More than 100 people, including policemen, firemen, family, friends and the public teamed up at Civic Center Plaza Saturday morning for a memorial 5K run/walk to honor the fifth anniversary of the death of Beverly Hills High School junior Vahagn Setian, and to raise money and awareness for the Vahagn Setian Charitable Foundation . In December 2006, 17-year-old Vahagn and two 15-year-old girls were riding in a Land Rover driven by 26-year-old actor Lane Garrison, who crashed the car into a tree, seriously injuring one of the girls and killing Vahagn. Garrison’s blood alcohol level at the time of the accident was twice the legal limit. He ultimately pleaded guilty to vehicular manslaughter and served two years in prison. “We simply want [teens] to hear about what one decision cost our son, and try and make them look at the potential consequences of their actions before they take them,” Vahagn’s father Karen Setian said. He and his wife Ida created the foundation in their son’s name. “We want kids to look to the proper role models and follow their leads to better decisions.” The 5K event raised money so the foundation can continue to spread its message of proper decision making. Through the use of a wide range of educational programs, events and scholarships, the foundation strives to show youth that their actions have consequences. “When my son was killed, he and I were best friends, but I didn’t know his world. I didn’t know the world of the teens,” Setian said. “Our kids need to be taught that making good choices is OK even if it’s not the popular thing to do.” Setian wanted to give special thanks to city police officers who have supported the foundation’s efforts. Members of the Beverly Hills Police Department’s Baker to Vegas relay started the day’s 5K run and acted as route guides. “The police officers of Beverly Hills have been there for us since the crash and their support has continued every day since then,” Setian said. “I want kids to realize what great people our police officers are and look at how they handle life’s different paths.” Member of the Beverly Hills Firemen’s Association were also on hand to support the charity and participants. Jake Lefkowitz, a childhood friend and classmate of Vahagn, said he ran for his friend’s memory. “I miss ‘V’ every day,” Lefkowitz said. “You never get over such a loss, but time helps some.” Setian said that when he returned home from the hospital after his son’s death, his neighborhood was filled with hundreds of people, mostly teenagers, who had heard of what had happened to Vahagn. “It occurred to me that my son had touched so many people so positively because he was such a caring, warm and loving person. There is not a day that goes by where we do not hear from someone who wishes us well,” Setian said. “We lost our son, but gained a thousand new family members. Giving back to our community seemed like the best way to make something positive come from the loss of Vahagn.” Be sure to follow Beverly Hills Patch on Twitter and “Like” us on Facebook . View original post here: Memorial Run Honors Beverly Hills Drunk Driving Victim
Posts Tagged ‘ time ’
Jazz and Funk Dance Teacher Arrested on Charges of Sex With Student

A teacher in the city of Rolling Hills Estates has been arrested on charges of having sex with an underage girl, reports KTLA . Anthony Angellano, 31, faces charges for oral copulation and digital penetration with a minor. The girl was reportedly 16 and 17 years old when the incidents occurred, and while she was a student at Peninsula High at the time, the encounters allegedly took place at Angellano’s house in Wilmington. more › Read more: Jazz and Funk Dance Teacher Arrested on Charges of Sex With Student
"Butt Naked Eyes" and a few of our favorite things from LA-based NYX Cosmetics
Tis the season for makeup, the time of year when Los Angeles lights up with glam holiday parties, lunches, dinner and stylish events for which Fashionistas want to put their best faces forward. See the article here: “Butt Naked Eyes” and a few of our favorite things from LA-based NYX Cosmetics
Stealer’s Remorse: Thief Takes Orange County Bus, Abandons It in Nearby Cul-de-Sac

A thief in San Clemente took an Orange County bus on a 2-mile joyride yesterday afternoon. A bus driver for the Orange County Transportation Authority left the keys in the empty bus during a break around 3pm. By the time the driver got back, the bus was nowhere to be found. more › More: Stealer’s Remorse: Thief Takes Orange County Bus, Abandons It in Nearby Cul-de-Sac
Ana Beatriz Cholo: Gearing Up for Another Fight: Keeping LGBT History in Public Schools
The anti-equality folks behind the Stop SB 48 campaign suffered a recent disappointment a few weeks ago. Their ballot referendum to repeal SB 48 — the FAIR (Fair, Accurate, Inclusive, and Respectful) Education Law — failed to qualify because they did not gather enough signatures. But on Thursday, Nov. 17, several homophobic organizations requested title and summary from California Attorney General Kamala Harris for a November 2012 ballot initiative to repeal the FAIR Education Act. It’s on — again. And really, what a shame. Think about all the money that will get wasted on something so inane. The new law simply mandates that public schools in California include the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in age-appropriate social studies classes. It’s no different from how, over the years, we’ve come to include the contributions of Mexican Americans, women, African Americans, Native Americans, Asians, European Americans and members of other ethnic and cultural groups. The law goes into effect January 2012, and public schools in California are gearing up to become the first in the nation to do the right thing with regard to inclusivity of LGBT history in lesson plans. Thanks to this new law, students will now have the opportunity to learn a more accurate, inclusive version of history in an age-appropriate manner, one that might include the fact that, for example, the gay rights movement was sparked globally during the Stonewall Riots in New York City in 1969. This was when gay and lesbians decided to finally fight back against discriminatory, government-sponsored raids and unfair treatment that had spanned decades. Will learning this make kids gay? Not at all, but as you might suspect, a number of conservatives in our state are collectively wringing their hands, frantic with worry. Their worst fears are about to be realized. Homosexuality will now be taught in public schools, starting with little kindergartners as young as 5 years old. This sounds crazy, but the thing is they really believe this. They really believe this law is part of a larger gay conspiracy and that it’s designed to make kids gay and join our team. I know because I got to witness them talking about it firsthand the other night at Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills, Calif. I drove an hour and a half to hear Karen England, Stop SB 48′s main proponent, discuss their failed campaign and what their next steps are in stopping “the homosexual agenda.” England is the executive director of a “pro-family” organization called the Capitol Resource Institute. As England put it that night, it’s one thing to live with same-sex marriage. After all, even some hardcore conservatives might say with resignation, “Well, that’s in their home. Live and let live.” “But now you’re talking about bringing it into our schools; you’re messing with our kids,” England continued indignantly. “Kids need to learn their ABCs, not about transgendered people.” There were about 40 people at the meeting. The first question came from a gentleman who pointedly asked, “How do we get rid of Mark Leno?” The way he said it, I wasn’t sure if he meant that in the literal or legislative sense. Leno is the out Democratic Senator from San Francisco who introduced the bill. A mother expressed concern over what her two school-age children will be taught at school starting next year. That sparked a conversation over the merits of pulling kids out of school for days at a time in an effort to a) deny the school district the money they would have received for that child during those days, and b) prove a point and show school officials that parents who disagree with the law can’t be bullied. Another woman identified herself as a school employee. She works in her school’s print shop and said she had a conversation with the assistant principal about the new law in recent weeks. “I won’t print that stuff for the children,” she said she’d informed the administrator, referring to LGBT-related materials that might end up coming her way. “I will walk,” she’d told him. The administrator had tried to dismiss her concerns, but she made it pretty clear that she would rather quit her job than allow gay people to be humanized. “I leave it in the Lord’s hands,” she told us, shaking her head. An elderly man said his worse fears were medically motivated. “The gay community has a lot of health issues that straight people don’t have.” What he said made me think back to leper colonies: is that what he wants for gays, to quarantine us so that we can’t spread disease? Now, we’re about to embark on Round Two of this craziness. Last month, they fell short of the necessary 504,760 signatures needed for it to qualify. They claim that they received 497,404 signatures. What we should consider is that this time, they will be ever more determined to make this one stick. As England summed up for her supporters, “We got this many signatures in 70 days; 150 days will be easy.” For months, the Courage Campaign worked to defend the FAIR Education Act as part of a broad coalition that included people of faith, labor organizations, LGBT groups, disability rights advocates, racial justice organizations and many more who care about equality. We will continue to fight. After all, this is no time for the LGBT movement to rest. Our opponents raised $100,000 for this campaign, and their highest donation came from the National Organization for Marriage, in the form of a $4,000 check. That means that lots of people contributed a few dollars here and there to help them out. During England’s pep talk, she mentioned how the churches of California rose up in this effort. These are churches that had never before been active in a political campaign until now. Calvary Chapel alone added 12 new phone lines just for volunteers to reach out and rally other churches around the state to get involved. She spoke of the tireless passion people demonstrated in ways big and small, like one woman in downtown Sacramento, pushing a baby stroller, with three additional kids in tow, who went into their office and told them she was willing to “go out into the streets” to get signatures. All this, England said, “to protect her family.” Did we see that same kind of passion from the LGBT community in trying to stop this ballot initiative? Not really, but we need to, because contrary to what the other side is trying to do, we’re looking out for all students in California. For updates on what’s happening with the FAIR Education Act, check out our blog here . See the original post here: Ana Beatriz Cholo: Gearing Up for Another Fight: Keeping LGBT History in Public Schools
Kings Can’t Overcome Horrible First Period Against Canucks

Do you remember my last Kings’ game story I wrote and all of the good feelings it engendered? It was a nice uplifting story about an offense starting to find its legs after getting off to a disappointing start. Strike it from the record. After an abysmal first period they managed to cling on to yet another loss, this time to the middling Vancouver Canucks 3-2. more › More: Kings Can’t Overcome Horrible First Period Against Canucks
Death At UCLA Frat House
An 18-year-old man was found dead in a bed at a UCLA fraternity house Saturday afternoon. The Manhattan Beach man has been identified as Glen Parrish, and the cause of death is under investigation. Parrish was not a UCLA student. See the article here: Death At UCLA Frat House
New Report Shocks CA Economy

A new report finds that the frustrating California economy is forcing Californians to radically change how their cities and counties are governed from now on. A political and economic earthquake is shocking the Golden State into a very different kind of future. Golden Governance The new “Golden Governance” report highlights seven California communities that are not just sitting on their hands complaining about the state economy, they are completely restructuring governance and their approach to citizen engagement. The report finds that the state’s current economic situation is actually driving innovation, with local leaders fundamentally changing their approach to governance to meet the demands of America’s most-informed citizens. Many Californians say it’s about time. The state of California is now leading the nation with innovative approaches that have government and citizens co-creating workable solutions for the the financial and service needs of communities. A couple of the seven communities showcased in the “Golden Governance” report include: Salinas, CA , where a participatory budgeting process had taxpayers directly prioritizing public services to meet city budget limitations. Redwood City, CA , where an unpopular $72 million waste water recycling plan caused taxpayers to propose alternatives that respected the city’s budget. The “Golden Governance” report is something by which every Californian can become inspired toward active engagement and participation. The extensively researched report was sponsored by some outstanding nonprofit, nonpartisan and multipartisan organizations that care about the economic future of California: California Forward (Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles) Center for Individual and Institutional Renewal (San Francisco) Davenport Institute for Public Engagement at Pepperdine University (Malibu) National Conference on Citizenship (Washington) The “Golden Governance” report was released from Stanford University’s Bill Lane Center for the American West , which studies how technology and hands-on engagement can work together to improve how California communities are governed. Leaders representing the report’s sponsoring organizations are excited about where the California economy is headed in 2012 and beyond, as citizens become aggressively involved in community issues. Pete Peterson , Executive Director of the Davenport Institute for Public Engagement, praised the progress enjoyed by some California communities, which he hopes to see happen statewide. “Redwood City is just one example of how citizens and government officials can come together to identify innovate policy solutions.
Andy Williams Cancer War

Andy Williams announced that he has cancer to shocked fans, but the singer makes it clear that he’s not dying and doesn’t plan on letting cancer take him down. “I do have cancer of the bladder, but that is no longer a death sentence. People with cancer are getting through this thing,” said superstar Andy Williams, who is determined to be cancer-free. Williams, who will turn 84 on December 3rd, is undergoing chemotherapy and moving with his wife, Debbie, to Malibu for treatment by top cancer specialists in Los Angeles. Andy and Debbie Williams own a home in La Quinta, California, but the drive to and from L.A. is a strain during his personal war against cancer. Andy Williams hosted the ‘Andy Williams San Diego Open’ PGA Tour golf tournament at Torrey Pines for 21 years but, today, the avid golfer is devoting his time and energy to fighting cancer off the golf course. A beloved singer, songwriter, performer, actor, music producer, TV star and art collector for decades, Andy Williams has a fan base in 75 nations that is praying for the star and cheering him on during the fight of his life. Among those supporting Williams in his cancer battle are The Osmonds , who were first introduced to the world as a regular singing act on The Andy Williams Show in the 1960s. Encouraging the legendary singer onward is Yoko Ono , who remembers that the loudest voice of objection to President Nixon ‘s attempt to deport John Lennon in the 1970s was Andy Williams, a lifelong conservative Republican. Of the countless hits recorded by Andy Williams, which song should be featured here as a theme song for the legendary vocalist’s aggressive fight to live? “Moon River” or “Love Story” or “Can’t Get Used to Losing You” or “Days of Wine and Roses” ?
Prolific ‘Upskirt’ Photographer Caught in San Diego County

A prolific “upskirt” photographer in San Diego County was arrested after police said they found thousands of pictures on his phone of women who didn’t know them were being photographed. A local store caught the alleged creep taking pictures on a surveillance video and tipped off the police. more › Link: Prolific ‘Upskirt’ Photographer Caught in San Diego County