February 3, 2012
VENICE— Chaya is rocking out with all things oyster. From February 16 through March 3 the restaurant will serve an Oyster Fair menu during dinner service featuring hot and cold oyster preparations from Kumamotos on the half shell to Striped Bass and Oyster Papillote. [EaterWire] MIRACLE MILE— According to construction workers on site , Five Guys at 5550 Wilshire will open February 13 . [EaterWire] DOWNTOWN— On the subject of UMAMIcatessen , a reader reports: “I’m sure you know this already, but windows and doors are installed, signage was going up today. It’s looking close, really close! I work across the street and cannot wait for Umami to be in my area for lunch.” Check out some plywoody pics here . [Eater Inbox] MALIBU— Chipotle will next expand to the revamped Malibu Village Shopping Center on Cross Creek Road between the PCH and Civic Center Way. [EaterWire] K-TOWN— Beer Belly is launching New Order Mondays and switching up its happy hour. Taste Terminal breaks it down. [TT] WEST SIDE— Those guys that shot the Whole Foods Parking Lot YouTube video have a new one out called “Put Your Phone Down.” They shot a bunch of scenes at Huckleberry, Rustic Canyon, and what appears to be Rawvolution. [YouTube] See the article here: EaterWire : Oysters at Chaya, Five Guys Opening Feb 13, More!
Tags: between-the-pch, chipotle, civic-center, five guys, food, its-10th, melrose, restaurant, shopping, taste-terminal
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February 2, 2012
Matt Damon, one of Barack Obama’s earliest supporters and once one of his most staunch advocates, slammed the President in the new issue of Elle Magazine . “I’ve talked to a lot of people who worked for Obama at the grassroots level. One of them said to me, ‘Never again. I will never be fooled again by a politician,’” Damon tells the magazine . “You know, a one-term president with some balls who actually got stuff done would have been, in the long run of the country, much better.” Referring to the Occupy Wall Street movement, Damon continued: “If the Democrats think that they didn’t have a mandate — people are literally without any focus or leadership, just wandering out into the streets to yell right now because they are so pissed off … Imagine if they had a leader.” That echoes the President’s own words to Diane Sawyer in March of 2010 when he said, “I’d rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president… There’s a tendency in Washington to think that our job description, of elected officials, is to get reelected. That’s not our job description. Our job description is to solve problems and to help people.” The slam follows in the same vein as a number of other criticisms Damon has made of the President and the Democrats, including in March, when he criticized Obama’s education policy. “I really think he misinterpreted his mandate. A friend of mine said to me the other day, I thought it was a great line, ‘I no longer hope for audacity,’” Damon told CNN host Piers Morgan . “He’s doubled down on a lot of things, going back to education… the idea that we’re testing kids and we’re tying teachers salaries to how kids are performing on tests, that kind of mechanized thinking has nothing to do with higher order. We’re training them, not teaching them.” Later that month, he hit Obama on his handling of the economic crisis. “I think he’s rolled over to Wall Street completely. The economy has huge problems. We still have all these banks that are too big to fail. They’re bigger and making more money than ever. Unemployment at 10 percent? It’s terrible,” he told the Independent . Damon also criticized the President’s inability to get transformative things done, saying, “They had a chance that they don’t have any more to stand up for things. They’ve probably squandered that at this point. They’ll probably just make whatever deals they can to try to get elected again.” Currently, Obama and the Democrats are fighting with the House GOP over passing a compromise two month extension of the payroll tax cuts and unemployment benefits, amongst other things; they’ve already removed increased taxes on the wealthy from the deal. Damon’s criticism rings with disappointment after he so publicly lent his support to the then-Senator Obama during the 2008 election. He spent time campaigning for the then-candidate at rallies , promoting him through a MoveOn video contest and attending fundraisers for the man who would become the 44th President . In August, the star ripped a cameraman and reporter from a conservative publication who challenged his stance on education at a Save Our Schools event in Washington, DC. He then moved on to economic policy criticism. “The wealthy are paying less than they paid at any time else, certainly in my lifetime, and probably in the last century,” Damon told a reporter at the same event . “I don’t know what we were paying in the roaring 20′s; it’s criminal that so little is asked of people who are getting so much. I don’t mind paying more. I really don’t mind paying more taxes. I’d rather pay for taxes than cut ‘Reading is Fundamental’ or Head Start or some of these programs that are really helping kids. This is the greatest country in the world; is it really that much worse if you pay 6% more in taxes? Give me a break. Look at what you get for it: you get to be American.” Speaking of the then-protracted negotiations over the debt ceiling, he did show some sympathy for Obama. “I’m so disgusted,” he said. “I mean, no, I don’t know what you do in the face of that kind of intransigence. So, my heart does go out to the President. He is dealing with a lot.” Scarlett Johansson, Damon’s co-star in the upcoming film “We Bought A Zoo,” recently said that she wanted Obama elected to another four year term . The President still enjoys support in Hollywood, having recently attended fundraisers in Los Angeles filled with stars. Obama responded jokingly to Damon’s criticism at his White House Press Correspondents Dinner in late April, saying, “It’s fair to say that when it comes to my presidency, the honeymoon is over … Matt Damon said he [has been] disappointed in my performance. Well Matt, I just saw the ‘Adjustment Bureau,’ so … right back atcha buddy.” Earlier this month, Damon said he found the dig, which referenced his poorly reviewed sci-fi action film that came out last winter, pretty funny . For more, click over to Elle . Visit link: Matt Damon SLAMSs President Obama
Tags: barack-obama, cnn, creamery, hollywood, poorly-reviewed, prepare-the-ice, restaurant, second-time, video
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February 1, 2012
http://www.youtube.com/v/XewkBexOZ3g?version=3&f=user_uploads&app=youtube_gdata Video by Melissa Rohlin More: Lakers’ Darius Morris is hazed for failing to bring teammates In N Out
Tags: appid, beverly hills, bring-teammates, darius, darius-morris, local news, melissa, melissa-rohlin, missing, news, stream, video
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February 1, 2012
Follow: Stylelist-Beauty , Video , Katharine McPhee , Katharine McPhee Beauty , Katharine McPhee Hair , Katharine McPhee Makeup , Katharine Mcphee Smash , Stylelist-The-Two-Faces-Of , Stylelist-Uptown-Downtown Location: 69th Annual Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, California on January 15th, 2012 Look: The 27-year-old singer , who stars in the … (more) Excerpt from: POLL: Which Katharine McPhee Look Do You Like Best?
Tags: beverly, beverly hills, ca news, california, follow, globe-awards, seasons-hotel, smash, video
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January 31, 2012
Stylist Brad Goreski had his boyfriend, ” Will & Grace ” writer/producer Gary Janetti , a little worried when the pair agreed to play “Plead the Fifth” on ” Watch What Happens Live ” (Weeknights, 11 p.m. EST on Bravo). Host Andy Cohen asked, “Tell us one unflattering thing about Gary we would be surprised to hear.” To which Brad replied, “He loves getting blowouts.” A worried-looking Gary obviously thought Brad was going to say something else and just about exploded in relief when he heard the word “blowout.” Then, Cohen asked Brad to name a celebrity he would refuse to style. Diplomatically, Brad replied, “My door’s always open.” When Gary was in the hot seat, Cohen asked him “Will or Grace?” The answer: Will, natch . But Gary showed he could be just as diplomatic as Brad when asked what was the worst project he’d ever written for. He plead the fifth on that. Watch Andy and his guests in the Bravo clubhouse on “Watch What Happens Live,” Weeknights at 11 p.m. EST on Bravo. TV Replay scours the vast television landscape to find the most interesting, amusing, and, on a good day, amazing moments, and delivers them right to your browser. Here is the original post: Brad Goreski And Gary Janetti Play ‘Plead The Fifth’ With Andy Cohen
Tags: amazing-moments, beverly hills, boyfriend, bravo, browser, cohen, find-the-most, heard-the-word, janetti-play, little-worried, plead-the-fifth, scours-the-vast, video, will-or-grace
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January 31, 2012
Matthew Broderick needed a day off again after 26 long years, so the star of “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” relived his iconic ’80s role by calling in sick and enjoying a day of fun in Los Angeles. To launch the 2012 CR-V, Honda brought “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” back, casting Matthew Broderick, 49, as himself in the following funny video containing 26 references to the classic 1986 movie. For Ferris Bueller fans everywhere, including Californiality , watching Matthew Broderick play hooky from work is a vicarious treat which also brings back memories of care-free fun back in the day. Big thanks to Matthew Broderick and Honda for reminding all of us middle-aged folks that we didn’t just imagine the 1980s.
Tags: 1980s, angeles, bueller, california news, californiality, launch-the-2012, los angeles news, news, the-following, video
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January 31, 2012
http://www.youtube.com/v/TjhwbaRCz-Q?version=3&f=user_uploads&app=youtube_gdata Video by Melissa Rohlin See the original post: Blake Griffin discusses his monster dunk over Kendrick Perkins
Tags: angeles, appid, bryant, chris, dunk, jordan, kendrick-perkins, latimes, melissa, melissa-rohlin, michael, monster, read-the-rest, times, video
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January 31, 2012
Torie Osborn doesn’t seem too upset about the pretty nasty outburst West Hollywood Mayor John Duran made at last Wednesday’s West Hollywood-Beverly Hills Democratic Club endorsement meeting in Weho. In fact, Osborn is now asking viewers of the video showing Duran’s interruption to pay up. A recent campaign email titled “VIRAL VIDEO: WeHo Mayor Threatens Me” includes the tagline, “Click here to see the video—and help us turn this shocking incident into a campaign opportunity,” linking directly to Osborn’s ActBlue fundraising page . Next to the embedded YouTube clip, a message on the page reads: “Watch the video on the right, and then donate $3 below to help us fight these attacks and advance our grassroots momentum!” By the time the 50th Assembly District candidate won the endorsement—at the end of the nearly three-hour meeting last week—Duran could no longer contain his frustration. Storming out, he said, “West Hollywood will not forget this,” plus a few choice words. Osborn told Patch after the meeting: “We’re in it to win it. I have a grass-roots army that’s working with me. … People joining clubs in order to vote for who they vote for is part of the grass roots. It just is part of the tactics. People do it all the time. I’m proud of my troops.” A representative from Osborn’s campaign did not immediately respond for an updated comment. Beverly Hills is joining the newly created 50th Assembly District in the November 2012 election due to redistricting. Until then the city is represented by Mike Feuer as part of the 42nd Assembly District. Be sure to follow Beverly Hills Patch on Twitter and “Like” us on Facebook . Read this article: AD 50 Candidate Osborn Lures Donors With Weho Mayor’s Outburst Video
Tags: appid, assembly-district, beverly hills, hollywood-mayor, los angeles, los angeles county, mayor, osborn, oscar, oscar-race, screen-actors, time, video, west hollywood
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January 31, 2012
Street artist Buff Monster — whose website tagline is “art of super happy pink” — recently took over the 6th Street wall of the Standard Downtown, reports the Huffington Post . The mural he painted on the hotel’s south side features plenty of his trademark color, as well as creatures that look like desserts wandering about in a desert. more › Read the original post: Video: Buff Monster Takes Over Standard Downtown’s 6th Street Mural
Tags: arts & entertainment, ca news, features-plenty, huffington, jerry-sanders, la news, monster-takes, street-mural, super-happy, trademark, video
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January 30, 2012
The SAG Awards are usually a precursor to the Oscars, so the golden statuettes presented at last night’s Screen Actors Guild Awards might show some hints on favorites at the upcoming Academy Awards in Hollywood. Earning awards at the 2012 SAG Awards were Betty White, Alec Baldwin, Jessica Lange, Steve Buscemi, Kate Winslet, Paul Giamatti, Octavia Spencer, Christopher Plummer, Viola Davis and Jean Dujardin . TV legend Mary Tyler Moore received the SAG Life Achievement Award to thunderous applause. Outstanding productions honored at the SAG Awards included “The Help,” “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2,” “Boardwalk Empire,” “Modern Family,” and “Game of Thrones.” The atmosphere at the Screen Actors Guild Awards was light, familiar and free of nerves because the SAG Awards are all about entertainment industry peers voting for peers. Everyone had a genuinely fun time in a room full of warm vibes. The acceptance speech by SAG Award winner Viola Davis of “The Help” was emotionally moving (video below). List of 2012 SAG Awards Winners: Cast in a Motion Picture – “The Help” Male Actor in a Leading Role – Jean Dujardin, “The Artist” Female Actor in a Leading Role – Viola Davis, “The Help” Male Actor in a Supporting Rol e – Christopher Plummer, “Beginners” Female Actor in a Supporting Role – Octavia Spencer, “The Help” Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture – “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2 ” Male Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries – Paul Giamatti, “Too Big to Fail” Female Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries – Kate Winslet, “Mildred Pierce” Male Actor in a Drama Series – Steve Buscemi, “Boardwalk Empire” Female Actor in a Drama Series – Jessica Lange, “American Horror Story” Male Actor in a Comedy Series – Alec Baldwin, “30 Rock” Female Actor in a Comedy Series – Betty White, “Hot In Cleveland” Ensemble in a Drama Series – “Boardwalk Empire” Ensemble in a Comedy Series – “Modern Family” Stunt Ensemble in a Television Series – “Game of Thrones” SAG Life Achievement Award – Mary Tyler Moore
Tags: artist, awards, ca news, comedy, family, female-actor, harry-potter, los angeles, modern-family, motion-picture, stunt-ensemble, television, viola-davis
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