BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — Hotels host some of life’s most romantic moments, and whether on a Valentine’s Day romp or a glamorous honeymoon, some hotel getaways — in exotic and sometimes unexpected locations — have been tested by some of history’s most famous pairs. Read more: Romantic Hideaways fit for Reagan and Kennedy
Posts Tagged ‘ democratic ’
Michelle Obama heading to Leno, DeGeneres shows
First lady Michelle Obama is scheduled to begin a two-day visit to Southern California on Tuesday, when she will appear on ” The Tonight Show with Jay Leno ” and speak at a Democratic National Committee fundraising reception in Beverly Hills. Read more: Michelle Obama heading to Leno, DeGeneres shows
Osborn Snags Another Dem Club Endorsement
Torie Osborn ‘s campaign for the new 50th Assembly District , which includes Beverly Hills, continued to gain steam Tuesday night as she picked up the endorsement of the Santa Monica Democratic Club . The political veteran has already garnered support from the Malibu Democratic Club and the Democratic Party of the San Fernando Valley . Osborn won the Santa Monica club’s endorsement overwhelmingly with 77 percent of the vote, beating out her Democratic opponents—53rd District Assemblywoman Betsy Butler and Santa Monica Mayor Richard Bloom . The three fielded questions about an array of issues plaguing the financially troubled state. Butler ended up with 13 percent of the club’s votes and Bloom received 9 percent. The primary election is June 5. The top two vote-getters, regardless of party affiliation, will face off in the November general election. West Hollywood resident Brad Torgan is the only Republican in the race. “Because of you I’m going to win,” Osborn told her supporters. ”My life’s work has been making opportunities out of emergencies.” Known in local circles for championing feminism and gay rights, and working with the homeless, Osborn said her backers were “kickass” for their enthusiasm in supporting her campaign. “She is honestly the most inspirational of the three,” Santa Monica Democratic Club President Jay Johnson said of Osborn. Osborn dubbed herself a “community organizer with an MBA.” Her responses often evoked hollers and applause from her supporters, who wore blue and yellow campaign stickers on their chests. They were the most boisterous in the 100-odd crowd at the main branch of the Santa Monica Library, where the candidate forum was held. “I want a fighter. Their voice has to be fresh and authentic,” said Santa Monica resident Sally Breiter, who met Osborn for the first time Tuesday and said she now supports her. But Osborn’s political ideologies are generally shared by her Democratic opponents, who are equally educated and whose resumes are just as formidable. When asked about their plans to raise taxes, Osborn and Butler said they support Gov. Jerry Brown’s initiative to hike taxes on sales and the wealthy, while Bloom replied “we have a menu of options to choose from. The most important question isn’t which one we chose, but how do we get people to vote for it?” Osborn and Butler also said they support taxing oil. Osborn added that she’s working on a money-saving ballot initiative to reform the property tax legislation of Proposition 13 . The two women are also aligned in their opposition to the death penalty. Bloom said he supports it only for mass murderers and terrorists. All three want to see health care reformed into a single-payer system, such as the one proposed under Senate Bill 810 . In an effort to appeal to voters, Bloom reminded the audience that he has served on the Santa Monica City Council for 13 years. Butler told those in attendance that she already has experience in the state Assembly. “I’m finishing the first year of my first term, and I’m quite happy with what I got to work on this year,” said Butler, who went on to name six bills she penned that were ultimately signed into law by Gov. Brown. Yet Butler and Bloom will have another chance to face off against Osborn. The West Hollywood/Beverly Hills Democratic Club is holding its endorsement meeting for the State Assembly at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 25. The meeting will take place at the West Hollywood Park Auditorium, 647 N. San Vicente Blvd., West Hollywood, CA, 90069. Current members’ dues must be paid by Jan. 25 to vote. It is too late for new members to join and vote at this meeting. For more information, call 310-278-7596 or email Be sure to follow Beverly Hills Patch on Twitter and “Like” us on Facebook . View post: Osborn Snags Another Dem Club Endorsement
Local Democratic Club Controversially Backs Osborn for State Assembly
Political veteran Torie Osborn on Sunday received the endorsement of the Malibu Democratic Club in the campaign for the newly created 50th Assembly District , which includes Beverly Hills. Opponent Betsy Butler , who currently represents another district in the Assembly, said Osborn gained the backing unfairly because her campaign recruited people to join the club so they could vote for her. Club members made the selection at Malibu City Hall following a one-hour forum, which was the first of the campaign featuring the three Democratic candidates. Republican hopeful Brad Torgan was not invited to the event. Osborn received 42 votes. Thirteen favored making no endorsement, five selected Butler and nobody backed Santa Monica Mayor/California Coastal Commissioner Richard Bloom . “I’m over the moon,” Osborn said in an interview with Patch after receiving the endorsement. “It’s my first one [from a local Democratic club]. I was decisive and it feels like a dry run for the whole campaign.” She said she was not involved in recruiting club members, but admitted her campaign “organized some people to either re-up [their memberships] or join.” “It’s a pretty common practice to use the candidates forums to do recruitment drives,” Osborn said. Butler said she heard Osborn got 42 people to join the club prior to the deadline to be an eligible voter—which was 30 days before the event—and that one person paid for the memberships with a single check. Club President Jean Goodman wrote in an email to Patch, “We received a $1,000 contribution for payment of dues for a group of Torie Osborn supporters [with each membership costing $25] … as to the name of the contributor, we will disclose that in our next report to the Secretary of State.” Malibu City Councilwoman Pamela Conley Ulich said the club voting rules prevented several Malibu residents from being able to participate. She said they were not aware they had to pay the membership fee 30 days prior to the session. When Conley Ulich asked people to raise their hands if they were Malibu residents, only about half the attendees did it. Bloom said he was not bothered about receiving zero votes. “This was an accurate reflection of who was in the room,” Bloom said when asked about the meaning of the results. Bloom noted a study done by the polling and research firm Lauer Johnson Research, which was hired by his campaign, that determined he had the most support and name recognition in the district. He said he was also not concerned that Osborn and Butler have received most of the prominent endorsements. “I think they’ve spent more time in the endorsement process,” Bloom said. “I’m really happy with the endorsements I have. But I’m very focused with running for office and doing my job as the mayor of Santa Monica. So I’m focusing in on the core responsibility of campaigning, and that’s reaching out to voters and the people who are ultimately going to be casting those ballots.” The three candidates are liberal Democrats, so there was little disagreement on major issues that were discussed during the forum. They all said education spending should be a priority. Osborn and Butler said they oppose the death penalty. Bloom said he only supports it in “exceptional cases,” including “mass murder where there is an admission and the evidence is crystal clear.” The next forum, hosted by the Pacific Palisades Democratic Club, will take place Jan. 15 from 2-4 p.m. at the Palisades Woman’s Club. The Santa Monica Democratic Club will host a forum Jan. 17 from 6:30-9 p.m. at Santa Monica’s main library. Be sure to follow Beverly Hills Patch on Twitter and “Like” us on Facebook . Visit link: Local Democratic Club Controversially Backs Osborn for State Assembly
Kim Jong-Il Death Koreatown Reaction

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il is dead, his son Kim Jong-Un is the assumed successor, and L.A.’s Koreatown is monitoring news coverage for developments affecting relatives on the Korean Peninsula. A quarter-million Koreans live in Southern California with most of them residing in the Koreatown district of Los Angeles, the Korean capitol of America. The North Korean state-delayed news of the death of Kim Jong-Il is blaring from radios, televisions, the Korea Times of Los Angeles and Korean websites with a fury. Worried that Kim Jong-Il’s death at age 69 will have a destabilizing effect on greater Korea, Californians are calling relatives in South Korea to exchange information, share concerns and plot strategies. Kim Jong-Il’s death has shifted the global focus to his youngest son Kim Jong-Un, whom many believe will rule briefly until a non-family member is democratically elected. North Korea’s 24 million people are said to be rallying round Kim Jong-Un, according to the Korean Central News Agency which officially stated, “At the leadership of comrade Kim Jong-Un, we have to change sadness to strength and courage and overcome today’s difficulties.” The Swiss-educated Kim Jong-Un, 30, is far more worldly, globally-connected, Internet-savvy and diplomatically-aware than his late father was and speaks Korean, Mandarin Chinese, English, German and French. Because the transfer of North Korean power will affect Californians, directly and indirectly, United Nations sources have told Californiality that negotiations are already underway between international parties regarding: Modernization of the North Korean economy Bringing the nuclear nation “into the fold” Democratic elections International aid, loans and credit Normalization of global diplomatic relations Technological assistance from California Establishment of ongoing dialogue between North and South Talks involving North Korea, South Korea, China, the United States, Japan and Russia had been scheduled but were never held.
Obama Mingles With Stars At Hollywood Fundraisers
LOS ANGELES — Actor Will Smith and basketball standout Earvin “Magic” Johnson for dinner and Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas for post-meal mingling. President Barack Obama waded into the domain of the stars Monday as he hit the California fundraising circuit in one of his busiest donor outreach trips of the season. Smith, in an elegant three-piece suit, and Johnson, the standout former point guard for the Los Angeles Lakers, were guests at the home of producer James Lassiter and his wife, Mai. About 40 contributors, including actress Hillary Duff, contributed $35,800 each for a cozy dinner and a chance to chat with the president. Obama, eager to reinvigorate his supporters, ticked off his administration’s accomplishments. “Sometimes I think people forget how much has gotten done,” the president said as he urged his backers to rally once again, at the same time joking, as he often does, that he is older and grayer now. “This election won’t be as sexy as the first one.” The Lassiter dinner, followed by a larger affair at the home of Griffith and Banderas, were part of a three-day, fundraising-rich swing through Nevada, California and Colorado. California, however, is his biggest donor state and he raised about $1 million in the Los Angeles area alone during the past two fundraising quarters, according to an Associated Press review of contributions above $200. Testing a re-election theme, Obama is also telling donors that the country is suffering from an economic crisis and political crisis. “People are crying out for action,” he says. Pointing to elements of his $447 billion jobs plan that was rejected by Republican lawmakers, Obama said they likely would linger as campaign issues in 2012. “This is the fight that we’re going to have right now, and I suspect this is the fight that we’re going to have to have over the next year,” Obama told about 240 donors at a fundraising event earlier Monday at the Bellagio hotel and casino in Las Vegas. “The Republicans in Congress and the Republican candidates for president have made their agenda very clear.” The Las Vegas fundraiser attracted about 240 people who paid from $1,000 to $35,800 toward Obama’s re-election campaign and to the Democratic National Committee. The bigger donors met the president personally. Others at Lassiter’s Hancock Park home included Troy Carter, the manager of Grammy award winner Lady Gaga. The singer herself was a guest at a fundraiser last month at the Atherton home of Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg. The Griffith-Banderas event attracted about 120 donors and was aimed at Obama’s Latino supporters. It featured guests such as actress Eva Longoria and mayors Antonio Villaraigosa of Los Angeles and Julian Castro of San Antonio. While in Las Vegas, Obama spelled out a plan to help homeowners refinance their homes even if their home values had dropped dramatically below what they owed on their mortgages. Obama ventured into a working class development in the Las Vegas suburbs that benefitted from a community revitalization program like one he is pushing Congress to approve now. But the president displayed campaign-style vigor, wading into the neighborhood crowd to shake hands and even lift a baby. His handlers reminded him it was time to leave, but Obama strode to yet another group of residents for one last hand shake, autograph and photograph. Upon arriving in Los Angeles, Obama headed to a diverse neighborhood minutes from Lassiter’s home south of Hollywood and stopped at Roscoe’s, a popular Los Angeles chicken restaurant chain. Obama roved through the dining booths greeting customers, leaving at least one awestruck young boy holding his hand aloft after shaking the president’s hand. One man gave him a hug and a Hispanic man told his daughter that if she studied hard “you’ll be like him.” Most of his remaining time during this three-day Western swing is being spent raising money. On Tuesday he will tape an appearance on “The Tonight Show With Jay Leno,” his second as president and fourth appearance overall. He also will attend fundraisers in San Francisco and Denver. Follow this link: Obama Mingles With Stars At Hollywood Fundraisers
City of Beverly Hills

Some Info About Beverly Hills: Beverly Hills is an affluent city in the western part of Los Angeles County, California , United States . Beverly Hills and the neighboring city of West Hollywood are together entirely surrounded by the city of Los Angeles . The area’s “ Platinum Triangle ” of affluent neighborhoods is formed by Beverly Hills and the Los Angeles neighborhoods of Bel Air and Holmby Hills . The population was 33,784 as of the 2000 census. Beverly Hills is home to Hollywood celebrities, and many corporate executives and numerous other wealthy individuals and families. Beverly Hills is bordered on the north by Bel-Air and the Santa Monica Mountains , on the east by West Hollywood, the Carthay neighborhood of Los Angeles, and the Fairfax District of Los Angeles, and on the south by the Beverlywood . In 2007, Coldwell Banker lists Beverly Hills as the most expensive housing market (second year in a row) in the United States, with a median home price of over $2.2 million. [3] These homes range from the extravagant and luxurious in size, to the more elegant and modern homes, and then to the many small duplex rental units and detached homes with less than 2,000 sq ft (185 sq meters). Geography Beverly Hills is nearly entirely surrounded by the city of Los Angeles, sharing only a portion of its eastern border, primarily along Doheny Drive, with West Hollywood . The precise limits of Beverly Hills are complex, and therefore hard to describe; however, the city limits can be roughly described as the area surrounded by the Los Angeles Country Club and Century Park Drive to the Southwest, Whitworth Drive to the South, variously Doheny Drive/Robertson Blvd/San Vicente Blvd to the East, and the Hollywood Hills to the North. Major east-west thoroughfares in Beverly Hills include Wilshire Boulevard , Santa Monica Boulevard , and Sunset Boulevard . Shopping is prevalent along Beverly Drive and the world-famous Rodeo Drive . Coldwater Canyon Drive is the main road out of Beverly Hills to the north into the San Fernando Valley . Beverly Drive and Roberston Blvd exit to the south into the city of Los Angeles. In spite of the city’s name, most residents live in the “flats” of Beverly Hills, a relatively flat land that includes all of Beverly Hills south of Sunset Blvd. The homes in the hills north of Sunset Boulevard have a much higher value than average homes in the rest of Beverly Hills, and the most expensive homes in Beverly Hills are all in the hills. Santa Monica Boulevard divides the “flats” into two areas, locally known as “North or South of the tracks,” referring to the train tracks that were once used by the old Pacific Electric streetcar line that traversed Beverly Hills along Santa Monica Blvd. Homes south of Wilshire have more urban square and rectangular lots, generally smaller than those to the north. There are also more apartment buildings south of Wilshire Blvd than anywhere else in Beverly Hills, and the average home value south of Wilshire is the lowest in Beverly Hills. Nearly all businesses and government offices in Beverly Hills are located south of Santa Monica Boulevard, two notable exceptions being the Beverly Hills Hotel and the Beverly Hilton Hotel . Just outside the city limits to the west lies the Los Angeles Country Club . Other locations commonly associated with Beverly Hills include the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the Beverly Center , just outside city limits to the east. Demographics As of the 2000 census , there were 33,784 people. The racial makeup of the city was 85.1% White , 7.10% Asian , 1.80% African American , 1.50% from other races , 0.10% Native American and 4.60% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race. [1] Like the rest of Los Angeles County, Beverly Hills is home to a large Persian / Iranian community. According to a 2006 NPR article, Iranians represent 20% of the city’s population and 40% of the students in its schools. [17] This estimate is not immediately evident in Census Bureau data as the Census Bureau defines the “White” race category as including “people having origins in any of the original peoples of .. the Middle East ..” [18] In the city the population was spread out with 20.0% under the age of 18, 6.3% from 18 to 24, 29.3% from 25 to 44, 26.8% from 45 to 64, and 17.6% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age for the city was 41 years old. [1] There were 15,035 households out of which 24.4% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 51.8% were married couples living together, 8.1% had a female householder with no husband present, and 31.0% were non-families. The average household size was 2.24 and the average family size was 3.02. Local government The Beverly Hills City Hall, built in 1932, was featured prominently in the Beverly Hills Cop films Beverly Hills Civic Center Beverly Hills Police being inspected in the late 1930s Of the 21,426 registered voters in Beverly Hills; approximately 50.3% are Democrats and 25.9% are Republicans . The remaining 23.8% are Independents or are registered with one of the many smaller political parties, like the Green Party or the Libertarian Party . The heavy Democratic advantage makes Beverly Hills one of the more liberal cities in Southern California. In 2004, John Kerry won 62% of the vote compared to 37% for George W. Bush . In the 2006 state governor election, Arnold Schwarzenegger got nearly 45% of the vote but won a second term by a state-wide majority, while Democratic opponent Phil Angelides had just over 54%. Beverly Hills is a general law city governed by a five-member City Council including the mayor and vice mayor. City Council hires a city manager to carry out policies and serve as executive officer. Every odd-numbered year either two or three members are elected by the people to serve a four-year term. Each March the City Council meets and chooses one of its members as mayor and one as vice-mayor. Jimmy Delshad is mayor and Barry Brucker is vice mayor. Jeff Kolin is city manager. The other three city council members are Nancy Krasne, Dr. William Brien and John Mirisch. In city council meetings, a few celebrities have shown up to speak on local political issues. The Beverly Hills Police Department and the Beverly Hills Fire Department serve as emergency response for the city. BHFD has the privilege of being distinguished as “Class 1″ in fire protection by an insurance industry rating service. See also: Mayor of Beverly Hills County, state, and federal representation Beverly Hills Post Office The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services SPA 5 West Area Health Office serves Beverly Hills. [19] The department operates the Simms/Mann Health and Wellness Center in Santa Monica , serving Beverly Hills. [20] In the state legislature Beverly Hills is located in the 23rd Senate District, represented by Democrat Fran Pavley , and in the 42nd Assembly District, represented by Democrat Mike Feuer . Federally, Beverly Hills is located in California’s 30th congressional district , which has a Cook PVI of D +20 [21] and is represented by Democrat Henry Waxman . The United States Postal Service operates the Beverly Hills Post Office at 325 North Maple Drive, [22] the Crescent Post Office at 323 North Crescent Drive, [23] the Beverly Post Office at 312 South Beverly Drive, [24] and the Eastgate Post Office at 8383 Wilshire Boulevard. [25] [26] The Beverly Hills Post Office received listing in the National Register of Historic Places on January 11, 1985. [27] Economy The former Hilton Hotels Corporation headquarters in Beverly Hills Beverly Hills is home to one Fortune 500 company, Live Nation Entertainment , as well as the private equity firm Platinum Equity . The Los Angeles-area offices of Aeroflot and El Al are in Beverly Hills. [28] [29] At one point Hilton Hotels Corporation had its corporate headquarters in Beverly Hills. Originally GeoCities (at first Beverly Hills Internet) was headquartered at 9401 Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills. [30] Underneath the city is the large and still-productive Beverly Hills Oil Field , serviced by four urban drilling islands which drill diagonally into the earth underneath the city. The most notorious of these drilling islands occasioned a 2003 lawsuit representing former attendees of Beverly Hills High School, approximately 280 of which had suffered from cancers allegedly tied to the drilling operations. [31] Top Employers According to the City’s 2009 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, [32] the top employers in the city are: # Employer # of Employees 1 Beverly Hilton Hotel 1,093 2 City of Beverly Hills 1,080 3 Beverly Wilshire Hotel 750 4 Endeavor Talent Agency 750 5 William Morris Agency 711 6 Beverly Hills Unified School District 600 7 Beverly Hills Hotel 520 8 The Peninsula Hotel 460 9 Saks & Co. 340 10 Nelson Shelton & Associates 300 Diplomatic missions Beverly Hills has three consulates ( Brazil , [33] Colombia , [34] and Ecuador .) [26] [35] Education Public schools Beverly Hills High School Gymnasium Beverly Hills is served by Beverly Hills Unified School District ; which includes four K-8 schools (Hawthorne, El Rodeo, Beverly Vista, and Horace Mann), Moreno High School, and the Beverly Hills High School . [ edit ] Private schools Beverly Hills also has several private schools. Good Shepherd School , a PreK-8 school in Beverly Hills, is a part of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles . Other Beverly Hills private schools include Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy, Emanuel Academy of Beverly Hills, and Page Private School. Marymount High School in nearby Westwood , across from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), is in close proximity to Beverly Hills. Climate Beverly Hills has a warm and moderate Mediterranean climate , with an average high of 85 degrees in August, and an average high of 64 degrees in January. Beverly Hills also receives on average 18 inches of rain. Summers are marked by warm to hot temperatures with very little wind, while winters are moderate to cool with occasional rain alternating with periods of Santa Ana winds. During Santa Ana events, gusts up to 40 mph are common. [ citation needed ] Snow has been witnessed only in 1882,1922,1932 and 1949. Landmarks Sign marking the Beverly Hills city limits Beverly Gardens Park Beverly Hills High School Beverly Hills Hotel Beverly Wilshire Hotel Electric Fountain Greystone Mansion Greystone Park La Cienega Park Pickfair Virginia Robinson Gardens Greenacres Beverly Hills Police Department Roxbury Park Will Rogers Memorial Park Beverly Hills City Hall Walden Drive Rodeo Drive Via Rodeo and Spanish Steps The Peninsula Hotel Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Public Library Derivative nicknames The name Beverly Hills has often been employed as a nickname for a fashionable, affluent area. For example, View Park , an unincorporated area in southwestern Los Angeles County, has been dubbed the “Black Beverly Hills”. [36] Similarly, the city of Scottsdale has been given the nickname “Beverly Hills of Arizona ” for its stately homes, high end shops, the extensive Fashion square mall, Fashion week, resorts and high household income. [ citation needed ] Calabasas , California located in the San Fernando Valley is considered the Beverly Hills of the valley. Beverly Hills, Michigan is known for its large affluent office buildings and nice homes all located in the affluent areas of Metro Detroit . Respectively, Buckhead , the uptown district of Atlanta , has been dubbed “The Beverly Hills of the South” due to the large number (as well as the highest concentration) of upscale shops, elaborate homes, and high average income. [ citation needed ] Beverly Hills in popular culture Beverly Hills has been featured in a number of television shows and movies set in Beverly Hills, including The Jack Benny Program (1950 to 1954) (and on his radio program from 1932–1955), The Beverly Hillbillies (1962 to 1971), the Beverly Hills Cop movies, Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990 to 2000), and 90210 (2008 – ). 90210 90210 is one of five ZIP codes for Beverly Hills, [2] and perhaps its most-famous, gaining popularity with the 1990s television series Beverly Hills, 90210 and its 2008 spin-off 90210 (TV Series) . Other series to feature it in its title are Dr. 90210 , a reality show featuring Beverly Hills plastic surgeons. and High Maintenance 90210 , also a reality show. The other four, less-celebrated ZIP codes for Beverly Hills are: 90209, 90211, 90212 and 90213. [2] Other pop culture Replica Beverly Hills sign in Universal Studios Florida theme park The animated series Totally Spies is set in Beverly Hills. Another animated series “ Beverly Hills Teens ” is about young teens who live in Beverly Hills in the 80′s The opening scene of The Andy Griffith Show showing Sheriff Taylor and Opie carrying fishing poles was shot at the Franklin Canyon Reservoir at the north end of town just west of Coldwater Canyon. In Walt Disney’s movie, Beverly Hills Chihuahua , The main character, Chloe, lives in Beverly Hills, 90210. In the 2009 Simpsons episode, Waverly Hills 9-0-2-1-D’oh , there exists a spoof version of Beverly Hills, nicknamed “Waverly Hills”. Ted’s of Beverly Hills is a fictional steak restaurant on the Phil Hendrie radio show. The first track on Weezer’s Make Believe album is entitled “Beverly Hills” and is one of their most popular songs. The 1965 Beverly Hills Public Library building facade was featured regularly on the Brady Bunch as Mr. Brady’s office building. The 1995 Film, Clueless (film) is set in Beverly Hills same with its 1996 TV Spin-off Clueless (TV series) The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is currently airing on Bravo.
WATCH: Romney Forces Awkward Laugh
During an exchange with Texas Gov. Rick Perry on the issue of undocumented immigration during Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney found himself forcing an extended awkward laugh. The reaction from Romney came after Perry asserted, “The idea that you stand here before us and talk about that you’re strong on immigration is, on its face, the height of hypocrisy.” After laughing, Romney said, “Rick, I don’t think that I’ve ever hired an illegal in my life.” HuffPost’s Elise Foley reports on how the pack of candidates sharing the spotlight in Nevada generally addressed the immigration issue over the course of the debate. The candidates threw around the word “illegals” liberally, but softened their tone when a Latino man stood to ask the candidates how they would appeal to Latino voters — perhaps reminding them that they were in a state with the 12th largest Latino population in the country. Undocumented immigrants, though not exclusively Latinos, make up 7.2 percent of Nevada’s population. Although Latinos do not necessarily support undocumented immigration, a strong majority — 79 percent — oppose laws like Arizona’s S.B. 1070 that crack down on unauthorized immigration, and even more support paths to citizenship for undocumented immigrants already in the country, according to a report from the Pew Hispanic Center . And in Nevada, Latino voters hold major power in elections, particularly as the state’s Latino population grows. Latinos are partially credited with keeping Democratic Sen. Harry Reid from losing his seat in 2010 to Republican immigration hawk Sharron Angle, who released multiple ads featuring menacing photos of Latino men depicted as dangerous criminals. Perhaps with this in mind, Romney took a “step back” to bring up his support for legal immigration. “I think it’s important for us as Republicans on this stage to say something that hasn’t been said, and that’s that every person here loves legal immigration,” he said. “We respect people who come here legally.” Read the original post: WATCH: Romney Forces Awkward Laugh