E.J. Dionne, Jr.: Newtown’s Call to Reason – Truthdig : The heroic and inspiring role played by the families of the Sandy Hook massacre’s victims should not be used to create what would be a dangerously misleading narrative about how they changed the politics of guns.
Posts Tagged ‘ politics ’
Tracy Bloom: Democrats Demand Answers From Obama, Warren Blasts Republicans, and More – Politics Today – Truthdig
Tracy Bloom: Democrats Demand Answers From Obama, Warren Blasts Republicans, and More – Politics Today – Truthdig : Now They Speak Up: A week after Republican Sen. Rand Paul temporarily filibustered CIA Director John Brennan’s confirmation vote over the Obama administration’s targeted killings program, Democratic lawmakers—who were conspicuously silent on the issue that day—are seeking details on the drone policy. In a letter sent to President Obama, eight Democrats asked him to declassify documents that justify the administration’s use of drone strikes. From the letter: “Authorizing the killing of American citizens and others has profound implications for our Constitution, the core values of our Nation, our national security and future international practice. The executive branch’s claim of authority to deprive citizens of life, and to do so without explaining the legal bases for doing so, sets a dangerous precedent and is a model of behavior that the United States would not want other nations to emulate.” (Read more)
Oxnard City Manager Put on Leave

Oxnard City Manager Ed Sotelo has been placed on leave following a closed-door Oxnard City Council meeting as county prosecutors investigate the finances of the largest city between Los Angeles and the Bay Area. Oxnard City Attorney Alan Holmberg said Sotelo’s leave is not related to the probe by the Ventura County district attorney and federal investigators, though he is not discussing the reason why the City Manager is apparently being forced out. Further, Holmberg has advised Oxnard City Council members not to talk about the situation with anyone. City Manager Ed Sotelo, who was appointed chief executive of the city 14 years ago, has been subjected to “continued harassment” by Oxnard Mayor Tom Holden , according to Sotelo’s attorney, Bill Seki . The city manager filed a harassment claim in 2010 against the mayor and a city councilman for creating a “hostile work environment.” Who exactly is running the city? An increasing number of Oxnard’s 200,000 citizens are beginning to wonder what is happening to their city government — and demanding hard answers. View post: Oxnard City Manager Put on Leave
Mike Brown on Kobe injury 2
http://www.youtube.com/v/hZxB9yImS68?version=3&f=user_uploads&app=youtube_gdata Originally posted here: Mike Brown on Kobe injury 2
Shroud of Turin Conspiracy

The Shroud of Turin was not faked and could possibly be real, according to Italian researchers using 21st century technology to scientifically test the alleged burial cloth of Jesus Christ . Experts at Italy’s National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Development have concluded that the purported burial cloth of Jesus Christ could not have been faked . The government agency’s report officially proclaims: “The double image of a scourged and crucified man, barely visible on the linen cloth of the Shroud of Turin, has many physical and chemical characteristics that are so particular that the staining, which is identical in all its facets, would be impossible to obtain today in a laboratory.” The Italian government scientific agency concluded that the post-crucifixion burial cloth could not have been technologically manipulated in Medieval times, as has been theorized in the past by skeptics screaming “Fake!” as believers were yelling “Real!” “The most advanced technology available today is unable to replicate all the characteristics of the Shroud image,” declared head researcher Paolo Di Lazzaro .
Murdoch Mocked in San Francisco
A keynote speech by News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch was hijacked several times by Occupy Wall Street hecklers in San Francisco, California. The shocked audience at the Palace Hotel included leaders of business, politics and education, who were suddenly surprised by screaming OWS activists dressed as Sesame Street characters. Rupert Murdoch was in San Francisco for an annual summit held by the Foundation for Excellence in Education , a nonprofit headed by former Governor Jeb Bush . The media billionaire was speaking on the subject of joining education and technology but was repeatedly interrupted by hecklers and mockers in the swanky Grand Ballroom. The FOX News mogul had to resume his speech, over and over, due to the disruptions by the well-dressed protesters who yelled, “Occupy Sesame Street!” — some of them with character masks from the children’s TV program. Many wonder if the whole thing was a set-up designed to discredit the Occupy Wall Street movement as childish. Critics note how there were conveniently-placed cameramen and photographers to quickly turn around and film each protester “right on cue.” They insist that the “actors” were too old and too educated to be real OWS activists. The add that Rupert Murdoch himself appeared to anticipate each outburst, then laugh it all off with, “A little controversy makes things a little more interesting.” Real activists or fake?
California Governor 2014
California Reader Privacy Law

The California Reader Privacy Act was signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown to cover new technologies like e-books, online book services and bookstores. The Reader Privacy Act ( SB 602 ) prevents government and third parties from demanding access to private reading records without proper legal justification. As great numbers of Californians use online book services to browse, purchase, and read books, California online privacy laws are attempting to stay current with developments, protecting reader privacy in a digital age of surveillance. The EFF and the ACLU co-sponsored the online privacy bill, which was authored by California State Senator Leland Yee . “This is great news for Californians, updating their privacy for the 21st Century.