2015 Tesla Model S P85D, winner of “Top Green Vehicle” in AAA Green Car Guide. Testing conducted at Automobile Club of Southern California’s Automotive Research Center. http://www.
Vibrant gems are so coveted this spring that Diamond & Estate Trust is devoting this entire week to gorgeous colored diamonds . Although we’ve all spotted celebrities wearing pink, yellow, and brown diamonds at recent Red Carpet events, there’s one colored diamond so rare that most people go their entire lives without seeing it: the green diamond. Here’s a quick primer on the legendary, elusive green diamond. A fancy vivid green diamond from the Diamond & Estate Trust collection How rare are green diamonds? If you’ve been reading our colored diamond blogs this week, you already know that all natural colored diamonds are extremely rare: Only one in 10,000 diamonds mined is a color other than white. But within the spectrum of colored diamonds , the green diamond is one of the rarest of them all (second only to the red diamond). It’s estimated that only about 10 green diamonds enter the marketplace each year, which explains why even A-List celebrities and the world’s nobility have a difficult time getting a hold of a green diamond. How do green diamonds get their color? Diamonds take on a green color when some type of natural radiation occurs while they’re forming within the Earth. Although all naturally-occurring green diamonds are extremely rare and, therefore, extremely valuable, the three most coveted green diamonds are fancy , fancy intense, and fancy vivid green. Whereas most colored diamonds are valued for a rich, deep color , green diamonds classified as fancy deep or fancy dark often lose their luster and resemble emeralds more than diamonds , making them a less desirable option. Because a green diamond is caused by natural radiation , it’s often difficult to tell whether a green diamond has been artificially heat-treated with radiation to achieve its color. Even more so than with other colored diamonds , it’s crucial to check the gem’s certification to determine that it was not artificially treated. What are some famous green diamonds? The Dresden Green The Dresden Green diamond is by far the most famous green diamond in the world. The 41 carat diamond is the largest known apple green diamond, and gets its name from the capitol of Saxony, Germany, where it has been housed for centuries. Although not as vibrantly green as the Dresden Green, the Orlov Diamond is another notable green diamond . Discovered in India, the 189.62 carat rose-cut Orlov Diamond is part of the Diamond Treasury of Russia. Its faint bluish-green tint makes it an extremely light – yet still extremely striking – example of a green diamond. Only a few green diamonds have ever been sold at auction. One green diamond, a 3.19 carat fancy green diamond ear pendant, was sold along with a yellow diamond ear pendant for $343,498 at a Christie’s auction in 2000. The largest green diamond ever sold at auction, a 2.52 carat vivid green diamond, fetched $3.08 million at a 2009 Sotheby’s auction in Geneva. What cuts work best for green diamonds? Like most colored diamonds , green diamonds look the most striking in cuts such as princess, radiant or round brilliant, all of which emphasize the depth and hue of a diamond. Green diamonds and Diamond & Estate Trust If you’re searching for the rarest, most exquisite gem the world has to offer, the green diamond is the perfect choice. Diamond & Estate Trust ’s collection of colored diamonds includes extraordinary loose gems in all colors of the rainbow, including green. View our constantly evolving collection of gems, diamonds and vintage jewelry to see what new colored diamonds we’ve acquired. Diamond & Estate Trust is Southern California’s premier buyer and seller of diamonds, gems, vintage jewelry and luxury watches . For the ultimate vibrant statement piece, we invite you to explore our exquisite collection of colored diamonds . Want to learn more about colored diamonds? Be sure to check out yesterday’s post on the pink diamond, and visit our blog everyday this week for a profile on a different colored diamond . Follow this link: Green Diamond Guide – Jewelry Trend 2012
The 2012 Rose Parade, which takes place on Monday, January 2nd in accordance with the “Never On A Sunday” tradition, steps off at 8am PST. Southern Californians who make the trek to watch the parade in person face traffic, limited parking and limited space along the 5.5 mile parade route — but that won’t stop the approximately 700,000 people who are expected to make it out there. The OC Register’s infographic guide to the Rose Parade notes that parking “is a nightmare,” but that savvy spectators would be wise to park on Pasadena streets starting at noon the day before the parade. The parade steps off on South Orange Grove Boulevard and Green Street and then marches east on Colorado Boulevard. The parade ends by turning north on Sierra Madre Boulevard and stopping at Villa Street. Check out a list of street closures related to the Rose Parade . The rest of us can watch live coverage of the events on KTLA (which is also doing a live feed online ), and East Coast viewers can catch it on local ABC and NBC stations from 11am to 1pm EST. National channels covering the parade include the Hallmark Channel, Home & Garden and Univision, according to the SF Examiner . As for those who are interested in this year’s unofficial float, Gigaom reports that Spencer Miller will be broadcasting Occupy The Rose Parade online. Details to be announced on Miller’s twitter feed . Leading the parade in its 123rd year is Grand Marshall J.R. Martinez, a military veteran turned inspirational speaker and actor (and the 2011 champion of Dancing With The Stars ). In a press conference on Friday , Martinez expressed both gratitude and disbelief about his role in the upcoming parade. “It’s really going to be amazing… I think that’s really going to hit me in an emotional way,” he said. “To think, here I am bringing in 2012 in such an unbelievable way.” Rose Queen Drew Washington also joins the parade, where she will appear with six rose princesses: Morgan Eliza Devaud, Stephanie Grace Hynes, Cynthia Megan Louie, Kimberly Victoria Ostiller, Hanan Bulto Worku and Sarah Nicole Zuno. Richard Jackson, president of the Tournament of Roses, praised this year’s royal court, saying, “We are so honored to have them as a part of our Tournament of Roses family. These beautiful, smart and poised young ladies have been and will continue to be excellent ambassadors of the Tournament of Roses.” Stay tuned to the Huffington Post for more coverage of the 2012 Rose Parade. Preparing For The Parade In the slideshow below, volunteers work on the Everybody Walk float, a caterpillar with a walking stick and compass. Organizers at EverybodyWalks.org want parade-goers to know the health benefits of walking: the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other diseases are decreased, and years can be added to a life with a regular walking routine. All photos by Deborah Zeitman/ EveryBodyWalk.org . Captions by Jason Evans. See more here: How To Watch The Pasadena Rose Parade
Tonight Showtime launches another great series that examines comedy, “Inside Comedy,” as, hopefully, a supplement to the brilliant series “The Green Room With Paul Provenza.” — “The Office” has a spinoff next year. — TV news & The TV Junkie Must-Watch Plan. more › Link: TV Junkie: Showtime Premieres ‘Inside Comedy’ Tonight
I always like to circle back to see how many Personal Green Promises (PGP) that I made at the beginning of the year did I actually keep. Even if I was successful, I hope to take even bigger steps along the green journey in 2012. How about you? Recycling and reusing some ideas from my last New Year’s article , I recommend making a new PGP each month. The more you work at it, the more likely you are to turn these promises into habits. From last year: Order reasonable amounts of food when I eat at local restaurants. With no leftovers to take home, there’s no need for to-go Styrofoam containers. A clean plate means less food in the landfill. Done! And now for 2012: PGP No. 1: Meatless Mondays. We’re mostly meatless at my house, but making this commitment when you know that thousands of other families are doing the same thing provides a sense of worldwide community. Just imagine what it takes to bring one hamburger to your table—from cattle grazing to trucks delivering the products. Eating one fewer burger a week lessens your carbon footprint on so many levels. PGP No. 2: Quit buying new plastic containers. I’m scouting Beverly Hills estate sales for previously used tins, boxes and bins. PGP No. 3: Try out NeighborGoods . This Los Angeles-based website is a clearinghouse that provides a safe way to find items to loan out or borrow from neighbors. From its site: Need a ladder? Borrow it from your neighbor. Have a bike collecting dust in your closet? Lend it out and make a new friend. By sharing with your neighbors, you can save money while reducing waste and strengthen your local community in the process. I plugged in “90210” on the site to see who has what in our area, but, alas, I learned from NeighborGoods that, “We just launched in your area! Help us grow by inviting your friends.” If anyone needs to borrow a wheelbarrow, let me know! PGP No. 3: Keep shopping local! Promoting healthy eating is an ongoing goal of the Beverly Hills Farmers’ Market , as well as Whole Foods Market . “Our Health Starts Here campaign is in full swing with the start of 2012,” Whole Foods Beverly Hills marketing supervisor Ellen Prager said. The initiative includes free classes, support groups, market tours and informative signage—all in support of the chain’s effort to get people eating whole, unprocessed foods, a colorful variety of plants, healthy fats and nutrient-dense items. What are your PGPs for 2012? Share yours in the comments section below. Happy New Year from The Green Files! Be sure to follow Beverly Hills Patch on Twitter and “Like” us on Facebook . Read this article: Make Personal Green Promises for the New Year
“Santa Ana Winds” is a 2011 song about Los Angeles by the Americana rock band Sons Of Bill from Charlottesville, Virginia. Composed by songwriter Abe Wilson , “Santa Ana Winds” lyrically portrays the emotions of one who visits the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles as the Santa Ana winds go to his head, calling out his name in the blinding moonlight. That pretty much sums up how the famous Santa Ana winds affect people.
After much anticipation amongst real estate-o-philes in Los Angeles and no doubt around the world author and journalist Michael Gross’ latest exposé Unreal Estate finally hits the bookstores and online retailers tomorrow. We are a fan. And not, mind y’all, just because a substantial quote by yours truly appears on the book jacket and not either because we are also referenced and quoted repeatedly in chapter three. It’s because, for better and worse, we love a thick and juicy real estate tale of the rich and famous and at that Mister Gross is a master. Many of the children surely already know–and all of the children who care a whit about such trivial matters should–Mister Gross penned 740 Park , a delectably hair-raising history of 740 Park Avenue–one of the most exclusive and enigmatic buildings in New York City–and its parade of improbably wealthy residents. Your Mama spent a good portion of the unusually warm weekend tucked into a butterfly chair in our shaded back yard with an advanced copy of Unreal Estate , a 500-page tome that exhaustively unravels the hidden histories of more than a dozen of Los Angeles’ greatest and most storied estates in what’s commonly called the Platinum Triangle, the high-priced nexus of Beverly Hills, Holmby Hills and Bel Air. The real estate, as delish as it is to read about, acts primarily as the lubricant for Mister Gross’ real subject(s): the astonishingly luxurious, weirdly insular, sometimes sordid, often unsavory and frequently tragic palace intrigues of their (usually) well-heeled and (always) high-living residents. Take for instance the extreme decadence and rather sordid melodrama that has surrounded Grayhall , a vast, 20-bathroom Beverly Hills pile built by a Boston banker and later owned by a laundry list of Tinseltown legends like Douglas Fairbanks, too-tan actor/gadabout George Hamilton, a high-flying (and shady-seeming) international financier named Bernie Cornfeld who like Hugh Hefner housed dozens of women in dorm-like bedrooms, and Herbalife’s multi-level marketing master Mark Hughes and two of his wives. Tabloid-inclined readers will enjoy the scads of scandalicious morsels about about west coast movers and shakers like now deceased Holmby Hills resident Alfred Bloomingdale, heir to the eponymous department store fortune, Ronald Reagan kitchen cabinet member, and enjoyer of kinky sex who kept a much younger mistress on retainer for a dozen years. His long-time wife and widow Betsy remains ensconced in the couple’s grand Delfern Drive mansion and a prominent and powerful force amongst the hoitiest of the toitiest in Los Angeles’ haute society. Then there’s poor Dolly Green, the privileged daughter of Burton Green, a co-founder of Beverly Hills. The grande dame, sometimes portrayed by Mister Gross as rather crass and course, lived large and fast but ultimately died alone but for and at the mercy of her domestic staff and legal advisers. Miz Green lived lavishly in a spectacular Wallace Neff-designed mansion on Bellagio Road in Bel Air now owned by soap opera tycoon Bill Bell and his philanthropically-minded wife Maria. We recommend Unreal Estate be read in close proximity to an internet-abled computer because it’s good fun to key in the (often provided) addresses of the discussed estates for a delicious aerial peep of the very real unreality of real estate in the Platinum Triangle. Late last week the Deadline Hollywood blog announced that Mister Gross’ book has been optioned by the folks at HBO for a Joel Silver-produced series. Mavel tov Mister Gross! Mister Gross will be reading from Unreal Estate in New York tomorrow (Barnes and Noble on East 86th Street at 7pm) and at Book Soup on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles on November 10 at 7pm. photo: Broadway Books Follow this link: Book Review: Unreal Estate