The intoxication of war, fueled by the euphoric nationalism that swept through the country like a plague following the attacks of 9/11, is a spent force in the United States. The high-blown rhetoric of patriotism and national destiny, of the sacred duty to reshape the world through violence, to liberate the enslaved and implant democracy in the Middle East, has finally been exposed as empty and meaningless. The war machine has tried all the old tricks. It trotted out the requisite footage of atrocities. It issued the histrionic warnings that the evil dictator will turn his weapons of mass destruction against us if we do not bomb and “degrade” his military. Chris Hedges: The Dead Rhetoric of War – Truthdig
Posts Tagged ‘ attacks ’
Fretful Forecast: KTLA Weatherman Throws Adult Tantrum On Live TV

KTLA morning news weatherman Henry DiCarlo expressed his chagrin for his reporting assignments earlier this week on live television before storming off camera. After conducting an in-person interview at Downtown L.A.’s Union Station, DiCarlo begins to rant about the lack of communication in the communications business. more › Read this article: Fretful Forecast: KTLA Weatherman Throws Adult Tantrum On Live TV
Santa Clarita Man Charged with Sexual Assault of 14 Girls

After sexually assaulting at least 14 underage girls, some as young as twelve, 19-year-old Michael Downs has been arrested and faces 29 felony charges, reports KTLA . Downs, who lives in Santa Clarita, allegedly met the girls on Facebook, and lied to them by saying he was 16. He then arranged times and places to meet them, and that’s when the attacks occurred. more › Go here to read the rest: Santa Clarita Man Charged with Sexual Assault of 14 Girls