Ohio state highway patrol chase I seen right in front of my friends house, guy almost gets shot, and at end of the video a cop rolls up and asks if this will…
Here may be the most commonplace sentence anyone could write about graduation day in any year: when I think back to my own graduation in 1966, an eon, a lifetime, a world ago, I have no memory of who addressed us.
The National Security Agency is collecting the telephone records of millions of American customers of Verizon via an order that requires the company to hand over the records on an “ongoing, daily basis,” Glenn Greenwald reports in The Guardian. Millions of Verizon Phone Records Secretly Collected Daily (Video) – Truthdig
No one above the age of 21 was involved in making this article. September 17, 2011 : The first show Matt Tavares, Chester Hansesn & Alex Sowinski played as BADBADNOTGOOD was in the back room of Toronto’s Red Light resto-lounge. Their second show was opening for Roy Ayers at the Fourth Annual Nujazz Festival two months later to encore chants. Since then, their RARE blend of jazz and hip-hop has blown up into YouTube basement jam sessions with Tyler the Creator, work with Earl Sweatshirt , and starting Friday, pulling double duty as Coachella’s band-in-residence , playing six different sets, and backing for Frank Ocean at both weekends. Needless to say, things are taking off for them in a major way. BBNG started the way all best friendships do: through hip-hop. Meeting through the jazz program at Humber College, drummer/pig mask enthusiast Alex Sowinski, 20, hit it off with future keyboardist Matt Tavares, 21, over a shared appreciation for Metal Fingers . “We found out we went to the same MF Doom show a year (prior)” says Alex. “Then we found out we grew up a block away from each other in rural Ontario, so it was pretty interesting.” Bassist Chester Hansen, 19, was brought into the fold soon after. “We liked hip-hop, that’s basically how it happened. We’ve been sharing & having an appreciation for all that. F-kin’ hip-hop.” The band’s influences are equal parts The Roots, Mos Def and Three 6 Mafia as they are Bill Evans, Robert Glasper and John Coltrane. Their conversations about jazz amongst themselves could go on for days, the three of them breaking out encyclopedic knowledge of artists like Eric Duffy, bassist Scott LaFaro, drummer Chris Dave & solo saxophonist Colin Stetson. “Flying Lotus and all those guys are pushing boundaries, too.” It bleeds through in the music. Their first release BBNG (the product of three hours in their first ever studio session) is filled with jazz interpolations of Gang Starr (“Mass Appeal”), Nas/Ol’ Dirty Bastard (“The World is Yours”/”Brooklyn Zoo”) and Slum Village (the J Dilla masterpiece “Fall in Love”). Alex says, “I feel like the cover thing is like, not in a lame way, but it’s pretty cool because you can take a song that will never see the light of this combination of style of music and you can give it some new life.” They deconstruct the four bar loops, understanding how to work crescendos by stretching out and reshaping the music into their own vision of silky smooth key progressions, pounding drums, and tasty bass lines. BBNG also specializes in getting ratchet as all hell. Their covers of Waka Flocka Flame’s “Hard In Da Paint” (BRIIIIIIIICKSQUAAAAAAD), Lil B, and crowd killer Gucci Mane’s “Lemonade” had the people moshing at their last Dilla tribute show. Their newest release BBNG2 has an official, mastered version of this, using Tyler the Creator’s intro track to Bastard as their own. Peep the 2:43 mark and hold on. They completely abuse Bangladesh and their instruments as the keys come crashing down on those ubiquitous chords, the drums spiraling out of control as the bass strums along, trying to keep up the pace. This goes back and forth for another five minutes, snapping back and forth from slight composure to all hell breaking loose in the music. BBNG2 sees them expanding their sound, mixing their covers with a set of original material as well. “We all write chord progressions and make beats… they’re all a combination of songs certain people started writing a riff on and we all just kind of came together as a band doing it.” The lead single “UWM” (above), featuring saxophonist Leland Whitty showcases the band’s innately natural musical talent, layering rolling strings and sax over a marching drum roll through the course of a six-minute jam session. The video is a single shot performance of them eating cereal in their apartment with their friends, sitting on a couch as they play hypeman to their own music. Bobbing their heads and playing drums in the air, the friends pile into their shoot in sync with the instruments, drifting out of frame as the saxophone goes. Their talent hasn’t gone un-noticed, most notably by Tyler the Creator. A by-product of their Odd Future Sessions (above), Wolf Haley came through to their own basement before his Odd Future shows and jammed out to an extended play of “Orange Juice” (below), “Seven” and “Fish,” over a million views combined on YouTube. When asked what direction they want to take the band, their first, half-jokingly response was “Beats for Kanye” followed up by a much more Based answer. “We just want to keep planning shows, playing festivals, stuff like that. We really want to do a lot of producing and stuff like that… Matt is really good with production, so we just want to keep making tons of music and keep playing a lot of music, collaborating, just seeing where everything goes.” As of now, everything is undoubtedly going the right way. ’90s babies have arrived. BADBADNOTGOOD will be appearing at Coachella as the band-in-residence & backing for Frank Ocean both weekends, April 13-15 & 20-22. “BBNG2″ & all previous releases are available FO’ FREE at badbadnotgood.com Photo by Sean Berrigan : Site / Twitter See the article here: Jerell Tongson: Rotten Decay : BADBADNOTGOOD Is Re-Defining the Genre
Two California women and their tour guide were kidnapped by gunmen at the foot of Mount Sinai in Egypt, where Moses received two stone tablets with the Ten Commandments from God. The two Californians, Norma Supe of Union City and Patti Gamal of Los Gatos, were abducted by Bedouin tribesmen wanting American hostages as leverage for the release of two of their el-Qararsha tribesmen being held by the Egyptian government. When the armed tribesmen demanded that two Americans get off the stopped tour bus, Ms. Supe and Ms. Gamal offered themselves as hostages to protect the other American tourists on the bus. As the Bedouin kidnappers drove through the mountains for hours, the two brave California women, both devout Christians, began telling their captors about faith in God as their kidnapped tour guide, Zaki , translated. The two Californians told their kidnappers that they were not afraid of them because “God had a purpose for this,” as Norma Supe declared, while Patti Gamal said, “God has sent us here.” The kidnappers listened to the two fearlessly outspoken California women in amazement, they gave the women tea, pita bread and dried fruit, and talked about religion and tribal rights around a campfire in the dark of night. The Egyptian kidnappers had never heard women speak so boldly and with such authority.
NEW YORK — Paris Hilton may have put her family’s name on the reality TV map, but her aunt Kyle Richards is hot on her tail with a new book and a TV pilot about her life. Richards’ outspoken personality served her well as a child actress growing up in Hollywood, going head-to-head with her feisty castmates on Bravo’s “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,” and most recently dishing out relationship, fashion and lifestyle advice in her new book, “Life Is Not a Reality Show: Keeping It Real With the Housewife Who Does It All,” published by HarperOne. In the book, Richards, who has been married for 17 years and is the mother of four girls, offers tips on everything from dealing with infidelity to how to get her signature silky locks. In a recent interview, she discussed her new projects, her sister Kim Richards’ stint in rehab and her biggest “Housewife” blowout. AP: How did you come up with the idea for your book? Richards: I grew up in a house of all women. You know, my mom, my grandmother and my sisters (Kim Richards and Kathy Hilton). … And every time they would come home, my mom would flip the light on and would say, “OK, tell me everything you did from the date, from beginning to the end.”… I used to lay there and pretend I was sleeping and listen to every little crumb – what they did wrong, what they didn’t do. … It was the best education you could ever get. And once I started the show and people saw my relationship with my husband, I got so many comments and questions on Twitter that I really thought it would be fun to talk about things that worked for me. AP: What is one of the biggest mistakes that women make in relationships? Richards: A lot people want love, but they don’t give it. I see so many of my friends with their husbands; they don’t think that they need the same attention as we do. I want my husband to feel like no one is going to love and adore him like I do. … You’d be surprised when you give that how much love you get in return. AP: Do you have any regrets about this season of “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills”? How about your argument with castmate Brandi Glanville on Game Night? Richards: Brandi and the Game Night thing is probably my biggest regret of everything we’ve done on the “Housewives.” Even more so than the limo fight with my sister (Kim). Because in the limo with my sister, even though I got a lot of heat from that, people were angry, that’s what I was feeling … but with Game Night, that’s just not who I am, period. I was not being true to myself and to me that’s the worst thing that could happen. AP: How is Kim doing in rehab? Richards: She’s good. You know, there are rumors that she had left rehab, she did not. She’s doing really well, and I’m just really happy and proud of her for making that decision. AP: So what’s next? Richards: I just sold a pilot, a half-hour sitcom. I can’t say which network, but it’s about my life. It’s basically my life being a juggling mom, wife and being on a reality show. AP: If you don’t play yourself, which Hollywood starlet would you like to play you? Richards: I would want it to be somebody that’s really funny and could capture the humor of being a mom and all the humor that comes with being on a reality show, so maybe Jennifer Aniston or Jenny McCarthy. I don’t know, someone really funny. ___ Online: ___ Visit link: Kylie Richards Sells TV Pilot About Her Life
I always like to circle back to see how many Personal Green Promises (PGP) that I made at the beginning of the year did I actually keep. Even if I was successful, I hope to take even bigger steps along the green journey in 2012. How about you? Recycling and reusing some ideas from my last New Year’s article , I recommend making a new PGP each month. The more you work at it, the more likely you are to turn these promises into habits. From last year: Order reasonable amounts of food when I eat at local restaurants. With no leftovers to take home, there’s no need for to-go Styrofoam containers. A clean plate means less food in the landfill. Done! And now for 2012: PGP No. 1: Meatless Mondays. We’re mostly meatless at my house, but making this commitment when you know that thousands of other families are doing the same thing provides a sense of worldwide community. Just imagine what it takes to bring one hamburger to your table—from cattle grazing to trucks delivering the products. Eating one fewer burger a week lessens your carbon footprint on so many levels. PGP No. 2: Quit buying new plastic containers. I’m scouting Beverly Hills estate sales for previously used tins, boxes and bins. PGP No. 3: Try out NeighborGoods . This Los Angeles-based website is a clearinghouse that provides a safe way to find items to loan out or borrow from neighbors. From its site: Need a ladder? Borrow it from your neighbor. Have a bike collecting dust in your closet? Lend it out and make a new friend. By sharing with your neighbors, you can save money while reducing waste and strengthen your local community in the process. I plugged in “90210” on the site to see who has what in our area, but, alas, I learned from NeighborGoods that, “We just launched in your area! Help us grow by inviting your friends.” If anyone needs to borrow a wheelbarrow, let me know! PGP No. 3: Keep shopping local! Promoting healthy eating is an ongoing goal of the Beverly Hills Farmers’ Market , as well as Whole Foods Market . “Our Health Starts Here campaign is in full swing with the start of 2012,” Whole Foods Beverly Hills marketing supervisor Ellen Prager said. The initiative includes free classes, support groups, market tours and informative signage—all in support of the chain’s effort to get people eating whole, unprocessed foods, a colorful variety of plants, healthy fats and nutrient-dense items. What are your PGPs for 2012? Share yours in the comments section below. Happy New Year from The Green Files! Be sure to follow Beverly Hills Patch on Twitter and “Like” us on Facebook . Read this article: Make Personal Green Promises for the New Year
When Jack Abramoff ran for eighth-grade class president at Hawthorne Elementary School in Beverly Hills, he was called into the principal’s office because his father had exceeded the $15 spending limit by throwing a campaign barbecue. More: Jack Abramoff on How to Win Friends and Buy Congresspeople
Actor Morgan Freeman arrives at Vertu Grand opening for their new LA Boutique, Rodeo Drive on June 9, 2010 in Beverly Hills, California. Go here to read the rest: Freeman and Baldwin offer dates for charity