May 14, 2012
City of Folsom Police set up a DU checkpoint, catch people DUI, driving without license, have good PR with locals who want to see drunk drivers off the road. NewsBlaze LLC Videographer: Alan Gray
Tags: catch-people, dui, folsom-police, googlevideo, llc, road, see-drunk, video, Videographer
Posted in DUI Check Point California, Video | Comments Off on Folsom sets up a DUI Checkpoint
January 25, 2012
The Cosmo Funnel is the online synergy of all positive energy. Here you can make wishes, set goals, share your dreams, showcase your art, and see how beautiful this existence really is. Read inspiring stories, and view innovative videos in the funnel. Let the world of good karma give you hope for tomorrow and become […]
Tags: art, Astrology, Bright, Bright Light, Community, Cosmos, creation, Creativity, desire, Draw, Drawer, drawing, dream, Dreamer, Dreams, earth, film, galaxy, Goal, Good, Greater Good, Happiness, heart, Heartbeat, image, imagination, Imagine, Inner Desire, Inner Truth, Innovative Thinking, light, love, Majnoon, moon, Oneness, Paint, Painter, Painting, peace, Photograph, photography, picture, planet, Poem, poetry, Positive Energy, Positivity, question, Sculpt, Sculptor, Sculpture, Share, Sharing, Star, Sun, Thinker, True, truth, Universe, video, Videographer, Wish, Wisher, Wishing, Wishing Well
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