September 6, 2012
Checked up on the website that provides checkpoint information up to the day. Found DUI checkpoint for September 1st. in Buena Park CA. Officer Gatito’s (kitty cat) first appearance! Uknown officer stopping any who try to avoid the checkpoint, without probable cause for a crime. Refuses to Identify himself.
Tags: avoid-the-checkpoint, buena, buena-park, california, checkpoint, cops, dui checkpoint, first-appearance, gatito, identify, kitty-cat, the-website
Posted in DUI Check Point California, Video | Comments Off on HUGE Buena Park PD DUI Checkpoint p.1
September 3, 2012
PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION!!! Corona,CA PD, Dos Logos shopping center, Friday Night: There were a total of 14 Police cars and approximately one hundred police officers, at what the Sgt. claimed was just a “Run of the mill DUI checkpoint”. Folks,come on, wake up. They towed 9 cars just during the time I was at the restaurant. They were going through the parking lot peeping through everyone’s windows with their flashlights. They were making everyone get out of their vehicles and making them take a written sobriety test, while the police searched their cars. MANUFACTURES PSYOP!
Tags: commieforniatactical, dui, everyone-get, flashlights, friday-night, parking, parking-lot, psyop, sate, state
Posted in DUI Check Point California, Video | Comments Off on Police State Psyop Disguised as DUI Checkpoint!
September 2, 2012
The California Highway Patrol sets up several DUI checkpoints to ensure motorists are safe during the Labor Day weekend.
Tags: california, dui, dui checkpoints, during-the-labor, ensure-motorists, highway-patrol, holiday weekend, labor, labor day, news & politics, patrol, sacramento
Posted in DUI Check Point California, Video | Comments Off on CHP steps up DUI checks for holiday weekend
September 1, 2012
Millions of Californians are hitting the roads this holiday weekend and can expect maximim DUI enforcement from CHP.
Tags: californians, chp, dui, hitting-the-roads, holiday, holiday weekend, roads
Posted in DUI Check Point California, Video | Comments Off on Holiday DUI crackdown underway
August 31, 2012
Tampa DUI Attorney, Jason Sammis, was interviewed by Mike Deeson with Tampa Bay’s 10 News on evidence he uncovered showing officers in New Port Richey, Pasco County, Florida, operated an illegal and unconstitutional DUI checkpoint or roadblock. Learn how officers were contradicted by their own video tape in which their misconduct could be seen in the background of an arrest video? Instead of pulling over ever third car they were pulling over approximately 60% of the cars going through the DUI sobriety checkpoint at a location in New Port Richey, Florida.
Tags: pasco-county, pulling-over, richey, sobriety-checkpoint, the-background, through-the-dui, video, were-pulling
Posted in DUI Check Point California, Video | Comments Off on Illegal DUI Checkpoint in Pasco County Florida
August 30, 2012
An arrest for DUI (or DWI or OUI) can be very embarassing, and have more of an effect on your daily life than you may think. If you are arrested for drunk driving, you face upwards and over a thousand dollars in fines, costs, fees and assessments, loss of license, DUI school, and more. Second and subsequent offenses can mean mandatory jail time and even more loss of license. This three-part series will explain most of the basics of drunk driving law, and leave you with a better understanding of what to do if you are stopped for suspicion of DUI. If you are arrested, call Mesiti Law – 24 hours a day – 7 days a week: Mesiti Law Offices 986 Hartford Avenue Johnston, RI 02919 (401) 274-3331
Tags: basics, breathalyzer, drunk-driving, dui, dwi, education, field sobriety test, hartford, johnston, mean-mandatory, offices, will-explain, your-daily
Posted in DUI Check Point California, Video | Comments Off on DUI / DWI / OUI 101 – Are Sobriety Checkpoints Legal? – RI Lawyer
August 28, 2012
Fullerton Councilman Travis Kiger rants against DUI checkpoints as unconstitutional and as a union scam. He led a vote against accepting a grant from the State of California to conduct DUI checkpoints.
Tags: california, checkpoint, councilman, dui, from-the-state, fullerton-councilman, kiger, news & politics, state, travis-kiger
Posted in DUI Check Point California, Video | Comments Off on Fullerton Councilman Travis Kiger rants against DUI checkpoints as unconstitutional
August 25, 2012
Not all police DUI checkpoints are legal. St. Petersburg / Clearwater DUI defense attorney Frank Russo explains how all evidence arising out of the stop of your vehicle may be thrown out of court. There are countless opportunities for law enforcement to make mistakes in both the planning and implementation of a DUI checkpoint. We are former state prosecutors who can evaluate whether the police acted lawfully in detaining you at a DUI roadblock as well as all other issues arising out of your Pinellas County DUI arrest. Call our office at (727) 578-0303 for a free consultation.
Tags: arising-out, clearwater, dui roadblock arrest, dui sobriety checkpoint, education, explains-how, frank-russo, issues, issues-arising, make-mistakes, planning, police, the-police, vehicle, your-vehicle
Posted in DUI Check Point California, Video | Comments Off on Pinellas DUI Roadblock / Sobriety Checkpoint Arrest?
August 19, 2012
bits i don’t really do anymore. filmed at the la jolla comedy store.
Tags: anwar, checkpoint, comedian, comedy, dui, fahim, jolla-comedy, sobriety, standup, store
Posted in DUI Check Point California, Video | Comments Off on Fahim Anwar Standup: Sobriety Checkpoint
August 18, 2012
People pulled over at Kansas City drunken driving checkpoints will soon see pictures of crash victims staring back at them. KMBC 9’s Cliff Judy reports.
Tags: cliff, cliff-judy, crash, crash-victims, drunken driving, dui checkpoints, kansas, kansas-city, kmbc, news & politics, over-at-kansas, see-pictures, victims, will-soon
Posted in DUI Check Point California, Video | Comments Off on Program adds human faces to DUI checkpoints