January 25, 2012
The Cosmo Funnel is the online synergy of all positive energy. Here you can make wishes, set goals, share your dreams, showcase your art, and see how beautiful this existence really is. Read inspiring stories, and view innovative videos in the funnel. Let the world of good karma give you hope for tomorrow and become […]
Tags: art, Astrology, Bright, Bright Light, Community, Cosmos, creation, Creativity, desire, Draw, Drawer, drawing, dream, Dreamer, Dreams, earth, film, galaxy, Goal, Good, Greater Good, Happiness, heart, Heartbeat, image, imagination, Imagine, Inner Desire, Inner Truth, Innovative Thinking, light, love, Majnoon, moon, Oneness, Paint, Painter, Painting, peace, Photograph, photography, picture, planet, Poem, poetry, Positive Energy, Positivity, question, Sculpt, Sculptor, Sculpture, Share, Sharing, Star, Sun, Thinker, True, truth, Universe, video, Videographer, Wish, Wisher, Wishing, Wishing Well
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November 7, 2011
Michael Jackson’s doctor, Conrad Murray , is guilty of manslaughter.
Tags: california news, conrad, country, death, family, image, mind, murray, news los angeles, wedding
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November 7, 2011
Dear Kim, There is no doubt you are a hopeless romantic, you love falling in love, the same way your family loves a good cover photo. I believe you when you say you thought this marriage was forever, except for the fact that I also think you knew far before your wedding day that you were just not that into him (hello those dogs on your pretty bed? Never going to happen.) But you forged ahead, because you had already signed on the dotted line and the train had already left the building and you’re a people pleaser. Public commitment sucks. I have always given you credit, well actually, I give Mama Kris props for taking your little sex video and manipulating the public to catapult your bank account to the zillions. There’s no fault in solid, good business, but this whole wedding, relationship and divorce shenanigan — this is where we need to have a little talk. I have so many less than lady like things I want to say about you, but I’ve decided to leave the name calling to all the not so happy people who have said you’re a shallow, overrated, attention seeking, sad, pathetic, pointless, money hungry human. People are not being very nice, but we live in America, so we have to let the people say what they need to, to get through it. I think it’s safe to assume, the only thing that is on your mind right now is how you’re going to ride the wave of a PR crisis that mommy got you into; so while Mama Kris figures out how she’s going to get you out of this and make 37 million while doing so, I’m going to give you a handful of other things to think about. 1. The 400 people who drove to Santa Barbara in LA traffic, many of those people had to get babysitters and rearrange their lives to watch your pretty fantasy spill out in black and white and roses; you sort of owe them babysitting and hotel money, it’s the least you can do. 2. You received millions of dollars from E! For the rights to air your farce of a fabulous, over-the-top wedding and yet, we still can’t get gay marriage legalized. If you have one ounce of integrity, I challenge you with all my being, to donate half of that fee you received towards the mission to get gay marriage legalized. I don’t even care about what state you do it in, just do it. 3. The wedding vendors who worked their asses off to make your perfect fantasy come to life and got paid zero in hopes to use your wedding to move their business forward, well, you might want to go ahead pay them for their stellar services; it’s the polite and proper thing to do. Oh, and, if they won’t take your money, because they’re ass kissers, I have a whole list of friends who run charities who will be happy to accept your donation in lieu of the 20 million in free products and services you received. Tweet me, I’ll send you their contact info. 4. If you’re wondering what do about that 20.5-carat ring, that little bling would do miracles for the LAUSD and help thousands of children get a better education. Just think about it, you could make change happen in your own backyard. What a concept, right? My educator husband will be happy to help guide you in this area. Tweet me, I’ll re-tweet it to him. 5. While your image and “brand” pushes sex to the millionth degree, my friends Alison, Aleda, Maria and Barbara see, treat and refer about 62,400 women a year in Haiti who are affected by gender based violence through WeAdvance.org. They built an itty-bitty clinic that is more powerful than any magazine cover. Imagine what you could do for these women, with just the cost of catering from your wedding — now that’s a cover story. I think you get where I am going with all this. Put down the Blackberry, add an “out of the country” signature on your Twitter account, tell mama Kris to back the hell up and get your ass out of Tinseltown. Be bold, be independent and surprise yourself and everyone else around you. Book a one-way solo ticket to a third world country and get some real life experience and perspective, you need it. It’s time to reach far and deep into your soul and see some things you need to see and create a vision of who you want to be as a woman. This is what Oprah might call your defining moment — which path are you going to choose? Go, sit in the uncomfortable. Dare to become a woman who stands for something and become someone who gives back and inspires young women to be something unique and spectacular; be known for creating good versus empty and predictable. Go. Be authentic. This whole famous for nothing and living your life out loud on television with no true purpose other than cash and fame is not what your father would have wished for you. You have to know when to say when, and when is right now. After a very bad break up, Stacie Krajchir-Tom left her life behind for 60 days up to volunteer in Thailand after the Asian tsunami. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/stacie-krajchir/tsunami-relief-work-the-m_b_79267.html. She was so inspired by her experience; she created and launched The See & Sprout Project (seandsprout.com). Read more here: Stacie Krajchir: An Open Letter to Kim Kardashian
Tags: america, beverly hills, ca news, country, family, friends, haiti, image, life, mind, news, wedding
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November 5, 2011
A prolific “upskirt” photographer in San Diego County was arrested after police said they found thousands of pictures on his phone of women who didn’t know them were being photographed. A local store caught the alleged creep taking pictures on a surveillance video and tipped off the police. more › Link: Prolific ‘Upskirt’ Photographer Caught in San Diego County
Tags: ca news, caught, diego-county, image, local news, local-store, media, police, such-as-wealth, taking-pictures, time
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November 5, 2011
Dear Editor, Regarding the Nov. 8 school board election ; why has there been so little discussion of why Beverly Hills parents have to spend so much money hiring tutors to teach their children? During a recent KBEV broadcast of a Q & A session with the school board candidates, one parent exclaimed she was “paying tutors up the wazoo!” From my own observations, a shockingly high number of BHUSD students have tutors, even in kindergarten. Why? From what I hear on the “parents grapevine,” it’s because our children are not being taught the necessary academic material or not taught it well enough, so concerned parents hire tutors. Besides being expensive for parents, this need for tutors indicates something is wrong with the district’s administration, teaching and curriculum. One way to uncover what is wrong is for a simple (and anonymous) survey to be sent to every BHUSD parent asking them about their use of tutors for their children. The survey will help inform school administrators about teaching quality and curriculum weaknesses. And it will clarify who is teaching our children and what. I further believe such a survey will reveal that the curriculum in B.H. schools is weak and often confusing. (Has the school board tried to understand the current third grade math curriculum?) Too many Beverly Hills parents are falsely comforted by the district’s high end API scores. BHUSD’s 2010 average API score was 891 out of a possible 1,000. API scores, however, are not always an accurate gauge of a school’s quality. API scores don’t, for example, account for factors such as wealth. In wealthy areas like Beverly Hills, all parents speak English and so can communicate easily with teachers and can read their children’s school work. Our parents are focused on education and have the time to help their children, such as supervising their homework. Most importantly, Beverly Hills parents can afford to hire tutors. Compare these circumstances to a less-wealthy immigrant area, where the parents don’t speak English, don’t understand the school system, are working two or three jobs so cannot help with their child’s homework and cannot afford to hire tutors. If Beverly Hills parents were to stop hiring tutors or spending so many hours “supervising” their children’s homework, Beverly Hills schools’ API scores would collapse. Now is the time for parents to learn why the use of tutors is so rife in the district. Until that happens, local parents will be paying dearly for tutors and our children won’t be receiving the education they deserve to get—at their school. Scott McConnell BHUSD Parent Be sure to follow Beverly Hills Patch on Twitter and “Like” us on Facebook . See the original post: Letter to the Editor: Demand for Tutors Reflects Poorly on City Schools
Tags: ca news, development, events, image, media, school, such-as-wealth, their-children, time, tutors-reflects, video, violence
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November 5, 2011
Like many Americans, I watched the events unfold in Oakland this week with some trepidation. Occupy Oakland tried two new tactics in protesting, and both were very successful at achieving a key goal — that of getting your message across. Both the general strike and the temporary port shutdown were successful, in this regard. Later in the night, however, a group of jerks came close to ruining all this, by their criminal behavior. I was not present — I live too far away from Oakland to have taken part. In fact, like most Americans, I watched the news coverage on television. And, finally, the video images which the news media has been waiting for occurred — video of idiots vandalizing anything they felt like, setting bonfires in the streets, and battling with cops. What was missing from the media coverage (at least the coverage I witnessed) was a spokesman for the Occupy movement denouncing the violence and calling on all their supporters and fellow protesters to do the same. This is a weakness in the movement. In fact, it is a critical weak point. Not the lack of denunciation per se (I did actually see people interviewed at the Occupy sites who strongly disavowed the violent jerks) but the fact that there is no media contact for the movement. This needs to change, or the Occupy movement leaves itself open to being defined by anyone who shows up — and gets their image on television by being a jerk. This would be a shame, but it seems to be inherent in the structure of the protests. To be part of the “99 Percent” all you have to do is show up. The problem with this is, some people are going to show up who do not hew to the utopian rules of behavior. Even if the ratio of jerks to protesters-with-hearts-of-gold is extremely low — let’s just say for the sake of argument one percent versus 99 percent — they can spoil the whole show for everyone. What the protesters need to consider is: why let the one percent of the jerks define your movement in the media, while the wishes of the 99 percent are not heard? Isn’t this kind of the point of the movement in the first place? Occupy Wall Street (and all its sister Occupy sites) is famously against “leaders.” It’s communitarian. Well, that’s all fine and good, but what this means in a practical sense is that the media — looking for a soundbite — will just show up and randomly interview people. Since conflict makes good television, they will run the clip of the one jerk who says (or does) something monumentally stupid, and the other 99 interviews will wind up on the cutting room floor. A media spokesperson is not a “leader” — he or she is merely a conduit of information. If the Occupy sites (starting with the Occupy Wall Street site) would only realize this, they would do their cause a lot of good. Do it by consensus. In any group of people, there are some who are much better at articulating things than others. Hours are spent in General Meetings talking, so it shouldn’t be that hard to identify a few who choose their words better than others. Select one of these per week, say, and rotate people through the position of Media Contact Person, to give more than one person a chance at it. Then issue a press release, or call up all the major networks, and introduce the Media Contact Person concept to them. They will doubtlessly be pleased by this development, because it will mean when they need someone to define (or defend) the movement to the media, they will have one person they can contact, one person who can speak for the movement, and one person they can invite into their studios for a sit-down interview. This is crucial, and this week proved why. The Oakland violence happened very late at night. Imagine how it could have been handled if there had been a Media Contact Person available to appear on all the morning television news shows — in the same news cycle as the violence. One person strongly stating: “We disavow violent tactics, that is not what we stand for, and we call on Occupy Oakland to stand with us and strongly denounce the hooligans who hijacked their peaceful general strike, their peaceful daylong march, and their peaceful shutdown of the port of Oakland. Thousands of people from all walks of life participated peacefully, and then late at night a few dozen idiots tried to make the Occupy movement something it is not. We strongly denounce these violent tactics, and any who practice them.” Now, ask yourself: would that have been better for the movement’s goals as a whole, or not? Would it have been better to have one go-to person available to speak for the movement, or is it better to spend a few days discussing it and watching random television interviews with protesters who cannot say they speak “for the movement”? Or you can put it another way: why not “occupy” the media itself? Why not give one person (rotated weekly, perhaps) the power to speak for the 99 percent of the people on the streets who were disgusted with the violence? How can your movement not be strengthened and more successful by having a sole contact for the media? This shouldn’t be some philosophical issue, it should be seen as a practical and sorely-needed solution to a very real communications problem. Continue reading this full article at ChrisWeigant.com, complete with our weekly picks for the Most Impressive Democrat Of The Week and Most Disappointing Democrat Of The Week awards. Then we end with a special “talking points” section which expands the idea of a Media Contact Person for Occupy Wall Street.
Tags: ca news, development, events, image, media, media-contact, night, occupy, people, person, press-release, video, violence
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October 6, 2011
On March 13, 2011, Irum Abbasi was escorted off of a Southwest Airlines plane by a TSA employee. The Muslim woman from San Diego was wearing a hijab – the Islamic head scarf – while seated on a flight preparing for departure from San Diego to San Jose. A flight attendant became alarmed after hearing something she thought Abbasi said on her cellphone. more › See original here: Muslim Woman Sues Southwest Airlines for Booting Her Off Flight
Tags: became-alarmed, cellphone, diego, flight, image, north, plein, southwest, states, university, while-seated, woman
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October 6, 2011
A Baldwin Park man was convicted of child abuse for shooting at a little girl’s dog. The girl was playing with her dog back in May when States pulled out a gun. The little girl ran away from him into the house, while States shot at her dog. He missed, but he continued waving the gun around, once even pointing it at the dog while the girl held it in her lap. more › Here is the original post: Baldwin Park Man Faces 17 Years in Prison After Taking Shots at Little Girl’s Dog
Tags: became-alarmed, image, la news, little-girl, news los angeles, north, prison, states
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October 6, 2011
I have been attending art fairs in Los Angeles since ART/LA was established in 1986. During ART/LA’s run, which ended in 1993, the fair hosted established galleries from all over the world. It was a very exciting time. BMW of North America funded the last two years of the fair and even commissioned an L.A. artist to paint an ArtCar — I painted a car for the fair in 1993. Then a drought hit and there were to be no more art fairs of this magnitude for a very long time. Things felt barren. Though there has been a revival of art fairs within the last decade in Los Angeles, none have felt as energetic to me as last week’s Art Platform , organized by Adam Gross and brought to you by the same people responsible for the annual Armory Show ® in New York. I felt very heartened. No doubt some of the energy felt at Art Platform and throughout L.A.’s art community comes from Getty’s initiative Pacific Standard Time , an initiative that will certainly change the perception of art inside and outside the city limits of Los Angeles. I visited the Art Platform a couple of times this last weekend and it occurred to me how interesting it is when one is presented with a myriad of art work — how, especially as artists, we are on the hunt to see ourselves, how we form our preferences and how each of us fundamentally takes away with them a unique art fair, one that is perhaps seen only by us as individuals. Here is a simple slide show of images that really stuck with me and a clock — a clock whose function appears to remind me that, as an artist, the days, months and years are filled with a sense of urgency to create the work I’m meant to make. Via Lewandowsky As Time Goes By (Siemensuhr), 2005 – 2010 Siemens clock with reverse rotating dial, with remote control 17 inch diameter Image courtesy of Andrae Kaufmann Gallery, Berlin, Germany See the original post: Lisa Adams: Art Platform: A Bright Light in Los Angeles
Tags: art, energy, image, local news, news, north, platform, work
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