compiled a list of 100 billionaires from California below. This blog does not speculate on the net worth of billionaires in California, which changes monthly.
Tags: beverly hills, ca news, california, californian, jeanne-woodford, los angeles, media, oprah-winfrey, over-the-death, retail, society, state
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October 21, 2011
Beverly Hills, CA October 18, 2011 – Jersey Shore ‘s Ronnie Ortiz-Magro cheats on Sammi Giancola and this time it is with Reality TV star Morgan Osman from Bad Girls Club Miami! The two were seen all over Sunny Isles, FL. Read more here: Exclusive: Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Did Cheat On Sammi Giancola
Tags: beverly hills, ca news, francisco, girls, girls-club, missing, reality, sammi-giancola, state, sunny-isles, the-earlier
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October 21, 2011
The San Francisco Bay Area shook with its second earthquake of the day Thursday night, likely an aftershock from the earlier 4.0 temblor that struck near Berkeley. According to USGS, the latest jolt measured 3.9 on the richter scale and hit at 8:16pm PST. The quakes came on the heels of California’s “ShakeOut” drill, during which residents across the state prepared for disaster. This is a developing story… View post: EARTHQUAKE! (Part Two)
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October 19, 2011
The Los Angeles Jewish Community came together Tuesday morning at the Beverly Hilton to celebrate the release of 25-year-old Gilad Shalit—the Israeli soldier kidnapped by Hamas terrorists inside Israel’s borders on June 25, 2006. One-thousand, nine-hundred and forty-one days later, Gilad Shalit is finally back home on Israeli soil. Beny Alagem, an expat Israeli who purchased the Beverly Hilton in 2003, worked feverishly with the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles and the Jewish Federation of Los Angeles to bring the Jewish community together in his hotel ballroom. Hundreds of people came from all over the county for the 7 a.m. event. They filled the chairs and lined the walls; necks craned to see the two huge screens beaming live footage from Israeli television. They cheered, applauded and wiped away tears of joy when Shalit appeared on the screen. While Shalit was actually released during the middle of the night local time, attendees at Tuesday’s event were on hand to witness his return to his hometown of Mitzpe Hila. As attendees filled up on coffee, juice and pastries, the live stream showed Shalit walking out of the mouth of an Israeli army helicopter to a waiting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Israeli news commentator noted how gaunt and pale Shalit was. Westwood resident Carole Shnier said she came to the early morning event to share a historic moment. “It’s very surreal because there was disbelief that this day would ever come,” she said. “It’s bittersweet, but I’m thrilled and proud to be a Jew and a supporter of the State of Israel.” Richard Sandler of the Jewish Federation addressed the crowd. “We come together today as one community and one people to support Gilad Shalit and his family, our brothers and sisters in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) and the State of Israel,” he said. The morning program included addresses by local rabbis and Los Angeles city officials, all of whom spoke openly about the joy of bringing Shalit home, and also about the release of thousands of terrorists from Israeli prisons in return for Shalit’s freedom. “This is an amazing moment that we can all experience first hand. It was a gut wrenching decision for all of us. We are relieved to witness Gilad’s return but our hearts are heavy,” Israeli Consul General David Siegel said. “The anguish of bereaved families of victims of terror and what the future may bring is in our minds.” Nonetheless, Siegel said Israel’s decisions came from a great internal strength. “We uphold the sanctity of life,” he said. “Ours is not a society that celebrates in the release of cold-blooded murderers.” Siegel also thanked the Los Angeles community for actively seeking the release of Shalit over the past five years. L.A. County Third District Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky said the only thought that came to his mind was the difference in the celebrations in Israel and Gaza. “Israel, the Jewish people and all freedom-loving people celebrate with Gilad but in Gaza thousands are celebrating the release of murderers,” Yaroslavsky said. Fifth District Councilman Paul Koretz cited the Jewish caveat that if you save one person it is as if you have saved the whole world. “Israel has passed that test today,” he said. “I’ve never been so proud. It’s great to be here and celebrate with the Jewish community and everyone in the world who cares about what’s right.” Third District Councilman Dennis Zine noted that he was the only Lebanese Christian who has been to Israel and he pledged to continue to work with Rotary International and the Israeli consul general to find a way to create a long-term peace accord. “We need to recognize that the terrorists being released still pose a threat to Israel,” he said. While the official morning ceremony concluded with a prayer for peace by many of Los Angeles’ local rabbis, guests stayed to watch the live Israeli feed of Gilad’s father, Noam, talk to the crowds outside his home. Many attendees seemed reluctant to leave. Shoshi Wichfort who lives in Bel Air said she came to the event to be part of history surrounded by her community. She stayed to watch Shalit’s father speak. “I’m Israeli in my neshama [soul],” she told Patch. “I couldn’t be anywhere else but here this morning.” Be sure to follow Beverly Hills Patch on Twitter and “Like” us on Facebook . Original post: Beverly Hilton Hosts Gilad Shalit Homecoming Event
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October 19, 2011
Beverly Hills High School athletes are taking on Ocean League rivals this week with boys water polo facing Culver City Wednesday and varsity football hosting Santa Monica Friday. Wednesday, Oct. 19 Girls JV Golf @ Torrance, 2 p.m. Boys Varsity Water Polo @ Culver City, 3 p.m. Girls Varsity Tennis @ Harvard-Westlake, 4 p.m. Boys Freshman Water Polo @ Culver City, 4:15 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 20 Freshman Football vs. Santa Monica, 3 p.m. Girls Varsity Tennis @ Morningside, 3 p.m. Girls Varsity Volleyball @ Morningside, 3:15 p.m. Girls JV Volleyball @ Morningside, 4:30 p.m. JV Football vs. Santa Monica, 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 21 Boys Varsity Water Polo @ El Segundo, 3 p.m. Boys Freshman Water Polo @ El Segundo, 4:15 p.m. Varsity Football vs. Santa Monica, 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22 Girls JV Volleyball vs. Valley Christian, TBA 3:30 p.m. Be sure to follow Beverly Hills Patch on Twitter and “Like” us on Facebook . View post: BHHS Sports Calendar Oct. 19-22
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October 16, 2011
BEVERLY HILLS Gov. Jerry Brown said Thursday that the school testing program he proposed overhauling in last year’s gubernatorial campaign is a “good system” he will keep intact. See the original post: Jerry Brown calls California’s school testing program
Tags: appid, association, beverly hills news, brown, group, hollywood-bowl, largest, news los angeles, state, the-federal, the-original, thursday
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October 16, 2011
A group that represents 35,000 doctors in the state is calling for the legalization of marijuana at the federal level. The California Medical Association, a lobbying group for doctors in the state, fights tooth and nail to protect doctors’ rights to treat their patients the best way they know how. The doctors’ group is complaining that right now federal policy is getting in the way of their work. more › See the original post here: Docs for Pot: State’s Largest Doctors’ Group Calls For Legalization
Tags: although-lady, association, california, federal, group, hollywood-bowl, largest, news, state, the-federal, the-original, work
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October 13, 2011
One of the nastiest dimensions of the battle over same-sex marriage has been the lack of access to divorce courts for same-sex married couples that reside in non-recognition states. While you might think that anti-gay judges would be thrilled to help these gay couples break up, in fact that is not true. Judges in Texas, Oklahoma, Rhode Island and other states have refused to grant divorces to lesbian or gay couples who went elsewhere to get married or have relocated from the state in which they got married, on the grounds that granting a divorce would constitute a form of official recognition of their marriage. Mind you, most of these couples are not asking a judge to grant them any property or alimony based upon their marriage, since they’ve already settled those issues — they just want to get an order of dissolution. And the couples have good reasons for wanting the court order. Even if they have resolved their financial affairs, they need to get a divorce so they can be free of future liabilities, and so they will be able to marry or legally partner their new romantic interest. The legal origin of these problems stems from what is referred to as the “domicile” rule, which means couples ordinarily can only get divorced in the state in which they reside at the time of their break-up, regardless of where they lived when they got married. The purpose of this rule, which goes back more than a century, is to prevent nasty husbands (or wives) from evading the divorce rules of the state they live in, by simply hopping across the state line to get a divorce in another state. For example, if a husband in New York didn’t like the property rules imposed on him by the New York court, it would be unfair to his wife if he could simply drive a few miles away to a more lenient state and file for divorce there. While these rules may make sense for heterosexual couples who can always get a divorce in whatever state they live in, they wreak havoc for couples who live in states that won’t grant them a divorce under any conditions — even if they’ve reached a property settlement with their spouse. This is a vivid example of where the denial of the right to marry ends up as a denial of the right to get a divorce. Fortunately, the California legislature has just passed a bill (which was signed into law on October 9th by Governor Jerry Brown) that resolves this problem — at least for those who came to California and got married there in 2008. It will also help those who may in the future get married in California, if and when Proposition 8 (which bans same-sex marriages) is repealed or ruled to be unconstitutional. The bill is titled SB (Senate Bill) 651, and the full text can be found here. The new law will go into effect in January 2012. It provides that if a couple got married in California but lives in a state that won’t grant them a divorce (which is presumed if the state doesn’t recognize their marriage), the California court will have jurisdiction to grant them a dissolution. The divorce case will be filed in the county where the couple got married, and the dissolution is supposed to be adjudicated “in accordance with California law.” There is a lot that remains unresolved in this new legislation, especially what it means to adjudicate a divorce in accordance with California law if the spouses are not residents. But for those who have been able to reach their own private settlement agreement, this will enable them at least to obtain a formal dissolution. And, while there is also some uncertainty on the details, chances are the dissolution will be honored in other states, even non-recognition states. This will allow the ex-spouses to enter into contracts as a formerly married person, and to be treated once again as an unmarried person. It’s a long ways from full marriage recognition in every state, but at least the couples that married in California will now be free to get divorced, wherever they live! Go here to read the rest: Frederick Hertz: Same-Sex Divorce Barrier Lifted In CA Courts
Tags: california, dissolution, divorce, frederick-hertz, governor, governor-jerry, los angeles, marriage, news, state, states, time, wife
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October 12, 2011
PLAYA DEL REY— Up above is a shot of the now shuttered Berri’s Pizza Cafe outpost in Playa del Rey. Per the visible ABC notice looks like Hacienda Playa is taking over. [EaterWire] DOWNTOWN— Some details on that dinner cooked by chef Laurent Quenioux at Church & State . Quenioux hits the kitchen on October 19 to cook this five course menu priced at $65. Wine pairings optional. Call Church & State for a resy. [EaterWire] PALMS— Grub Street notes that Thai Market on Venice Blvd has expanded into Moo Moo Thai Cafe about two weeks ago. A new Thai menu is in place, too, will many pork-centric dishes. [Grub Street] Read the original post: EaterWire : Hacienda Playa Replaces Berri’s Pizza Cafe, Laurent Quenioux at Church & State, MORE!
Tags: church, dinner-cooked, hacienda, hacienda-playa, la food, laurent, laurent-quenioux, missing, pizza, pizza-cafe, state, street
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